Does spaghetti squash taste like pasta?



  • TracyLeigh318
    TracyLeigh318 Posts: 9 Member
    That sounds really good! I'm gonna have to try your recipe!
  • leeannjf
    Do you actually put spaghetti sauce on it? I want to try this, but I hate to spend the time and $ on something and not like it. I just wanted to ask those of you who have actually tried it--Did you really feel like you were eating pasta? Thanks! :smile:

    actually my favorite way to eat it it baked with butter and add brown sugar, it may not be amazingly low cal, but it is amazing
  • back2a4
    back2a4 Posts: 15 Member
  • eckabad
    No, It doesn't taste like pasta, and it's a little crunchier then pasta (at lease when I've made it...) But it tastes good! through some sauce, and grilled chicken on there and call it good! I love it. I was cautious at first to. just don't think of it as pasta. think of it as something you're going to eat instead of pasta, and you'll be fine. :) I think it's yummy!
  • akmlebre
    akmlebre Posts: 32 Member
    Im curious as to where you can buy spagetti squash
  • khmdm
    khmdm Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas. Going to try several of them.
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
  • lrowello
    lrowello Posts: 1 Member
    i just made it for the first time. i baked it, and i'd suggest that. it's a little crunchy, so no, doesn't feel like spaghetti. i made it with homemade sauce and beanballs. it's delicious. not runny at all and no taste without the sauce on it. a perfect alternative.
  • brianfr143
    On it's own, no it doesn't taste like pasta but is still really good....I toss it with some butter spray, s&p and garlic powder and it's a great side dish. HOWEVER, when you toss it with some sauce (I usually do 1/4 barilla marinra zapped in micro for 1 min) what you are tasting is the sauce with the texture of angel hair pasta so it really does "fool" you into feeling like you're eating pasta....I just had some last night done this way!! Overall, DEFINATELY worth the $$ to try and experiment for yourself

    addendum** I just split mine, seeded it toss it in a pyrex baking dish covered with plastic wrap and cook in microwave for 10-12 minutes....perfect everytime
  • madreap
    madreap Posts: 6 Member
    I have always liked it - I didn't notice anybody else with this suggestion - I believe in volume eating - I use spaghetti squash to turn a normal serving of pasta into a large plate of pasta and some sliced peppers, onions, mushrooms and sauce - a normal serving of protien and you have a large serving that should satisfy anybody's Italian mojo
  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    I have always hated spaghetti squash, BUT with spaghetti sauce it is amazing.
    I poke holes all around it with a fork and microwave it for 9 minutes, turn over and another 9 minutes. Once cooled, cut in half and scrape out the seeds. Then scrape out the squash. I then put it in the frying pan with some minced garlic and a diced jalapeno. Stir it around for a few minutes, the I add some spaghetti sauce. It is seriously amazing.
  • Kaiserina2005
    The look resembles pasta more than the taste. Yes, you can actually put spag sauce right on it (Ruby Tuesday's actually sells it on their menu or you can get a side of the just the squash as a side dish).

    I make it at home and it is super easy! Cut it in half and scoop the seeds out (the strands will want to shred out which is aggravating but I use scissors to just cut the strands loose). You then simply put a half (cut side down) into a bowl of water and microwave it for 10 - 12 mins. The shell will be very soft. Let that cool while you cook the other half but remove it from the water and let it drain very well because wet squash is not tasty.

    Then - simply take a fork and use it to pull all the strands out. It will look like yellow spaghetti. I like it best with a very small amount of butter and a 1/2 a pinch of Splenda brown sugar.

    I hope this was helpful!