1200 calories

I am having so much trouble with the 1200 calorie thing!
Thats what MFP tells me that I need to eat. I did that, but then learned that I need to eat more. I am now trying to figure out how to get my carbs/protein/fats where they should be and still be at a decent calorie intake. I'm so confused!!!
I dont eat any fish or sea food. And I can't eat any bread. So... if I can't eat bread how are my carbs so high everyday?
I drink a protein shake every day. I eat chicken. But I'm still not getting enough protein.
I'm hungry all the time recently and I wasn't before. What is going on, and what do I do?


  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I've learned that i had to get used to hunger. I make my stomach growl before i eat, and if i manage to get hungry and not be able to eat (like, im out somewhere), after a bit i get used to it.
    I dont do combining, i found it highly confusing, not to mention expensive. I just count calories. When i DID concentrate on lowering carbs and upping protein, i found i was hungry ALL the time, and it was a very uncomfortable sort of hunger.
    Are you exercising?
  • Amanda0926
    Amanda0926 Posts: 108 Member
    Yes I exercise 6 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Usually it is around 45 minutes though. I do 3 days of cardio and 3 days of calisthenics.
    This is all very confusing! It's a completely different kind of hunger than before!
    There are all of these people on here that say that you need to eat so much than MFP says, but I just dont know which way is right. If you eat that much more how do you lose weight?
    So, Im trying to stick to 1200 calories which has always been easy for me. Until now anyways.

    I've learned that i had to get used to hunger. I make my stomach growl before i eat, and if i manage to get hungry and not be able to eat (like, im out somewhere), after a bit i get used to it.
    I dont do combining, i found it highly confusing, not to mention expensive. I just count calories. When i DID concentrate on lowering carbs and upping protein, i found i was hungry ALL the time, and it was a very uncomfortable sort of hunger.
    Are you exercising?
  • marialleras
    Do research on GOOGLE that's what I do for me and my husband, are you a picky eater? I check the labels on everything I eat and count an balance it out. I usually try to stay away from bread I eat oatmeal for breakfast and that has protein also eggs but always eat your breakfast I don't think that protein shakes have all needed nutrients. I am also at the 1200 calorie thing and I at first was hungry to but now that I know what Im doing I dont get hungry I am satisfied.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    How many carbs are in your protein shake? I've seen a lot of "protein" shakes out there that have more carbs and sugar than they do protein. So I'd look there first.

    Also look at adding in protein from sources like non or low-fat plain Greek yogurt (again, the flavored ones are going to be loaded with sugar and carbs)

    Other things with protein but few carbs (though often high in fat, so watch your macros) are cheese, almonds, pistachios, and beans. You can also look for low sodium beef and/or turkey jerky. Again, watch the carbs, there are some brands out there (Krave being the worst offender) that add so many things for the flavoring that you end up with more carbs than protein in the jerky.

    You can probably also be eating more than 1200 calories and still be losing. I had myself set to sedentary because I had a desk job and was eating my 1200 calories like a good little MFPer. And then I got a BMF and discovered that I tend to burn more along the lines of what MFP considers Lightly Active. Once I changed my settings here and upped my calories accordingly, I felt better and still lost weight.
  • nikki354
    I have been cooking from websites that post calories and nutritional info on their recipes such as www.skinnytaste.com. By eating the right foods like lots of fruits and vegetables, beans, seeds, etc. you can definitely eat delicious food, be satisfied and stay under 1200. However, I work out most days of the week and therefore eat more as long as I net 1200 at the end of the day. I have been doing this for about a month and lost 10lbs. Good luck!
  • justmyalias
    justmyalias Posts: 153 Member
    egg whites (like hard boiled)
    some protein and minimum calories...

    if you have a dog, give the yolks to the dog...
  • JessieTangerine
    JessieTangerine Posts: 91 Member
    First check your weight loss goal. Unless you are obese you will find it extremely difficult to lose 2 or even sometimes 1 pound a week. MFP when it gives you the calorie goal does not take what our bodies can realistically do into account. It just takes the numbers you supply and plugs it into a formula then poof...goal calories. If you are constantly hungry you may want to increase your calories, it may be that the MFP formula was wrong for you.

    As for your macros (carbs, fats, and proteins), if it is too confusing dont focus on them immediately. As long as you are eating at a *reasonable* calorie deficit you will lose weight. Low carb will probably start off faster but in the long run they all work equally well if you stick too it. If you are interested in hitting certain macro nutrients, expand your food choices. There is plenty more carbs to eat than just bread. All vegetables and fruit have lots of carbs plus vitamins and minerals so you stay healthy while losing weight. There are whole grains without gluten such as quinoa that have plenty of carbs, protein and fiber. Search around the interweb plenty of great fun recipes to try. Proteins are also easy. I dont eat much meat and refuse to eat protein powder. Instead I eat beans, lentils, eggs, and milk. All of these things are very filling and will help you stay within your calorie limit. Bottom line start making your food and youll find your macros fall into place.
  • JessieTangerine
    JessieTangerine Posts: 91 Member
    I've learned that i had to get used to hunger. I make my stomach growl before i eat, and if i manage to get hungry and not be able to eat (like, im out somewhere), after a bit i get used to it.

