Changed Mind Set

I just started MyFitness Pal. I have been on diets all my life. How do I deal if I go over my alotted 1200 calories. I have dieted "perfectly" till I would get to my goal and then struggle to keep it off. I really want this to work for me. I am so inspired by all the stories. What helps to change my mindset that this isnt a diet but a lifestyle? Has anyone messed up for a day or 2 weeks? and got back on track and to goal?What helped.? Sorry for so many questions.


  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I'd say don't get too uptight about the 1200. That is one of the things that can turn "diet" into a four letter word. I've been on restrictive diets before and having to constantly ask "is this allowed" (I was restricted in what I could eat because of my medication) is what wore me down, not having the limitations.

    Obviously, 1200 calories is a goal and you want to aim for it because that is how you will find the results you want. Just don't get too down on yourself for missing, especially if, should you go over 1200, you still have a deficit. Generally, weight loss is about having some kind of defecit, period. Obviously, if you want to loose weight, you want to keep it reasonablly large while still consuming a healthy number of calories. The big change is that, if you let your defecit shrink regularly by eating more than your 1200 calorie goal, you will not lose weight as quickly.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I slipped up for a whole month (yup. last month). Completely stopped exercising (I seriously hate it). What got me back on track was gaining 2 pounds back and my clothes getting tighter again after only a 2 POUND difference. I can't stand that feeling and I CANNOT get off the wagon ever again. I'm also adding EVERYTHING I eat into my diary whether I go over my calories or not. That way I can see "Oh, no wonder I gained those 2 pounds back" or I can see that "if I keep eating this way I will gain all 8lbs back". It feels much better to be losing weight than gaining.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    First thing I'd check would be if 1200 is enough. MFP bottoms out at 1200 if you put too high of a goal number in so you may actually need to be eating more than that. Figure out your BMR and TDEE and eat somewhere between it. It's much easier to make the changes and stick with them if you aren't hungry all the time.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    First thing I'd check would be if 1200 is enough. MFP bottoms out at 1200 if you put too high of a goal number in so you may actually need to be eating more than that. Figure out your BMR and TDEE and eat somewhere between it. It's much easier to make the changes and stick with them if you aren't hungry all the time.

    Exactly...I'm losing more weight now than when I eating 1200 calories (I eat 1420) ALso, if you haven't yet check out helloitsdan's post called road map
  • AmyJMadison
    AmyJMadison Posts: 143 Member
    I did and felt the same when I started. Remember this is a long process and sticking to the 1200 is good but not always realistic. So if you go over 3 or 4 days in the week don't sweat it. Just try to make sure you are near or at the goals as much as possible and if you go over then put in a little sweat equity or shave a bit off the next day. I paniced the first few times I was a couple hundred over but in time the weight started coming off and I got used to what a weeks logging should look like. Its all good if you give it time.
  • daniles1
    Thank you for all the advice. It is so helpful.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    First advice: Don't take it so seriously.

    I slip up consistently and guess what? I've lost 19lbs since the beginning of the year. May not sound like a whole lot, but I wasn't very over weight to being with (SW 152lbs, GW 125lbs) I'm 5'2''.

    I noticed that when I "dieted" before MFP I hated it. I resented the diet because I was starving, and could NEVER eat the foods I enjoyed.

    First thing I did was I started eating more! I eat 1700cals a day and am still losing weight. Granted, I also lift heavy 3 days a week, if I am not working out, I am still eating at least 1500cals.

    Second thing I did was I chilled out a bit. I would eat the foods that I craved, the "bad" foods, in MODERATION. I stick to my plan 90% of the time and then when I crave something like a candy bar or a soda, I have it, and I don't feel bad about it.

    I noticed that once I got this concept through my head, it was SO much easier and the weight seemed to come off quicker. If you are having a problem staying on track AFTER you've lost your weight, then try to pre-plan your meals for the day/week. I love doing this because then I feel crappy about not eating what I said I was going to (That's why I have friends on MFP to hold me accountable).

