27 years old with 150 to lose



  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Welcome & best of luck to you! Always here for support/encouragement if you need it :)
  • scarlet331
    scarlet331 Posts: 42 Member
    Im 33 yrs and I weigh 325. I have a condition called PCOS which can make losing weight very difficult without watching intakes and exercise. This is the heaviest I have been, ever and I took a month off from this site and realized that I had slipped up. Im not proud of myself, but all I can do is start all over again. Just take it day by day.My husband lost 20 lbs by using this site and he weighs more than you do (389) He was down to 378 but gained the 9 lbs back. He isn't proud of himself but we are human and do make mistakes. We now are going to take our health into consideration and workout.
    Start off small..eating right foods, exercising for 10-20 mins then work up to the bigger stuff. It may seem hard at first but we have to climb that mountain eventually. I wish you lots of luck and remember you are not alone. :)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Good job on your progress so far and welcome back! you can do it!

    I think it helps to break my enormous goal into smaller chunks. I'm going to lose 180 lbs but I like to look at it as (4) 45lb chunks. 1 down, 3 to go. I'm 25% of the way there and I know I can do it. I just have to do what I've already done 3 more times. (so if you have lost 30 pounds out of 150 then you are 20% of the way there!!! you can do it! Just do what you've already done 4 more times!)

    I also set a number of monthly goals for myself, mostly fitness related. Seeing what I accomplish each month helps keep my focused and motivated. Good luck, you're doing great!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    You can do this. One pound at a time. Good luck on your journey to healthy lifestyle. Bless you.
  • thrillathyme
    thrillathyme Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on MFP for 6 months now and I've lost 40lbs (from 285 to 245). The iphone app and a food scale have been a big part of my success.
    Good luck to you!
  • wewereborn2run
    wewereborn2run Posts: 6 Member
    As a young person myself who developed terrible eating habits, I lost 60 (from 200 to 140) and it was hard, but you CAN do it!!! Don't give up!!! :-)
  • heyshell79
    heyshell79 Posts: 65 Member
    Add me if you like, You'll love the encouragement you get from MFP friends!!
  • StephieKreegs
    You've got this! When you are determined nothing can stand in your way!:smile:
  • linz0saur
    You can do it! just keep motivated...and if you need support you are welcome to message me! :) Good Luck!
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    Good on ya, mate! I can relate - 24, 300+ etc. We can BOTH absolutely do this if we prepare ourselves for two things:


    I'm in it with you, so add me if you'd like :) You have so much support here, so don't be afraid to *use* it! Good luck!
    CGBUN Posts: 8
    hooray for you! I find that tracking my food daily makes a HUGE difference. In fact we had chinese for dinner and I was over my calorie allotment by 44 calories, so I did enough stationary bike to give me 68 extra calories! I hate to go over my calorie amount; I like to stay at or under. I've been doing this since the end of September and so far have had great success; hang in there and go 1 day at a time.
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    Congratulations on losing some already! And so proud of you for putting yourself 'out there.' I agree with everyone who offered the advice to log EVERYTHING you eat. It really holds you accountable. I also highly recommend a fitbit or something similar to keep track of your daily steps/calorie burn. I began with 101 lbs to lose and so far have lost 72. I could not have done it without MFP food diary or my fitbit. I aim for 20,000 steps per day. Every little bit counts. Walk whenever wherever you can, even if only for a few minutes. I KNOW you can do this. Congratulations on making the first steps toward your goal!
  • trinityrecgirl
    Congratulations on this decision, know there are a lot of people here who will be a great support network for you. Celebrate the small victories, and don't look too far down the road. The journey may seem long, but if you are always looking at how far you have come, and make small manageable goals, the journey will go more quickly than you realize. Make sure you log in every day, it helps you to be accountable, and will help you manage your different meals. (If you want to go out for dinner, you will know how to adjust the rest of your day.) If you stumble, don't quit, just ask for help and encouragement. Good wishes for continued success. It is so very worth the struggle as you feel yourself changing.