Need encouraging Friends for last Few Pounds

Hey guys--My Near Year's Resolution last year was to lose a little under 40 pounds by next year, and I am almost there. Have lost about 28 pounds at the point and only a few (about 10) to go. I could really lose some encouraging friends to help me with that, so if that's you, I'd love to add you regardless of height/ weight/ location, or wherever you are on your weight loss journey. I'm 5,5, 150 lbs, and live in NYC. Would love to meet you! Please add!


  • I'm encouraging! :D Add me? I also have a goal of losing some weight by New Years so I totally understand the need for encouraging friends right now :) I can't promise you that I won't have bad days (don't we all?) BUT I will promise you that I'll try my best to post the most encouraging, uplifting comments I can think of haha! Oh and I live in Scotland :P
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Add me will give give you encouragement along your journey. We can all use friends:happy:
  • I just added you! :)
  • Blown_Away1
    Blown_Away1 Posts: 123 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm always here and anyone can add me :)
  • danner13
    danner13 Posts: 26 Member
    There's a group of us trying to lose 15 pounds by Christmas/New Years, our next weigh-in is Tuesday. Feel free to join, everyone is really supportive:
    You can add me too!
  • judsywudsy
    judsywudsy Posts: 44 Member
    Just sent you a request. I need to lose 23 pounds and mannnnn its taking forever. I am with u , we can encourage each other. pity i am in Jamaica so we cant meet up.