Opinions On My Workout Schedule, Please??

Just got back into working out about a week ago and started this workout schedule today. I'm doing the C25K plus separate workouts for each day- focusing on different parts of the body. I got these separate workouts online...Pinterest. lol
Also, because I started this today (November 8), it starts on a Thursday. And this is a 5 days a week workout.

1.C25K Week 1 Day 1 (Alternating 60 secs of jogging and 90 secs of walking for 20 mins)
2. Circuit Training Workout (WARM UP- 40 Jumping jacks, :30 high knees, :20 jump rope- ARMS- 10 incline push-ups, 10 tricep dips, 5 dumbell curls~each arm- LEGS- 15 squats, 10 side lunges (each leg), 20 standing calf raises- BACK- 30 birddogs, :20 superman, 5 kneeling push-ups- CORE- 10 sit-ups, 40 Russian twists, :30 plank)

1. C25K Week 1 Day 2 (same)
2. Dancer's Legs Workout (WARM UP- 20 jumping jacks, 1:00 Standing hamstring Stretch, :30 knee highs, 20 jumping jacks- WORKOUT- 10 squats, 10 side lunges~each leg, 20 lunges, 10 one-legged calf raises~ each leg, 10 squats, 25 inner thigh leg lifts~ each leg, 10 side lunges~each side, 5 jump squats- STRETCHING- 1:30 standing hamstring stretch, :45 calf stretch~ each leg, 3:00 pike stretch

**Weekend Off**

1. C25K Week 1 Day 3 (same)
2. Melting Muffin Top (SIDE BENDS- Do 100 reps., STANDING TWISTS- Do 100 reps, JACKKNIVES- Do 40 reps)

1. C25K Week 2 Day 1(Alternating 90 secs of jogging and 2 mins of walking for 20 mins)
2. 5 Minute Butt Buster- Whole workout done 5 times for a 25 minute workout (0:00-0:30 Jumping jacks, 0:30-1:30 Plie squats, 1:30-2:00 lunges, 2:00-3:00 Short bridges, 3:00-4:00 Glute kickbacks, 4:00-4:30 jump squats, 4:30-5:00 side lunges)

1. C25K Week 2 Day 2 (same)
2. Lean Arms Workout (20 jumping jacks, 10 wrist circles, 20 arm swings, 10 kneeling push-ups, 10 tricep dips, 10 arm circles~w/ light weights, 10 tricep dips, 20 incline push-ups, 5 burpees, 1 full bridge, 5 tricep push-ups, 20 arm swings, 10 kneeling push-ups, 5 burpees)


Opinions? I tried to make it kinda easy to read... :ohwell:
Do you think it's too much? Not enough? The Thursday workout today definitely kicked my a**-- especially the C25K. I had to keep pausing it so I could walk and catch my breath. But I did all of it... I refused to only do half of it. And the Circuit training was challenging but it felt good...trembling muscles and lots of burning. :smile:

Thanks for any input!!


  • EquestrianLark135
    EquestrianLark135 Posts: 98 Member
    Anyone? :indifferent:
  • Seymour32
    Seymour32 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I've done c25k before (long ago) and it is really good. You're endurance level will increase quickly. I think though that if you are doing the other workouts straight after then it might be a bit much. Also c25k is usually only a 3 times a week thing (if i remember correctly) so u may be rushing it. Maybe try c25k on mon wed fri and the others in between? Or if u do want to do both maybe just double up a few times a week instead of every day. Good luck!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's hard to give an opinion without knowing your specific goals. This routine may work for some one's goals while missing the mark for others
  • Michaelsdin
    I have been doing the c25k myself for the pass week i believe it is doing good i did it mon/tue thur/fri/sat with a break on wed/sun i wont be moving to the next step though because of shin issues (shin splints) but to answer ur question only you would ultimately know if it is to much are you feeling pain or extreme discomfort while preforming or after preforming? if just mild to moderate keep at it, if intense slow it down/rest some days in between.