leg pain

What do you suppose is wrong with my legs. For the last week or so they have been hurting when I run. I’ve been running for months and it’s just now hurting. The pain kind of starts in my calf, but more like the inside of my calf, not just the dull ache in the back when you overwork the muscle. Then it goes around to like the front part of my shin….but again more on the inside, if that makes sense. I am no stranger to shin splints, but it doesn’t feel like that. Shin splints always affected the more outside area of my leg. My left leg hurts more than my right. It doesn’t hurt so bad to make me stop running, but I’m afraid I’m doing damage, and it does hurt, it’s not pleasant.

Stretching my calves doesn’t seem to be helping. And after I run, if I squat down pain will shoot up my leg in that same spot. Any ideas? Any ways I can try stretching? It seems like they have hurt every since I last did my Wii workout about 2 weeks ago. My legs ached from soreness for a few days, but then this pain started. When it first started I felt pain in the backs of my thighs too. It was a weird pain, like I had to stop running at one point because I felt like I was on the verge of a charlie horse. Like it felt like one click the wrong way and I’d fall down. The thigh pain has gone away, but the calf pain is still there.


  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I highly recommend going to see a doctor so that you don't do any damage. As you said, you're familiar with the typical pains associated with running and exercising and if those aren't it, there may be another underlying issue.
  • Ladybug610
    Ladybug610 Posts: 24 Member
    i actually just experienced that same pain myself a couple weeks back. I am a new runner and had reached my intended 5k goal. The next day I ran again, not as far, but still ran. then BANG next day that pain.
    I attributed it pushing to hard in a short term. I took a couple weeks off from running, and only did the elliptical. I too tried ALL SORTS of stretchs to no avail....

    Seems the only thing that worked (for me) was to cut out the running, for just a bit till the pain stopped.
    Also in the middle of my rest i did try to test out running cause I thought I was feeling fine, and the pain came right back.

    Try taking a rest from running, but don't stop moving! good luck! :wink:
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
    A few weeks ago I got what is called a calf strain, it affects primarily the back inside portion of the calf, sounds like you may have this as well. There are 3 different degrees of a calf strain. I actually had to stop all exercising for 1 week and let it heal. I thought it was just a sore muscle, then I went down 2 flights of stairs and the pain was very intense, later that night and the next day it was painful to walk. This could be a possibility, either way I would say it is more than just a sore muscle from working out, you have injured something. Mine probably started about a week before the "real" pain hit. The last workout I did before taking a week off was on the Wii as well. Give your muscles some rest and eat within your calories without exercise for a few days and see if that helps.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Make sure you are running on the flattest part of whatever you are running on. Roads all have a crown (some more, some less) to help with drainage. If you constaly run on the sloped side, it can throw you off since one leg is higher than the other. Also, don't rule out that this pain is a manifestation of an injury some where else. Banged a knee or tweaked an ankle lately? Cut back or cut out your running for a week, and see how it feels.
  • cc_campbell81
    I am so relieved to see this post. I have been having pain on the inside of my legs too. My doctor told me to take 6 weeks off from running, I did, felt better, but as soon as I started running again the pain comes back. It always feels tender to the touch. I am scheduled Friday to have a test to see if I have the right shoes and also to see an orthopedic doctor. If anyone gets answers please share them.
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Hi all~
    I too have the pain on the inside of the calf. I have been fitted for proper shoes/inserts, as I am a moderate over pronator (my feet roll in as I step). I find that if I take a rest day and massage that part of my calf, after awhile the pain subsides and eventually goes away. It is sensitive to the touch though. I think it might be a tendon issue or a muscle which needs to have the "kink" worked out, much in the same way the IT (the tendon in the hip area) needs to be rolled on the foam roller.
    Of course, you should get it checked out just to make sure. I didn't go to my medical doctor since they ususally just want to prescribe muscle relaxors. The running store I go to has a sports medicine doctor on site and he recommended massage.
  • cc_campbell81
    I went to get my run analyzed and found out the when I run my right foot points out as it lands. And this is really embarassing but I realized sometimes I also kick the inside of my leg with my heel as I run. I normally run in sweats but ran in shorts the other day and realized I was doing it. I highly recommend getting your run looked at.