My Biceps are week!! HELP ME!

Hey guys/gals :)

I had been on MFP since March 2012! and doing workouts and exercises since the first quarter of 2011!
I have lost around 20+ kg (44+ lbs) so far. I started mixing between cardio and weight lifting! I'm following Kris Gethin 12 weeks daily training program. I'm so happy of the results I got in 1 month!!

but the problem I faced that my biceps are sooo weak! I can't lift more than 6kg each hand (dumbbells) or 10~15kg if EZ or straight bar! and I can't do many reps! or feeling that my arm don't have the energy to lift even 5kg after dropping the weight. Even one friend saw me and told me that I need to work on my Biceps because he is able to see only triceps!!

Do I have to do more sets & low reps? or vice versa?
Do I have to increase the weight if lower reps or higher reps? or decrease it?

i'm so confused and I feel so weak!! How should I let my Biceps become stronger?

Hope somebody can help me!

Thanks in advance

Tal x

P.S: I do eat around 5 meals a day plus taking my protein shake after workout in 30 mins!


  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    Maybe heavier weight but lower reps more often.... I am not an expert, just try something different?! :frown:
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    forget training biceps. they are not the be-all/end-all.
    concentrate on the big 5, squats, deadlift, overhead press, bench press, barbell row. These will encourage strength gains everywhere.
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    forget training biceps. they are not the be-all/end-all.
    concentrate on the big 5, squats, deadlift, overhead press, bench press, barbell row. These will encourage strength gains everywhere.

    I'm doing all exercises u mentioned depends on the day of my workout, I do Biceps & Back in the same day..

    hopefully I can get good strength in all over my body muscles :)

    Thanks for ur support

  • bfitgirl
    bfitgirl Posts: 138 Member
    Technique is probably an issue here, it might be helpful just to get a trainer over to check your form out.

    This is how i was trained:
    Sit edge of bench, good posture chest out, back slightly engaged
    Hold dumbbells at top (like hammer grip)
    Elbows should be slightly forward, (this allows you to engage the bicep to bring db up)
    Bring db up
    really squeeze bicep at top, with a hold of 1 second
    Lower db slowly, 3 second count.

    It's worth going lower weight to get proper technique. I would do low weight but 10/12 reps initially. Always move up weight if you still have good form and reach rep range but I'd concentrate on form for a while.
  • JoeLemke
    JoeLemke Posts: 9 Member
    you have come a long way my friend and doing a great job. i agree trying heavier dumbells with lower reps. i'm working on building my bicepts up too, and having a problem with tricepts. but it will get there. definately not giving up. it will happen.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    stick with it bro , strength comes over time ... last year this time i could also barely do 6kgs now im up to 18-20kgs each arm ,
    also check your diet , maybe u glycogen depleted?
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    Strength comes from heavy weights with low reps, in the 3-5 rep range. Also mix up your biceps training by doing chin-ups (palms facing in), they work biceps very well with the added benefit of working several other muscles at the same time.

    On my back and biceps day I alternate pull-ups and weighted chin-ups week to week, and I've been enjoying quite a bit of increased strength on my plan.
  • Make your workouts hit a variety of reps and weight. Just think about the style.. Biceps is one of the only muscles where cheating can actually help, so if your really exhausted your arms and can't train anymore it's ok to swing it up bit more and work on the negative rep as this will complete blast the bicep.

    Example workout could be

    Seated DB Alternating Curls x 4 sets increasing weight each set but not silly heavy as your doing lots of reps, reps 20 on each arm.

    EZ Bar Curls x 4 sets 10 reps increasing weight each set but make it heavy this time and really try control the weight and don't swing or use your shoulders to get the weight up.

    Concentration curls x 4 sets 10 x 10 x 10 So for these set out three weights, one light'ish.. one heavy and one your max weight
    Do 10 reps with heavy, then straight away 10 middle weight then last 10 with light weight and then switch to other arm.

    The strength will come with time, just make sure your style is good and use a variety of high reps and high weights.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    forget training biceps. they are not the be-all/end-all.
    concentrate on the big 5, squats, deadlift, overhead press, bench press, barbell row. These will encourage strength gains everywhere.

    this is patently ridiculous. the guy asked for help with his biceps, not IF you think he should work on his biceps. you might as well tell him he should be doing cardio instead because it's good for his heart. he did not ask for your opinion on if having larger, stronger biceps are a worthwhile fitness goal.

    For the OP, I don't really see a problem here. Sure, your biceps may be weak now, but that's why you are training them. None of us started out strong. From your post I can't tell how long you've been working on them (1 month, perhaps?) but when you start out you should be spending more time on form instead of trying to move big weight. Your body will adapt quickly and you'll be able to lift quite a bit more as your nervous system figures out how to respond to lifting.

    Keep doing what you're doing. Barbell curls and dumbbell curls will be plenty of work. Use a weight that's heavy enough that you reach failure around 8-10 reps. Do 3 working sets (plus 1 warmup) of barbell curls, then 3 sets of dumbbell curls, and hit the showers (because biceps should be the LAST thing you do at the gym). Try to increase either the weight or the reps each week, but keep in mind that biceps are a small muscle so the increases will be small.

    Good luck.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Pendlay rows and chin ups. You'll be good in no time!
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Thank you guys for all the advices :) I will see what I can do today at GYM!

    @DavPul Thank u so much for the great advice!
  • Don't neglect your Tri's seeing as they're a large portion of the arm! That was my problem. As far as Bi's go I like to mix it up do high volume and moderate weight one week, heavy and lower reps the next. I've been mixing it up like that the last couple months and I've seen some decent gains (more definition). I dedicate one day a week to bi's and tri's and really hit em hard and its been working for me!! Good luck
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Don't neglect your Tri's seeing as they're a large portion of the arm! That was my problem. As far as Bi's go I like to mix it up do high volume and moderate weight one week, heavy and lower reps the next. I've been mixing it up like that the last couple months and I've seen some decent gains (more definition). I dedicate one day a week to bi's and tri's and really hit em hard and its been working for me!! Good luck

    Thanks for your advice bro :) gonna try that as well! and hopefully to see a good results in one month :)
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I read an article the other day that mentioned doing negatives.

    At the end of your workout, add a few sets of negatives with a dumbbell, or if you have a workout partner you can use a barbell. Use a heavy weight that you can't do yourself, either use your other arm to help you lift it, or have someone else help you on the positive side of the lift, then try to slowly lower the weight back down. The heavier weight should adapt your muscles to go heavier next time.

    Good luck.
  • repmlrs
    repmlrs Posts: 154
    go to or scooby1961 on youtube. his videos help alot
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    have you tried pull ups/chin ups? I am still pretty much a newb, but I can tell you that I feel much stronger in the last 3 months that I have been doing pull ups and triceps dips with the assisted machine. I have gone from 165lbs of assist to 115lbs of assist. I think this week I am going to try and drop the assist down a little more.

    On the cable machines, I use 15-20lbs (7-9kg) to do my bicep and triceps exercises....