any tips for me

hey the doctor said i need to be inbetween 100 pounds and 120 for my weight i am 5 2" and i am 25 and tips for me


  • jnnfr_klein
    i am 156 now
  • Grizzly_Mike
    Hey there a good place to start is to Cut out all the sugars in your diet I.E. Soda, candy, limit your fruit. Load up on protein and vegetables. Try to eat a small meal every 3-4 hours the help restart your metabolism and exercise! And don't forget your water! that has been working for me.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hey and welcome to myfitnesspal. This place can be great for support, advice and healthy recipes and tips.

    I would start small and take steps do you don't burn out. Maybe first cut soda and juices and make sure you drink enough water through the day. Pack a lunch instead of eating out. Go for walks. Find something you enjoy doing to be more active. You can do it.
  • Brila09
    Brila09 Posts: 6 Member
    They say its 80% diet and 20% exercise. I'm a firm believer in water...I drink from one of these:


    Water flushes all of the excess sodium and crap from your body and I've noticed when I'm not drinking enough of it my weight starts creeping back up again. Whatever you chose to drink out of make sure its big and has a straw because that will get the water down at a faster rate than if you were to sip. I buy a bag of lemons and throughout the week will squeeze half a lemon into my jug of water to jazz it up a bit.

    If you belong to a gym I suggest doing a weights circuit in addition to your cardio of choice. Adding the weights circuit to my 2-3x a week cardio regimine (Zumba) really sped up my metabolism. My understanding is once you start building muscle your body will burn fat even in a resting state. I could tell my metabolism was revved up because I was constantly feeling hungry. Try to find something cardio wise that you actually like. Exercise wont suck so bad if you are actually enjoying it. If you dont have a gym membership I would do the run/walk thing or couch to 5k or even better check out if you have anything that peaks your interest on TV if you have free On Demand. They have so many programs to choose from!

    Food is a toughy. I eat well 80% of the time but go off the rails once in a while. I just love food and indulging. But I jump right back on the bandwagon the next day and drink water like there is no tomorrow. Lean proteins and lots of veggies. Minimal carbs and processed junk. I couldnt ever do no carb and admire people that do. I'm a grumpy b*tch without carbs. I eat a lot of big salads throughout the week for lunch with a can of tuna on top. I dress it simply with balsamic vinegar and a tsp of olive oil, s&p. When you sit down to eat fill up half or one side of your plate with the majority being vegetables. The other side divide into a carbohydrate and a protein for ideal balance. Try to eat the leanest forms of protein possible. Limit sugar and fat.

    Oh and stay consistent with Its no coincidence that when I'm tracking my food/exercise I consistently lose. Days I dont, the scale doesnt budge and goes up!

    Good Luck! And dont try to think of it as a diet....think of it as a lifestyle change!
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    make sure to log in daily, and if possible, collect some friends for support, encouragement, and ideas. I've gained a lot just by seeing how others lose. Make sure you fill out your profile and open your dairy so others can make suggestions when you ask. The best part is the encouragement you get from your "friends." I drink a LOT of water, and don't snack after dinner. If you need friends...just ask.
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    make sure to log in daily, and if possible, collect some friends for support, encouragement, and ideas. I've gained a lot just by seeing how others lose. Make sure you fill out your profile and open your dairy so others can make suggestions when you ask. The best part is the encouragement you get from your "friends." If you need friends...just ask.

  • Bubs1959
    Just a couple use my fitness fauthfully and exersise I was 283 when I started now 202 feel great My Dr has recently taken me off all my Blood pressure meds . In short if u use my fitness it works . Best of Luck
  • vickij2
    hey the doctor said i need to be inbetween 100 pounds and 120 for my weight i am 5 2" and i am 25 and tips for me

    I agree with Mike.
  • treatyoselftoslim
    I don't know if I agree with just "cutting out a few things so you don't burn out"--I understand where you're coming from but that never works for me. I think it's partly a personality thing, but if I don't go whole-hog I just let everything creep back in. In a strange way, it's easier for me to say: I have 1500 calories to eat every day, and a walk to take five times a week. That's it, period, no backing out. I'm an excellent mental negotiator, so if I start out with "I'll take it easy on the desserts" I can always find an exception. (I was going to go easy on desserts but this is my BEST friend's birthday party, I'll just have some cake and chips...) Rather than saying, OKAY, I have 1500 calories and if I eat a small sliver (no cheating) of cake, I can still have a salad for dinner and manage to keep my promise to myself.

    Everyone has a different strategy. Best of luck to you.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Tip - take your measurements. Sometimes you won't see the scale move, as your body replaces fat with muscle, but if you've been measuring your hips and waist, neck or arms, you'll have empirical proof that you're making progress.

    It's really beneficial to have something like that if you find yourself becoming discouraged.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    here is a tip... dont worry so much about your weight, worry about you % fat. by those standards your doctor uses 95% of football players are obese even the ones that play postions like running back and wide receivers.
  • mercymarque
    Everything everyone has said on here is so true. Log everything you put in your mouth. Water is so important, limit all other beverages, limit your snacks to 100 calories or less, rest (try to get 8 hours... it's sometimes hard), eat as clean as possible (whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies and try to have protein with every meal. Get out and exercise. The more you move the better you will feel. If you can find a buddy you can push eachother. This is a wonderful place. NJOY and good luck.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    fast forward 3 weeks from now i can see the thread title... "i log everything and am under my calories and i am still not losing weight" :laugh:

    i log nothing and still average 2lbs a week of weight loss...

    just learn to eat clean the most important part to me is not logging it is weighing and measuring everything you eat especially in the beginning... after a while you will begin to be able to eyeball things but that takes time...

    good luck in your journey just remember it is a marathon not a sprint... didnt take you a few weeks to get where you are and it is not going to take you a few weeks to get where you want to be
  • Chiseling_At_The_Mould
    It ever gets easier, you just get better!!