Rock Climbing/Bouldering calories?

So, until my girl Shelbyfrootcake jumps in with some input, do any of you have any... well, input on calories burned doing these activities?

I'm going tomorrow and I'm going to where my HRM to see if that helps, but everything I've read online seems like CRAZY calories... it seems hard for me to believe that many calories can get burned (even more than swimming). At the same time, when I've done it, I am like the most ravenous I've ever been in my life after.



  • sueblue77
    sueblue77 Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't climbed in about 15 years, but like you, it made me ravenous. I say it does burn way more calories than swimming or anything I've ever done. The best part was how I FELT for the first times the limits of what my body was capable of. I'm curious to see what your HRM says, so please post back, and I wanted to give this thread a bump.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thanks! Will do!

    ... I also meant wear* in the original post ._.