
Just thought I'd say hello...HELLO!

I joined up yesterday after defecting from Weightwatchers. The rubbishness of their Android app and general website cruddiness drove me away and over to MFP, which I cannot believe is free! I'm hoping all will go well with the switch from points to calorie counting but so far it's been easy. I'm aiming to shift my final stone of baby weight then lose the infernal extra stone I've been carrying around for ten years too long.

Good luck everyone!

Cakey xxx


  • toofatandy
    toofatandy Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome aboard. I have been here for 2 weeks now, was on ww before but did'nt agree. In 2 weeks I have lost 4kg's.
    I like the way you can plan and prepare for the day ahead and log the lot.
    You will get there.

    Add me as friend if you wish.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member

    Me friend.

    Lift weights dude, you wont regret it.

    That is all.
  • mollz007
    mollz007 Posts: 168 Member
    Good luck! I used to do WW to a long time ago and was very successful with ut, but now it is just not really in my budget and I would rather lose the weight for free if I can! Feel free to add me if you would like some more friends:smile:
  • Krahn1984
    Krahn1984 Posts: 57 Member
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome aboard. Remember it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Drink water, eat clean, and get moving. It works.
  • karenc118
    karenc118 Posts: 78 Member
    hi, i did the same a couple of weeks ago, w.w. points and calories work out more or less the same, the only thing i found hard was being used to 'free' foods and now having to count every calorie for fruit, salad etc, but you soon get used to it, lost 3lb first week :)
    add me if you need friends/support
  • Hopelessone
    Hopelessone Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome! This is an amazing community, you will find much help and encouragement from some wonderful people. Good luck on your journey!
  • chrissylew2049
    chrissylew2049 Posts: 3 Member

    Good luck in your quest for a slimmer you. I also have deserted Weight Watchers and find counting calories so much better. If you need support add me as a friend.
  • Im stuck at a plateau, ughhhhh, i have lost 40lbs so far, but ive been stuck at the same weight for the past 4 months, im excersizing ALOT more and trying to watch what i eat, i even keep a food log, but im not having any luck, getting very discouraged :( Any suggestions ??
  • Welcome! I was on Livestrong. Like MFP much better. I have had wonderful support.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Welcome...I tried WW once, I lost zero and I was starving all the time. I don't think I ever understood it.