Moms with babies trying to find time

I had my first daughter 11 years ago and did not have a weight problem so I did not expect the utter shock of how hard it is to make time for yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle with a new baby (6 months old) he doesnt nap and is not the kind to just sit alone and play lol. I know excuses can be found for any lifestyle so I guess I am just looking for motivation and maybe some success stories to give me hope :smile:


  • kimedbs
    kimedbs Posts: 12 Member
    We're in a little bit of a different situation in that I've always had a weight problem, but am working hard to over come it and become an example for my children. That said, I have 3 little ones (4 year old and 2 year old twins) so I know how impossible it can seem to get anything done, much less exercising. I often include my little ones in my exercise routine, they love a good long walk (and stay quiet for a good part of it, which is great Mommy time), when mine were little, I would often just wear them in a sling while I did whatever I needed, also check into Mommy and me yoga (not something I've done, but I have friends who love it). Hope that helps.
  • twinsmumbeccy
    twinsmumbeccy Posts: 5 Member
    You could try swimming with him - good for you both, or get a cycle seat for him or trailer or try jogging with the pram x
  • HayleyHat
    Try carrying him in a good, supportive sling. You can get on with day-to-day life or even do light exercise with him there, and you're burning calories as well as improving your core muscles via the extra weight.
    I'm currently carrying 39lb of toddler when she's tired or due a nap, and will usually use the opportunity for go for a long walk. When she was smaller I'd do all my housework with her snuggled up to me, sometimes still do now with her on my back if she's fussing.

    I'm not sure about your little one but my daughter has always really liked music. I enjoy bellydancing, and she has always loved listening to the music/watching me dance. Now she's older she joins in!
  • 1plumpmom
    1plumpmom Posts: 15 Member
    I have 6 children. My youngest is 3 now. When they were babies, the older ones kept them entertained. When the older kids were not around, I would put the babies in the swing or high chair with toys. While exercising, I would jump at them and act like I was playing peek a boo to keep them entertained when the toys didn't help anymore. Sometimes they would have to sit there and cry a bit before I was finished. A little crying doesn't hurt them, and besides who wants a spoiled baby.
  • alex_lo
    alex_lo Posts: 3 Member
    Yup, I have a 3.5 mth baby girl and I'm back at work full time so fitting in mommy/baby time and workout time is super hard. I have to really stick to the routine or I get totally thrown off. Thankfully my hubby is really supportive (probably because he just want's me to be happy again, and I won't be until I can get out of yoga pants and back into my pre-pregnancy clothes)! I refuse to buy bigger clothes since I feel like that gives me permission to get lazy or less focused. I workout 5-6 days a week with cardio and strength training. I'm lucky enough at work to have a treadmill workstation so I get a total of 2 hour low cardio workout's at work then intense cardio at home for 20-45 min's 3x a week and 2 days of strength training. We mommies just have to remember to make ourselves a priority as well as our families!
    Oh and I also have an 11 year old son which I make time for everyday as well...sheesh how do we fit it all in a 24 hour day?!?!?!
  • smartash82
    smartash82 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I completely feel your pain! I have a 3 year old & a 5 month old. What I do is use the 5 month old as a weight for lunges, squats, curls & overhead presses. I put him under me & do push ups with kisses, pelvic tilts with him sitting on me & reverse crunches holding him on my shins. He loves it! The three year old has a blast copying me. Best of luck!