    When I was on ww i used to do this. It stunk because I was always so ravenous I couldnt actually enjoy my food. I kind of just shoveled it all in. I got used to it, but my body never did...couldnt lose weight that way.
  • Paulrod12
    Paulrod12 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined and my goal is similar (1270). I'm going through the same feeling - just flat out hungry at times. But I want this so bad that I just know I'll be REALLY mad at myself if I give up. I'm actively researching types of protein drinks that take longer to burn and just tried half of a Lucerna bar for the slower burning carbs. A work in progress! ;o) Anyway, I guess all I can truly offer is my empathy as a fellow sufferer of, "THE HUNGER!" Try to be strong Amanda, you can do it!
  • jayjayingram
    Eat more protein and small carb for morning and arvo snacks. Morning I have a protein bar and in the arvo I do 100g of greek yoghurt and 30g of nuts I am never hungry and always full. Check my diary.
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Try to eat 1200-1300 calories for now, and then up it bit by bit later. Be reasonable though. You should see great results with the 1200! I started with 1200 and about the same amount of cardio your doing ( i only did cardio though, no lifting or anything) & wow great results!!! HUGE DIFFERENCE! Lost about 20lbs. And the inches FELL OFF! Best of luck xx
  • claudiacarmel
    claudiacarmel Posts: 39 Member
    I am at 1220 calories a day before exercise. I eat anywhere from 70-80 grams of protein (I like protein bars w/ 30 grams of protein for breakfast) a day and 25-35 grams of fiber a day. Not hungry. Protein and Fiber both really filling. Chia seeds are good source of protein/fiber to put in smoothie also..
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I have been cooking from websites that post calories and nutritional info on their recipes such as www.skinnytaste.com. By eating the right foods like lots of fruits and vegetables, beans, seeds, etc. you can definitely eat delicious food, be satisfied and stay under 1200. However, I work out most days of the week and therefore eat more as long as I net 1200 at the end of the day. I have been doing this for about a month and lost 10lbs. Good luck!

    Totally second skinnytaste.com. She has some of the best recipes I've ever tried!
  • alane15
    alane15 Posts: 121 Member
    Hey you're another MN girl! I want you to know that you can lose weight by eating more than 1200 calories. If you are working out six days a week, your body is going to need more fuel. That's basically what food is, fuel. I have lost about 30 lbs since March and I eat a lot more than 1200 calories a day. Feel free to take a look at my diary.

    edit to include: 1200 should be you NET calories. Don't be afraid to eat back those work out calories. That is still a substantial deficit for most people and will contribute to weight loss.

    You will read a lot of different stuff on this site but the following is something to remember:

    Make your health your priority!!!!!!!!!!

    Weight loss takes time!!!!!!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I was on 1200.... and cause i was working out 6 times a week and doing hard workouts, I found I got really hungry.

    This week I've changed my goal to 1300, and might eventually raise it to 1400.. but 1300 is working well, i'm not getting as hungry as I was

    I was also netting too low - I thought it would help with the weight loss, but then I got worried that it could stall the weight loss after reading threads about it. So his week I've been eating almost all exercise calories back, which has been fine :)
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    BECAUSE you workout regularly, 1200 is not enough fuel, and won't help weight loss very much in the long-term!! Your body needs more :)
  • rdmclachlan
    Try eating snacks between meals. I;ve added a sample of what I eat.

    My breakfast = a protein shake;
    Snack = sm banana;
    Lunch = 1/2 a ham or turkey pastrami sandwich - 2 oz of meat w/peppercini's and sliced tomatoes & spicy mustard, 16g of Finn crisp rye bread (hard) w/1.5 T of cream cheese & 1.5 T of Strawberry jelly.
    Snack = large apple
    Dinner = 4 oz lean pork chop - 1 cup broccoli or other veggie - 1/2 cup milk - sm. baked potatoe.

    If I don't have snacks I am starving by dinner and then I will eat anything that is in the fridge that is fast & easy and end up overeating 'cause I still eat dinner after raiding the fridge.

    Another thing that works for me and also saves me money at the grocery store is I plan a menu for the week and then get the just the groceries need for the menu for that week.

    I don't always stick to the plan but it gives me a base and I also don't come home wondering what I will cook for dinner.

    Best of luck to you in your endeavors. Have faith in yourself.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Pre-logging helps me get my macros right. I first make sure I'm getting sufficient proteins and fats and then fill the rest of my calories with carbs.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You sound a little lost, frustrated and overwhelmed. If you can't eat bread due to gluten intolerance, there are many fine gluten free products available. My husband suffers from GI and we have a number of things in our freezer for him. My personal favorite is gluten free raisin bread. You might enjoy potatoes, sweet potatoes or yams, quinoa, and all sorts of lovely raw fruits and vegetables like carrots and apples. We love sweet potato fries and can buy them already made and frozen in bags at Costco and our local IGA. You can really eat all sorts of things, and MyFintessPal will figure out the nutrition for you. Play with it and have some fun while you diet.