
So I started working out 2 weeks ago and now I have gained almost 5lbs. Ugh i'm frustrated.


  • Christineab
    Christineab Posts: 28 Member
    VERY COMMON!!!! DON'T STOP Give it another week or 2 and you will see some progress (and make sure you're eating is also in check).
  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    You may have just gained muscle...which is a GREAT thing! Keep going. Give yourself at least 12 weeks of eating well and exercising. DO NOT get discouraged! You can do it! :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    That's not really a question but I think I get what you're trying to ask...

    According to your ticker you've lost 20 pounds. Is this recent gain just an overnight thing? If so, it's likely water retention from a variety of reasons - TOM, too much sodium. Or could be from undereating or overeating. Since your diary is is private, it's hard to see how your eating has been. You can't out exercise a bad diet so if your calories and/or sodium are over limit, you're still not going to lose.

    Are you sore from your workouts? When that happens, your muscles are retaining both water and glycogen. Five pounds seems a little high to me for this but it could be part of the problem.

    P.S. smh on the muscle gain. Seriously, it's really tough for women to gain muscle - you may have gained a 1/2 pound at best in 2 weeks with a very specific exercise and diet regimine - but you should be losing fat at the same time so if anything your weight would have stabilized.