YOU vs. you

If you want to be the best, then you have to work harder then everyone else.
Thats it.
Dont be upset about what you dont get, with the work you didnt do.
Its easy to wish, anyone can wish. However, its work, that seprates the have and have nots.
A dream does not become reality through magic but through sweat, hard work and determination.
God cannot answer your prayers if you sit on your hands. YOU have to MOVE.
The only way to accomplish dreams, is to be freed of oppression. Environments, people, yourself... all of these, must be wriggled freefrom, no matter what it takes.
You may not be the smartest, or fastest, or most talented, but never ever let anyone, out work you, because that is the one thing that you can control.
From the moment you rise til you hit the bed again, be aware that the clock is ticking.
People face inescapable challenges everyday... do not give up. Do not give in. Do not cancel. Do. Not. Stop.
We get one life. Just one.
How much time are you wasting?
You have been given a gift, an ooporunity to be great.
But so many fall short of greatness, because that opportunity is wearing workout gear and looks too much like work... Yes, you heard me.... i see you blushing, and unsweaty...
Are you giving everything? Or the bare minimum?
You must commit your very being, eat it breathe it sleep it...
Without living your goal, constantly, every second of everyday... you will not ever be successfull...
But when you do the world is yours...
Everyone wantsto be the best, but who among you will reach out and do it?
Later? tonight? tomorrow? who will remmeber your name?
Every one of you has potential to be the best, at whatever your lifes passions are. The only thing keeping you from getting it, is you.
School sucks, job sucks, running sucks, life sucks... that is YOUR FAULT and only YOU can fix it. What MASSIVE ACTION will you take today, to solidify your decision, to change?
One choice.
Get up. or give up.
You versus you.
Will you be prepared, when your opportunity to be great arises...?
You may feel afraid, but you dont have to be, you can keep going forward with your knees shaking and heart pounding, and go ON!
What can man do to you?
Nothing, if you own yourself. If you are in control, of yourself.
You deserve it just as much as anyone else. So reach out and take it.
The only thing between you and your dreams, is you...
I challenge you... reach out and take it... today, tomorrow, and everyday, that comes, for the rest of your lives...
And that thing will be yours....

-Coack Kozak and Tony Robbins
