I joined awhile back BUT...

Hi all...I joined awhile back but never really got engaged...and of course my weight got worst! lol Just saying hello and ready to lose some weight... was thinking about a gluten free fast just to get healthy but I know that's very hard to do...

willing to lose the weight gradually over time...


  • In the same boat. Put on 8 more pounds. Trying to get back to where I as four years ago. Where are you located?
  • Hey, I joined over a year ago and was doing really well, then Christmas happened and everything went downhill from there. I've been struggling with my weight for the last 7 years since I turned 30. I used to be able to eat what I want, not exercise and stay relatively slim but once I hit 30 something strange happened and everything got wider so I need to really focus on what I'm eating and on getting my butt off the office chair and get some exercise in.

    How are you going with it all so far? Have you only just started to really focus on this? I have after getting on the scales a week and a half ago and realising I was heavier than I've ever been.
  • hey blue...i'm in jersey
  • TonnaJai
    TonnaJai Posts: 49 Member
    Kind in the same boat, I stopped logging when my friends came and wasn't engaged, now I am back at it! Best wishes all!
  • Hey kimmy..i know what you mean...but I like the food tracker that myfitpal has...as you see the calories add up during the day..you began to make better choices. I just really started to get focused and want to just feel comfortable in my body again. I'm not use to the extra weight!! I was always an athletic outdoors type of person and like you could eat what I want...but it changes when you get older...lol So now i'm tracking calories...lol I'm sure we can do it!! Let's Go ;-)
  • Sarahkov12
    Sarahkov12 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been a member for 60 days. At my heaviest I weighed 218. A few years ago I joined weight watchers with a friend and got down to 171, which was pretty much the smallest I'd ever been as an adult. I felt amazing! Started signing up for 5k's and long distance charity bike rides. I came a long way from the girl who always got picked last for kickball! Then I got pregnant! And gained weight. I didn't gain it all back but I struggled the whole first year getting back into a routine. At the beginning of this year I decided I wanted to lose 50 pounds and I did pretty well. I took off 40 but then eventually put 10 back on. I needed support! That's when a friend told me about mfp. Now 2 months later I am totally addicted! I love all the support and advice! Having said all that, we are coming into a hard time of year for me. I love to cook and bake. There are so many temptations- potlucks, parties...I am currently about 22 pounds away from my smallest pre pregnancy weight. I hope to lose instead of gain during the holidays this year. I'm always looking to add friends to motivate and inspire me, as I hope I do for them. I look forward to reading everyone's posts on my newsreel and I try to post something positive daily (I said I was addicted! Lol!) any one can feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • That's great Sarah! Sounds like you know you can do it and it's just a matter of getting into that routine. Holidays are hard for everyone but as they say...everything in moderation! I know you will get it done and help others along the way...