Anybody about 5ft 2" and 154ish pounds?



  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5'2 and I started MFP 1/1/11 @ 150.2 lbs. I'm currently 129 lbs working my way to 125 lbs, then reassessing.

    Some things I have done. (Not sure if they'll help)

    -I stay around 1,200- 1,500 calories.

    -No soda (80-100 oz of Water)

    -Watch my sodium (try to stay under 2,500)

    -Exercise at least 5/6 days a week. (I started with walking, then some jogging with walking, to now mostly jogging. I also do body weight exercises)

    -No "cheat" days. I did that one of the first weeks and it ruined everything I worked for. I now give myself a little something whenever I have to have it. (most of the time I find 'healthier' options.)

    Feel free to add me!
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    I'm 5'2" and 156 lbs. Need to get down to 125 lbs. :) Please feel free to add me!
  • Kirstina88
    Kirstina88 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 149lbs. Trying to keep calories low and exercising about 4 days a week at the moment.... not seeing much of a loss. Happy to be friends on here as a bit of a motivator!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 5ft 1 1/2 (but I round up to 5 2 heehee). I started at 158 last year. I am down to 125ish (depends on how much water I'm retaining!). I lost my last ten lbs on MFP. I would like to lose maybe five more but it's not essential. Feel free to add me, I have a athletic/muscular build so I tend to carry alot of weight in him hips/thighs and if I don't keep it reigned in, I could easily gain all that weight back. Always looking for more motivational supports!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    5' 2, started in December at 159 lbs. Was aiming realistically for 140lbs, a "toned 10 stone", and as of this morning am 1 lb away!

    My approach was half the carbs, double the exercise, focusing on strength training (so at least 2 body pump classes per week). And lots of water. I don't bother stressing about eating back exercise calories, but I make sure I take in at least 1200 calories each day.

    I may try shedding a few more pounds - 140 is still just above the upper healthy bmi limit, but I'd like to keep that as my upper ceiling.
  • gemsforme
    5'1", 53 years old started at 165 bouncing between 155 and 157 for the past couple of weeks with a goal of 140. I am trying to stick between 1,000 to 1,100 calories a day. Weather is supposed to finally get nice so I can get out and walk.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    also meant to add that i have now upped my calories as im maintaining, but always stuck to 1200-1300, never below 1200. so for those stuck u might need to eat more :)
  • charlceym
    I am 5'1'', weigh 164 and 22 years old. I am really shocked because for a while I was 154 and just recently gained 10lbs so I had to get into a gym and start eating healthy. I have been doing pretty well with going to the gym but I suck at eating healthy! Before I had my son I was down to 130lbs and gained 50lbs with him, after I had him I went down to 150 and that's when I started gaining. I have the wii fit, the 30 day shred and I am in health class in college. Hopefully with those things combined I can get down to a decent weight. I am so tired of being the big girl. Oh and I would like to look nice for my birthday which is at the end of June and for my vacation in August. There is nothing like being the biggest girl on a trip full of skinny mini's!

    You can add me as well if you would like to! :)
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 160#. Started in Jan. at 176 (or maybe a little higher, lol), and am aiming for 145 before I reasess. 104-141 is healthy BMI for me, but I want to stay at 145 for a while and see how it feels. That will be a 30# loss, and I remember feeling pretty fit and healthy at 145. We'll see.

    I'm hitting the gym 3-5x a week for at least 150 minutes total, plus I've got an active job and part of my commute is walking. I also walk my dog twice daily. I'm going for 1200 net calories.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I am 5'2" and just hit my goal of 120 today. When I started MFP, I was 152.
  • merilayne
    merilayne Posts: 2 Member
    I am a 5'2 women my weight was 178lb when I started fitness pal
    My immediate goal is to weigh under 150 and my ideal weight is 130
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    i am 5'2", started at 178, am now 147. i would like to get lower, to maybe 135. i will have to see!
  • lvdesertdiva
    lvdesertdiva Posts: 33 Member
    I am 5'2" - currently 163.5 - goal is to be 125-135 - will see when I get closer.