What Will You Do When You Reach Your Target?

Apart from shed a tear or two and celebrate!
I mean in terms of- how to keep at the current weight? Will you carry on eating and excerising as you have been?
Or will you have many more "splurge" days?
I am hoping once I get down to my target, that I can treat myself to a big bowl of pasta every now and then.
But I would be rather scared of putting it all back on!


  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    My plan is to continue using MFP but adjust it so I am maintaining. What I am doing I am doing for life so I don't plan on every really going back to a different way of doing things. But my goal is not just to lose weight so that is a big part of it. I imagine I will maybe splurge a bit more but in reality it will just be allowing myself to eat more because I'm in maintenance mode and not losing mode.

    I already allow myself splurges every now and then - even big bowls of pasta if I'm so inclined. But it is rare and I don't feel bad about it.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    SHOP (for clothing) like ALOT!
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    i think that (for me) its going to be a little while before i reach my goal so by then i think the habits with eating will be drilled in to so i dont think i'll go back into anything horrible!! i will probably eat things that i'm not eating now a little bit more :-)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I'm looking forward to the day where I can put my info in for maintenance and just keep logging, balancing my nutrition and participating here on MFP. I want to change to a healthy lifestyle - I'm too old to think about the OLD, OLD me :grumble: to go back to her :angry: ... I'm sure there will be b-day cake and Grandma's Comfort-food Thanksgivings :drinker: but am feeling the desire to really keep a good eye this time. :flowerforyou: To live right... to be honest, I really don't miss much of that at this point. I might change my mind if someone brought an elderberry pie to the house, though... LOL :laugh:
  • TanRobins
    TanRobins Posts: 44
    Once I hit the healthy weight that I am shooting for (150), I will assess if there room to loose a few more pounds (145). I am 5'7" so am trying to be realistic on not going too low. I definately plan on maintaining it and working out extra hard if I do splurge. But ultimately I just want to keep up with the eating healthy and working out to stay fit. Oh...and DEFINATELY get new clothes and donate ALL my old stuff to Goodwill. :happy: What a happy thought!!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    SHOP (for clothing) like ALOT!

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    1. Buy a pair of $300+ plus Frye boots or something like them, despite the fact that I've never spent that much on a pair of boots before. Because I've never been able to wear them before in my grown life.
    2. Keep using MFP so my newly skinny calves can keep wearing the boots that I worked so hard to spend money on.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I think that once I am at my Target weight that this will be so routine for me that those splurges will be just as infrequent as they are now but that maybe it will be similar to a special occasion than anything. I just dont see myself going all crazy and splurging alot because I don't want to gain back the weight that I worked so hard to take off.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    but i am planning to treat myself to a piece of Tiramisu...
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    My goal is 200lbs. But that's just part 1 of my goal. When I reach that number I'll switch from weight loss to muscle building. For me, this'll be an ongoing transformation. I think I'll likely continue to use MFP but adjust my food info to compensate for a muscle building workout routine.

    The reason I chose 200lbs is because that is when I hit a low body fat % and low enough to then start building muscle <-- this may not be sounding right, but I hope you know what I mean.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    First...I will stay on MFP and second I will stay connected to the friends I've made on the Over 300 Club page. I think its important to keep in touch with those that have walked this journey with me every day and have given me so much love and support.

    Second...I will stay active. 30 minutes a day minimum.

    Third...I will keep the starting photo of me in my view. I never want to go back to living that unhappily. I've wasted enough of my life and refuse to waste any more.

    Honestly, I think that because I finally see this for what it is...a new lifestyle, not a temporary diet...I've learned how to balance and have those splurge items and how to work with a calorie budget. If I want to eat more, I have to earn it with exersize. Its just like having a check book...sure I can have that splurge...as long as I do whats required to "pay" for it.

    Oh, and when I reach my target...I'm off to Tuscany and may not return!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    there are things that i'm building into habits that i will continue using (maybe eating some lower calories meals to help balance the evening out with fewer healthy foods) i've learned to eat lower calorie bread, tortillas, crackers and more low fat & fat free. I think i'll continue to use them, but can then go out for a mexican meal that's cheesy & have a margarita.

    i plan to continue to keep exercise part of my life. it wasn't before & i need that to balance a healthy life. More whole grains, rare fried things, you know.

    and yes, my plan is to continue here. keeping myself accountable. i spent years as a yo-yo dieter, then years ignoring my health. this time is for keeps & i have to do it right. doing it right means it isn't over just because of a magic number on the scale. the commitment to health is forever. -katie
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    After I lost the weight from my kids, I kept eating the same way most days but allowed myself to eat out or to just eat what I wanted every now and then. I still kept an eye on the scale because it's easier to lose 5 pounds than 35 pounds. I plan to do that again. I also plan to buy a smaller wardrobe and stay in it :).
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Once I hit the healthy weight that I am shooting for (150), I will assess if there room to loose a few more pounds (145). I am 5'7" so am trying to be realistic on not going too low. I definately plan on maintaining it and working out extra hard if I do splurge. But ultimately I just want to keep up with the eating healthy and working out to stay fit. Oh...and DEFINATELY get new clothes and donate ALL my old stuff to Goodwill. :happy: What a happy thought!!
    That's exactly what I'm doing. I hit my goal of 145 Saturday, but that was a goal I set seven months ago. Now I'm fine-tuning, so I set a new goal of 140. I may go to 135 after that, and I may not. (I'm 5'6" btw.) Still, I am going to celebrate hitting my major goal by treating myself to a bra-shopping spree at Victoria's Secret this weekend! :heart:
  • TanRobins
    TanRobins Posts: 44
    pjilly, that is great...I have a ways to go but I am determined to get there! I have 2 small kids that monopolize a lot of my time. Right now I am waiting for earlier sunrise so that I can get up at 5am to get a workout in before dropping them off to school and going to work by 8am. I know I am not the only one with this challenge, just trying to make it fit in my lifestyle (being there for my kids as well as me) But luckily, my husband and I are doing this together. Any tips you want to offer?
  • nekkehd
    nekkehd Posts: 2
    bulk back up to 155 and stay there
  • indiankel
    indiankel Posts: 163 Member
    To keep maintaining the healthy eating and motivation to go to the gym...ALOT! I don't want to gain the weight back. Like many others my weight has gone up and down, up and down. I have learned the healthy way this time to lose weight. I will get a new tattoo and some new clothes! I will treasure me and not lose respect again for myself and my weight. However, I would like to eat somethings that I have completely cut out but now I know I can but in moderation.
  • AmberMommyTo2G1B
    AmberMommyTo2G1B Posts: 44 Member
    Well I put my goal weight at 180 or 185 I can't remember I will likely lower that to 145. Right now I just want to get to 180. I will cry when I get below 200. I am almost there. I haven't been at the weight I am now in almost 3 years. I hope I don't decide to go back to the way I used to eat. I want to make this a lifestyle change not just a "lifetime diet."
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    What Will You Do When You Reach Your Target? Well, personally, I plan to just walk around naked all the time. Kidding..sort of. I plan to keep eating end exercising just as well as I am now. I don't see any reason to change that.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    As far as eating goes, I plan to stop using as many processed foods and fake sugars, etc and use the real stuff with my maintenance calories. I also plan to continue exercising and keep up the healthy life style. I already take a "cheat day" once a week, so I'll probably continue doing that, but I still have at least 50 lbs to go, so we'll see if I am allowed those cheat days as often :O)
    Love the post and can't wait to read what everyone else had to say.