Why am I not losing weight?

I have been eating vegetable's for lunch and dinner for more then 2 months, a big bowl of them!, i hardly eat anything in the morning and it is usually a glass of soy mil and a chinese steamed VEGETABLE bun. On the weekend, I will have pepsi, and maybe some unhealthy things but nothing over my calorie intake. I drink sooooo much water. I just don't know why I am not losing weight!!!! Anyone experience this or anything!!!!!!!!! Is the pepsi at the weekend or small things i eat really so bad to make me not lose weight! even though i hardly eat anything throughout the week! what is going onnnnnnnnnnnn!


  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    Oh yeah and I live in China and teach english, so thats why I am eating so much veg, they hardly eat any meat, i only eat meat on the weekends.
  • ejensen86
    Are you eating enough calories for your lifestyle? I know that for awhile there I didn't eat that much and my body thought I was starving so it packed everything away (not a problem anymore). You do need some carb's to sustain yourself - portion is the key. Also, do you exercise? That might help you shed a few pounds rather than maintain.

    I'm not sure if this helps or not, but good luck!
  • AlexFryer
    What do you eat with the vegetables? The function of vegetables is to provide you with fibre to help digest the other things you eat, as well as essential vitamins. The majority are very low calorie values. How your making up your calorie account from other sources is important...

    Also, reverse your calorie 'cycle'.. Have a bulky breakfast in the morning ("the most important meal of the day" is no lie) and then reduce the calories as you go throughout the day. Unless you do some substantial exercise during the day, those calories you eat 4pm+ will sit on your stomach.

    Another factor to consider is fasting is not the answer. Your body will get used to conserving (i.e. turning it into fat) the calories it intakes. This is because, in lamens terms, it 'fears' it won't get any more later in the day (because of the habit you have built up).

    Small treats and some Pepsi won't cause substantial differences if you have a healthy basis, but it's worth isolating those moments to a couple of occasions in each week. Sometimes they might surpass 'a couple' without you realizing, understandably.

    There is always an initial barrier when you begin trying to lose weight, because your creating changes to your body it doesn't know how to react. Persevere.

    All of these tips are from my experiences and knowledge.

    Give it a few weeks, be patient, and depending on your desire to lose that weight, you will succeed !!

    Good luck.
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    What are you doing for protien????? You have to eat some sort of protien with each meal. Try eating 6 small meals each day. This should help!
  • abbylanes
    abbylanes Posts: 5 Member
    I read someone's lengthy share here about how exercise builds muscle and firms your body but ultimately is effective in changing your appearance. He mentioned that the average person can vary 4 pounds per day on the scale. I decided to eat as well as I can, and start exercising more, and in my case, with a ballet class. I've lost 2.5 inches on my thigh, 1.5 inches on my neck and biceps and 2 inches on my hips and waist. The scale only shows a 1 pound weight loss, but I'm wearing one size smaller jeans that I couldn't even get on my body before ballet. Try a little strength training, and use a tape measure. I bet it will help.
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks so much for all of your comments. I really appreciate it may God bless you so much. I have done so much research about all the foods and protein etc. I know protein is important and I also eat carbs. I was doing the 30 day shred for 2 weeks and I saw improvements in my body shape, but I actually gained weight, which I know is probably muscle. It feels like my body will just not give way. I am eating small meals throughout the day and try not eat after 6pm. It is hard to track the food I eat because alot of it is not in the data base. This is my typical meal through out one day:

    6.50am - warm water with half squeezed lemon juice

    7.30am - 300ml soy milk with 1 teaspoon sugar (about 140 cals) & 1 steamed vegetable dumpling which is meat to be 50 cals.

    11.00am - 1 bowl of chinese cooked eggplant, I try to drain off the soup because I can see alot of oil and tiny pieces of pork which I dont eat. 1 fist sized steam bread. 1 bowl of vegetable and egg soup (basically water with egg dropped in it and greens.)

    from 11.15 - 2pm I go home, fed my baby lunch and play with her. I also spend 20 mins in a shop, where I do 5 mins on a vibrating crazy fit machine, and 15 mins with some belt that does some vibrating pulses around my stomach my and makes you sweat.

    2pm - tangerine or some other fruit

    5.25pm - bowl of veg like onions or some other veg, maybe steamed bread or a very small amount of rice.

    After that, maybe at home i will eat a yogurt or fruit.

    And i drink of water.

    occasionally if i don't like the food in school i will eat a roasted sweet potato.

    Today I have eaten this black bean blended porridge, 1 egg white, half a banana and 2 carrot dumplings. I am also going to do insanity today. I really want to lose weight on my arms, stomach and back. After having my baby who will be a year next month, my body has just changed, sometimes if i see a picture i am shocked that i look that wide in my hip area. None of my clothes fit me, and I know that it is my fault because after i gave birth, breastfeeding was so painful and trying! I just ate bad things, and the whole time I was thinking it make me gain weight but I wasn't being realistic. I guess I just feel like, everyone slim eats what I think is not good, and don't gain weight, but there must be something going on, maybe I eat it to excess and they eat it maybe once in a while. I just pray that my Lord helps me by removing my desires for the wrong foods, I pray that I lose weight well. Thanks everyone!
  • AlexFryer
    Don't forget, veggies are more or less 'calorie free' or very low in calorie, so go crazy on them !! They are very versatile and delicious if cooked in the right way with the right balance of spices and herbs. Experiment with salads, roasted veg casseroles, raw veg for snacking, soups... Veggies also keep you fuller for longer (because of their high fiber) and stop those hunger spikes.

    Fruit can be high in sugar, and so I would advise having it in the morning as oppose to in the evening. But yogurt is a good evening snack.. I recommend with some honey, cinnamon and roasted nuts.

    Don't be afraid of the good fats (from olive (not sunflower) oil, nuts such as almonds, cashews and hazelnuts and avocados). They are essential to good health. Remember... There are two meanings for the word 'fat'. There is 'fat' the adjective and there is 'fat' the macro nutrient. There is a misconceived link between the two. One does not necessarily cause the other !!

    I have followed the Paleo Diet for two years and will never go back. Weight loss, improved digestion, no tiredness.. The list of benefits is endless. Give it a try !!


    Good luck !!
  • AlexFryer
    Forgot to mention... Unfortunately, you can't target weight loss from a certain part of the body. We all store fat in different places on our body, women tend to store more fat on the hips and the back of the arms.