Exercise addicts and people with fitness goals?



  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, I am an avid exerciser. I run Half Marathons and Full Marathons training 4 days a week. 2 days during the week are shorter runs 3-5 miles, 1 day is a speed workout at track or treadmill and 1 weekend day is a long run ranging from 8 miles to 20+ miles. I have also done many other races, although I have not done a Tough Mudder. Many of my friends have done the US Tough Mudder series and have really enjoyed it. I also do Body Pump classes, Spin and Yoga.

    I read that as you ran marathons 4 days a week. I thought jesus this girl's a machine!
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    Hi guys! I also love to work out. I get to the gym at least 5 days a week. I just finished my first 10k, so I am going to start training for a half marathon in March. I usually take BodyPump, Step, and CXWorx during the week, alternating with my runs, at most about 5 miles during the week because I'm crunched for time in the mornings before work. I am going to start doing longer runs on the weekends so I can build up my mileage.
  • iiis4u
    iiis4u Posts: 1 Member
    hi everyone! i'm jenn and i'm on a quest to lose 127lbs. i've struggled with my body image all my life. my first diet was when i was 8 and when i was in highschool i weighed 135-140 and thought i was fat! now i know what being fat really is. i have gained 100 lbs while having my 3 girls and have not been able to lose any of it. my biggest struggle is staying motivated and getting back up when i fall off the horse. i'm hoping to find support here and new ideas to help me along my journey and hope someday to be able to share my sucess story with others and help them as they find themselves too!
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm planning to try and kick start getting back into running again to enter some races in '13- Tough Mudder looks amazing (my sister did something similar a couple of years ago called the Grim Challenge!) but I can't swim and know there are swimming parts to it.
    Still I do a fair lot of exercise (mainly sports based though eg. gymnastics, basketball) and dance (zumba classes and ballet) although I usually forget to log them! I want to start doing more gym based workouts so some encouragement would be awesome and i'll return the favour (:
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Sent a friend request....I am a late bloomer exercise wise. I was born with a hole in my heart and back in the day they didn't know it could heal itself and I was okay, so I was not allowed physical activity as a kid. I was a chubby kid, battled low self esteem, then anorexia as a teen......fast forward to adulthood; yo-yo dieting but I met a wonderful man that was into fitness and nutrition (he was sent to school to be a personal trainer and nutritionist so he could be the "wellness and fitness coordinator" for his base - he was military.

    I have been in the military, took mixed martial arts (and taught); I am addicted to running, love hiking, walking, in line skating, biking (road and mountain), I like doing ballet videos (wouldn't mind taking classes), would love to take dance classes of every type.

    I've done two 5Ks - both Warrior Dashes. I'm training for my first half marathon right now, but I'd also like to do a Tough Mudder (I was training for that, but had a setback when we were rear-ended and I got whiplash), I would also like to do a triathlon but I have to learn to swim first...(I worked on that this summer, but will need a lot more stamina...but I know I'll get there).

    Oh yeah...and there's a new race Hero Rush I was going to register this year but the race was on our anniversary and my husband cannot do running due to back injury, so I will never do a race on our anniversary.
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Sent a friend request....I am a late bloomer exercise wise. I was born with a hole in my heart and back in the day they didn't know it could heal itself and I was okay, so I was not allowed physical activity as a kid. I was a chubby kid, battled low self esteem, then anorexia as a teen......fast forward to adulthood; yo-yo dieting but I met a wonderful man that was into fitness and nutrition (he was sent to school to be a personal trainer and nutritionist so he could be the "wellness and fitness coordinator" for his base - he was military.

    I have been in the military, took mixed martial arts (and taught); I am addicted to running, love hiking, walking, in line skating, biking (road and mountain), I like doing ballet videos (wouldn't mind taking classes), would love to take dance classes of every type.

    I've done two 5Ks - both Warrior Dashes. I'm training for my first half marathon right now, but I'd also like to do a Tough Mudder (I was training for that, but had a setback when we were rear-ended and I got whiplash), I would also like to do a triathlon but I have to learn to swim first...(I worked on that this summer, but will need a lot more stamina...but I know I'll get there).

    Oh yeah...and there's a new race Hero Rush I was going to register this year but the race was on our anniversary and my husband cannot do running due to back injury, so I will never do a race on our anniversary.

    Glad to accept your request :) Sounds like you have overcome some pretty tough things and done some cool stuff. Very pleased to meet you.