8 weeks pregnant - diet help

Hi all

I am 8 weeks pregnant and have put in 5lb so far, I think most of this is because I dont usually eat any carbs, I am so worried I am going to get massive. I ahve no idea how many calories I should be cosuming and all I can stomach is carbs. For instance today I have eaten 758 calories and have yet to have dinner.
I am trying to exercise 3 to 4 times a week for at least 30 mins but I feel very nauseous and have terribly painful boobs which makes running etc awful. The last 2 nights I have managed 30 mins on the x trainer and tonight I am planning to go swimming.
Has anyone got any advice for foods to avoid and whether 5lbs already is normal!

Appreciate any guidance!


  • AmbieSweetz
    AmbieSweetz Posts: 72 Member
    Congrats! I just recently found out Im about 5 weeks PG! Im also curious to see what the intake in cal's should be, but Im also relying on my body to tell me. Of course there's going to be a point where I can't control the gain but Im still going to be watching what I intake and still exercising (remember to watch your heart rate!) is key to losing the weight after the baby comes! Tee Hee! Can't wait! :)
  • lovinglife89
    Hello! I was told with my 2 that my body really only needed 300 extra calories a day for baby. With my first I didn't pay attention to what I ate and gained 40lbs and my second I did more exercising and just ate fewer sweets and only gained 26 lbs. It's hard when you are pregnant though because especially in the first trimester some things will make you feel sick and others help but it isn't always something healthy. I wouldn't deprive your cravings but just eat it in moderation. My advice is to just watch the sugar intake and drink a lot of water! I walked a LOT with my second and I'm convinced that played a big role in gaining less. I also did some workouts but didn't always have time for it while already having a toddler. Try not to stress too much and enjoy the pregnancy as it really goes fast!

    Congratulations to you both and good luck!
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    I found I put the weight on most quickly between weeks 6 and 12 when I felt really sick - probably about 8 lb in that period because carbs were what I craved and the only thing that made me feel a bit better. Then it slowed down as I felt better and could get out more. In total I put on 23lb which was fairly healthy (my weight issues are not related to being pregnant, lol!). so what I'm saying is dont' worry too much for now,
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member

    Your doctor/midwife will give you a diet to follow. Early on weight is strange. I started by losing 10 pounds the first time but gaining 5 pounds immediately the second.

    At the beginning, weight loss is added blood volume and breasts (5 pounds of breast!) plus water. You are also building 5 pounds of placenta over the first two trimesters.

    In the last trimester it's all the little one's brain and fat plus whatever extra you put on you.
  • carly_lauren
    Thanks girls really appreciate the advice.

    Congrats to you too anrmitchell!

    I think you are right, hopefully when the sickness improves I can start to eat more healthily and increase my exercise a bit!

    I am not eating loads of sweets or anything just quite a bit more food and carbs than i do usually. I usually do boxing and running but just feel I am not up to it so all these factors just worry me a bit. I am sticking to healthy foods such as fruit and fibre cereals, fruits and homemade sandwiches. If I fancy a snack and cannot stomach fruit I have been having a small cereal bar or some snack a jacks.
  • gillbush123
    gillbush123 Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations on the baby news. I had a little girl 5 months ago, and put a massive 5 stone on whilst pregnant and a stone since having her.
    I craved lots of surgery things, cakes, chocolate and ice cream, and I just kept thinking oh it will be ok I can loose it after I have the baby. As I had just lost 4 stone for my wedding that year, I found out I was pregnant 5 days before the wedding.
    now just a more than a year later I am 2 stone heavenly than I was before I lost all the last lot of weight, the only difference is I don't have the time or money to go the gym 5 times a week and skating twice a week like I did before. But now more than ever I need to be healthy for my daughter and my self, I want her to be proud of me.
    You are of course going to put some weight on, your pregnant, but please don't make the mistake I did. Eat as healthy as you can and try and stay active. Good luck with it all xxx