Im falling off the wagon


I seem to be snacking a lot on unhealthy food. I want to just give up and give into the ice cream and chips. I want to lose wieght, but the tempting snacks are starting to get to me. Ive been good, up untill last week. Last week i didnt lose any weight, so i think im getting discouraged. But every time i put junk in my mouth i think about my weight going up... but that doesnt seem to be enough to stop me.



  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    STOP step away from the treats! What can you do that will give you some of the same feeling? Do you like protein shakes? Chocolate? it might have the same feeling! But if you can make it without the processed food, you will stop craving so many treats. Drinking enough water? It helps with the cravings when you aren't hungry all the time.:flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • mamtz26
    mamtz26 Posts: 22
    Nabisco makes all kinds of 100 calorie snacks...when I'm hungry or just want something sweet I grab one of these little bags and it satisfies and I don't feel guilty. Or if I'm watching my sugars for the day I may grab a salty snack , they have both and combinations too! Just get back on track and don't punish yourself . Just find a solution you can live with and enjoy! :)
  • JennyVirginia
    Hang in there - you can do it! I agree drinking lots of water helps curb my cravings and working out on a daily basis helps me too. I also love Luna Bars - the chocolate brownie nut is my favorite. They also have snack size ones. They are I believe 70% organic packed with good nutrition. It helps me with my chocolate cravings and the protein shakes are a good idea too - you could add ice and it would be like your drinking a milk shake. The time I get the worse "munchies" is in the evening when I'm watching TV - I usually sip on tea with splenda and that helps!! Just stay positive - Hard work does indeed pay off!!
  • BethOtt
    BethOtt Posts: 1 Member
    I would agree with the previous post - drink plenty of water but also try to stay away from soda. I do find that even drinking diet soda leads to craving junk food. I have been pretty successful with weight loss since the beginning of the new year and I have pretty much given up diet soda - which used to be my favorite drink! I also crave chocolate every so often and find that the 100 calorie packs of chocolate covered pretzels and 100 calorie Nutty Bars are GREAT!! And don't give up on yourself - you may not lose as much as you think you should in a given amount of time but the weight will come off...also remember - nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels! Good luck.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    "Doesn't taste as good as skinny feels" is in your profile. Maybe instead of thinking of each bite of junk putting weight on, think instead about how each bite NOT taken is taking weight off. Then , maybe if you must have a taste , you will at least stop there and not just give up and eat the whole bag on chips or whatever. And yes, try reaching for the water bottle instead, or anything else that will not sabotage your progress.

    Just don't give in or give up. You can do this.
  • Evasher
    Evasher Posts: 20
    Try a cup of relaxing tea. Think of something you would like to do for yourself. for instance, I am planning to get rid of the winter hibernation by taking an art class. I am not an artist but look forward to being with new people and playing with paints. Keep the faith, we are all in this together. Try to take a walk...though I have not been able to to walk for the longest time, it seems, and only indoors, this weekend I walked for 1/2 hour on a community path and tonight at the university for the same length of time. It is not a marathon but it is a start for me. Good luck. Let us know how you are doing!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    So you had some it really a deal breaker? A few snacks should not mean we go back completely to our old habits. I fell off the wagon this weekend (again) but I'm figuring out things on this journey so I don't have to take it again & again! My take on it is, that every "fall" is just a lesson waiting to be learned.
    What triggers your snacking? When do you snack the most? Are their any foods that trigger it?
    I learned that I can't sit by myself and watch TV, so I workout after the kids go to bed and do the elliptical while watching TV or do a DVD workout. I don't snack at night plus I get in a workout!
    You can do this, just remember this is not a race this is a journey for you to learn from!
    Best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Did you make too many changes too quickly? This is not a diet that you do for a certain time and then stop; this is a new lifestyle. If you deprive yourself of favourite foods they will haunt you with cravings. Try to figure out why you want certain foods and then either work around them if you can, or have just a small taste. One thing that worked for me when I quit smoking was to tell myself "I won't smoke right now but I'll have one in a half hour." I kept telling myself that, and a few times I did cave in, but I've not smoked in 20+ years now. Look at the long term goal and even if you do give in to cravings once in a while, get right back on that wagon and carry on. The cravings will diminish if you stick to your program. :drinker:
  • lchisum
    lchisum Posts: 18 Member
    I recommend just getting rid o the treats! Keeping them around is only setting you up for defeat. We are all entitled to treat ourseves occasionally especially when balanced with exercise, but make yourself work or it. I find that if I am going to have to get up and drive to town in order to have a sweet treat, it makes me really evaluate whether or not it is worth it! Also, plan for your munchies! Buy & keep healthy snacks...fruits, vegetables & i you must have sweets, stock up on some weight watchers or slim fast type of chocolates...