How much body fat percentage can be reduced in a month?

I am currently 46.3% :frown: and I am 5.2'' weighing 172 lbs. So how much fat percent can be reduced per month. I am eating 1900 calories ( don't eat exercise calories) and workout hard for 1 hour. Other than that I am basically sedentary. I used 's calculations.
So what are your suggestions?:huh:


  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    I'm tagging this so I can read it in the morning. I have way too much body fat and I'm working on reducing the fat in my diet.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Personally its been 1-2% every month for me and thats with an average weight loss of 10lbs per month. It'll slow down at some point though

    I weight train 3-4 times a week and do 2-3 intense cardio days. Intake is 1800 calories (6'1 male weighing 255lbs currently)
  • pullem
    pullem Posts: 87 Member
    Depends on the question you are really asking?

    Are you trying to lose weight ?
    When you shed the lbs of course a % of that will be fat thus reducing your ovreall bf.
    Generally for a healthy maintainable loss of around 2lbs per week can easily be achieved through appropriate calorie deficit for you through a combination of diet & exercise. Long sessions of low intensity cardio (in fat burning zone) are best for this combined with moderate weights sessions.

    Are you talking more about a bulking / cutting cycle?
    This is a lot more in depth but involves bulking cycles of gaining muscle followed by cutting cycles to maintain lean body mass & cut bodt fat %

    Bulking - The structured prioritisation of the addition of muscle through increasing food intake in order to create an excess of energy and other nutrients sufficient to increase muscle mass, in conjunction with a suitable weight training regimen

    Cutting - The structured prioritisation of fat loss whilst maintaining lean body mass aiming to maximise muscle definition, through dietary manipulation in order to create an energy deficit sufficient to mobilise body fat, in conjunction with a suitable weight training and cardiovascular exercise regimen

    If it is this you are talking about then I'm afraid it is a lot of dedication with at least 5 x heavy weights sessions & 3-4 sessions of alternate long (1hr+) low intensity aerobic (Fat burn cardio) & short burst HIIT cardio performed at different times to weights sessions, so working out every day quite often twice a day and a very restrictive finely balanced diet.
  • thistimevictory
    No I am just interested in lowering my body fat to a healthy level. So yes losing weight. But I wanted body fat to be an indicator of success rather than the scale.
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    I started measuring BF% at the end of July and was at 33%. As of last Monday (14 weeks) I was at 20.3% using combination of MFP for food, Krav Maga, weight training and cardio.

    My lean mass has actually increased by 1.1kg in the same time. :smile:
  • thistimevictory
    I started measuring BF% at the end of July and was at 33%. As of last Monday (14 weeks) I was at 20.3% using combination of MFP for food, Krav Maga, weight training and cardio.

    My lean mass has actually increased by 1.1kg in the same time. :smile:

    WOW! That is phenomenal ! How did you calculate your calorie goals and what were your cardio and weight training sessions like?
  • mineboy
    mineboy Posts: 2,478 Member
    hi all am down to 15% body fat. would like to go down to 13%BF,

    am happy to talk to who every.
  • _Tuyana_
    _Tuyana_ Posts: 83 Member
    I was googling it a few days ago, what I found is that on average women can reduce 1-3% a month with a combination of diet and exercise (cardio as well as weights). For men, the average is a little higher, but they have a natural advantage.

    I had 2 BF% measurements done so far with skinfold/calipers. In the first month I only lost 0.5%, but the second month it went down by another 2%. Hope this helps...
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    I started measuring BF% at the end of July and was at 33%. As of last Monday (14 weeks) I was at 20.3% using combination of MFP for food, Krav Maga, weight training and cardio.

    My lean mass has actually increased by 1.1kg in the same time. :smile:

    WOW! That is phenomenal ! How did you calculate your calorie goals and what were your cardio and weight training sessions like?

    Thank you :blushing:

    I still haven't settled into a fixed training program as shift work means I am all over the place.

    My cardio sessions are generally 20 min light walking (whilst watching Big Bang Theory! :smile:) followed by 40 minutes on intervals.

    Strength was a 12-week beginner's program I found on-line, but I'm starting New Rules of Lifting

    Krav has had a huge impact as it is an hour of whole body exercise coupled with cardio and endurance training ending with stress, pressure or adrenaline drills (630cal/h per my Polar FT7)

    Calorie goals set using MFP set to lightly active (I'm an ER Nurse) at 2lb/wk loss

  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I am currently 46.3% :frown: and I am 5.2'' weighing 172 lbs. So how much fat percent can be reduced per month. I am eating 1900 calories ( don't eat exercise calories) and workout hard for 1 hour. Other than that I am basically sedentary. I used 's calculations.
    So what are your suggestions?:huh:

    Oooh! Good question!
    I just did the same...

    So interesting how weight is not an indicator of bmi.
    Im 5' 3.5" 232lbs and my bmi is 40.8%.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I was able to lose approximately 1% per month exercising and eating 500 calories per day under TDEE over 7 months, but I was doing cardio and weight training during that time and was at the end of my weight loss (last 25 lbs.) I did not measure at the very beginning because I frankly didn't want to know my BF %age. I'm a 47 yr. old woman in early menopause, but I have historically had low body fat for a woman. I also lost some lean body mass during that time, but not as much muscle lost as fat.
  • pullem
    pullem Posts: 87 Member
    No I am just interested in lowering my body fat to a healthy level. So yes losing weight. But I wanted body fat to be an indicator of success rather than the scale.

    The two go hand in hand, unless you are replacing the fat lost with muscle bulk in which case weight may stay the same. It is very simple at the end of the day if you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight, if you lose weight a % of it will be body fat. You need to determine an appropriate calorie deficit for you, some use MFP & eating exercise calories, some use MFP & don't eat exercise calories, some use BMR, some use TDEE (there are plenty of online calculators to help you work these out) but you have to find what works for you personally & it will be a slow & steady process of trial & error, each time you adjust something do it for at least a couple of weeks & monitor then adjust again if necessary.
    Exercise wise try alternating short bursts of HIIT training (so 30 secs sprint followed by 90 sec walk) & long sessions of low intensity cardio (in fat burning zone on heart rate monitor) to maintain lean body mass & therefore maximise fat loss over muscle also weights sessions are required.
    Also worth noting that unless you are willing to pay for very expensive testing that bf% is notoriously inaccurate to measure both calipers & body fat monitors have an inaccuracy of around 5% although you can use these as a guide a simple tape measure of body measuements taken once a month will give you the most accurate information on how your body is responding.
    Hope that helps
  • thistimevictory
    Thanks a lot everyone!!

    I will look into HIIT and also I am calculating my body fat using this

    It uses measurements of neck, waist and hips. So I think if I am losing inches, body fat is going to come down right? I am aiming for 2% reduction per month. hmmm lets see.....
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    I am currently 46.3% :frown: and I am 5.2'' weighing 172 lbs. So how much fat percent can be reduced per month. I am eating 1900 calories ( don't eat exercise calories) and workout hard for 1 hour. Other than that I am basically sedentary. I used 's calculations.
    So what are your suggestions?:huh:

    According to your numbers, you are carrying around almost 80 lbs of fat (79.6)
    If you safely lose 2 lbs/week, and all of it fat i.e. no change in your lean mass, and assume 4 weeks per month, in month 1 you would lose 2.4% (46.3 to 43.9), in month 2 ,you'd lose 2.9% (43.9 to 41.0), in month 3 you'd lose 3.2% (41.0 to 37.8), etc.