Gastric Sleeve

Are there any groups for people that have had the gastric sleeve? I am scheduled to have it on November 14th and would like to get a support group around me


  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I would like to have this surgery too. My insurance does not cover it but I am going to try to fight to get it. Any case in answer to your question there is a group that does support for wls for any surgery not just one
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    Are there any groups for people that have had the gastric sleeve? I am scheduled to have it on November 14th and would like to get a support group around me

    Use the search feature and they will pop up.
  • sassybanana
    sassybanana Posts: 6 Member
    I too am considering the sleeve myself. I do not have a surgery date yet but as soon as I get down 15 lbs I can do it, however I am still considering it. I would love to follow your progress if you dont mind? :) Good luck on November 14th!! :smile:
  • Christineab
    Christineab Posts: 28 Member
    Check with your surgeon's office...they should have a support group or at least a list of support group websites. I'm sure there's others on this website who've had surgery....ask them to friend you.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I admit that I didn't have the gastric sleeve, but I did have the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch a yr. ago. So, I do understand something about what you are going to go through. Please feel free to add me.
  • Good luck with the gastric sleeve surgery. I am in the final stages of qualifying for insurance payment... have done everything else. Have ordered my 2 week pre-surgical liquid diet, and the 3 weeks after... Good luck on the 14th with your surgery... I have people I know that are extremely happy with their surgeries. I've put this off for 3 years hoping I could get a handle on it; but I must give in. Went in thinking I wanted the Lap Band, but b/c of health issues am going straight for the "sleeve"... I am hoping to have surgery early to mid-December 2012... Will keep you in my thoughts on your surgery for the 14th!!!
  • Hey here and I am having the sleeve done on 12/5/12...add me as a friend if you'd like...the more the merrier.
  • Honeybee165
    Honeybee165 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm having surgery in 2 weeks :) so happy nervous, it's crazy lol
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :smile: I am scheduled for gastric bypass in December. perhaps we could keep up with each other for encouragement!
  • dallasgrl46
    dallasgrl46 Posts: 15 Member
    Well it is a done deal LOL, I am feeling pretty good, I am 7 days out from the surgery and it has suprisingly gone very quickly. I have been working from home the last couple days as I was bored to tears.!! I am down 20 pds from my begining weight of 271 nice!! Thanks for all of the Support!
  • channie826
    channie826 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All!!

    I was sleeved October 29, 2012. I love MFP, it has been an amazing tool!!! Feel free to add me, love having people to talk to and to have people to help keep me on track!

    Chanda :-)

  • hoopsky
    hoopsky Posts: 4 Member

    I was sleeved on November 5th.
  • rmc7467
    rmc7467 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm so glad I found this group, I had my surgery on Nov. 14th too. So far down 30 pounds, I lost about 10 before going in. I'm starting to weigh myself every few days instead of every day. I'm doing ok, but the nausea is up and down, today its not so good. I also have an issue when I eat sometimes, it feels like the food is stuck at the top of my stomach like a rock. Anyone else have this issue.

    I also found a site called Sleeve Its a great site.

    Good luck, and keep this going, its good to hear what others are going through. ;-)
  • Add this gal:

    Tons of info and support. Always there to help cheer you up! She had the sleeve done a year ago.
  • I have my surgery on 12/17. I'm nervous but excited! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • I had my surgery on November 14th as well. Interesting journey so far!!!
  • If anyone would like to add me feel free add me i was sleeved Jan 2011 and with my journey through this i have lost about 200 lbs in 2 years and am still losing :D
  • hgcholly
    hgcholly Posts: 3 Member
    I am having my surgery - gastric sleeve - on January 8, 2013. I need to add friends to myfitnesspal. Please add me if you are going to or have already had any kind of bariatric surgery! Thanks!
  • Had a Band placed in Feb 2011 and Removed 11-2012. Soon to be sleeved.