    It's not easy, if it was.... everyone would be doing it. Understand that you can eat more and weight less (WITH the right foods). Watch your sodium and sugar intake. Read up on nutrition if you don't know what you are consuming.

    It all comes down to you. No one can tell you what attitude you SHOULD have. You have to believe that by eating healthy (notice I don't use the word diet here) and exercising, you can stay fit and soon enough it will be something you do because, well.... it's what you do, not because you are trying to lose weight.

    Best of luck!
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    I just started MyFitness Pal. I have been on diets all my life. How do I deal if I go over my alotted 1200 calories. I have dieted "perfectly" till I would get to my goal and then struggle to keep it off. I really want this to work for me. I am so inspired by all the stories. What helps to change my mindset that this isnt a diet but a lifestyle? Has anyone messed up for a day or 2 weeks? and got back on track and to goal?What helped.? Sorry for so many questions.

    I think the biggest thing for me that helped me change my mind set is realizing that every diet I have been on had ended and when it did I ended up gaining back all of the weight plus. I got tired of having a slip on the diet and feeling like I failed so why bother. It's taken over a year to lose 70 lbs and believe me I wish it was faster (who doesn't) but I know that if I slip I haven't screwed up my "diet". It was one day or one meal and in the grand scheme of things that isn't that bad.

    This new mind set has expanded into my exercise. I HATE to exercise or should I say I hated to exercise. Now it's not so bad. Know that I am on a life change mission I'm not afraid to try new things. I started out really slow. I would park out further and walk. Then I began to walk first 10 min, I added walking the stairs at work all 5 flights and so on. I take a kick boxing class 3 days a week and have signed up for a yoga class.

    I found when it isn't a diet there isn't the fear of failure. I must admit that sometimes I have to remind myself.

    Good luck on your journey. It is your journey own it and live in it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, I 'messed up' reguarly while losing and I still mess up regularly while maintaining the loss. I look at weight the same as everything else in life. It's never gonna be perfect so don't expect it to be. I'm human. I'm going to mess up.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I just started MyFitness Pal. I have been on diets all my life. How do I deal if I go over my alotted 1200 calories. I have dieted "perfectly" till I would get to my goal and then struggle to keep it off. I really want this to work for me. I am so inspired by all the stories. What helps to change my mindset that this isnt a diet but a lifestyle? Has anyone messed up for a day or 2 weeks? and got back on track and to goal?What helped.? Sorry for so many questions.

    I started watching my friends and family who are able to stay thinner and noticed that they still have to work at it but aren't as obsessed. For them, eating right 80-90% of the time, staying active regularly and having the occassional treat worked really well. So I tried to adopt the same concept for me. Nothing is off limits, I just try to watch my portions and get some exercise in to earn those extra calories to make up the difference.

    Also, a friend of mine once brought up the point of "if you can't change that for the rest of your life, why would you think it would work?". Case in point, I tried Atkins (low carb) 8 years ago and it worked for almost a year, then I went on vacation and had some foods I hadn't had in a long time and when i came home I decided I was done with the diet. And guess what - I gained all the weight back! Cutting out foods temporarily may help you lose weight but when you're done, are you going to keep living without them or will you start eating them again and risk re-gaining. Think of every change in terms of whether or not this is eomthing you can do for life - hence, lifestyle change.

    If you feel 1200 calories is to restrictive, change your weekly weight loss goal to a lower number. Two pounds a week may be too high of a goal for you - 1 or 1.5 pounds a week may be more reasonable.

    I mess up all the time! I've been sick this week and unable to exercise so I've tried stayinr around my calorie goal but have averaged about 200 calories over per day. It's tough! I've also been on quite a few vacations and dinners out with Hubby or friends over the last few years and although it may cause a bit of a set back, it's no reason to quit.

    The most important thing you can do is take these things in stride. Life happens, you can't always control what you have for meals so you make the best choices you can and the next day you get right back on track!