Tough Mudder!?

Has anyone ever done a "Tough Mudder" event? I did one last year. I thought to myself "10 miles, psh! I got this!" Yeah, I got my *kitten* whooped bad!

If you've never done one, look it up. It's a blast and every person you meet is there to push you and help you out. It doesn't matter your skill level,or how active you are. You just go out and give it your all! If you happen to finish, you get an orange headband and a beer! Above all else, who doesn't love rolling in the mud!?

Added bonus - All the money helps out the wounded warrior project (Injured vets).


  • kimbolay7
    kimbolay7 Posts: 96 Member
    I saw someone post about this today! I'm thinking about training for it, and asking friends to be in my team... as I don't think I could climb the walls my self. :laugh:

    You going to do another?
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    Haha, those walls are tricky! I stayed back a few times to help a few people... 100 people later and i'm still there!

    Absolutely! I always love a good challenge!
  • juuniper77
    juuniper77 Posts: 13 Member
    I did one last was cold and rainy and awesome!! Training for another one, this time in June:)
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    I think the highlight of mine was the swimming with a log obstacle and watching people throw dead fish at each other haha!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Dead fish... whoa. Thanks for that info, I'm doing a TM in February and I'm super excited about it.... but definitely have to train hard!

    Anything you wish you had worked harder at beforehand?
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    They were dead before we entered. All I cared about was keeping my mouth closed haha! Endurance is key! The obstacles aren't brutal, it's just having the stamina to finish strong after 10-12 miles. I'd recommend some kind of compression clothing to stay warm underneath, and loose fitting clothing on top of it. Invest in some trail shoes (New Balance), unless you want to run back for your shoes (I know I did).

    Last, but not least, keep those knees high and move fast for the last obstacle... Unless you enjoy getting electrocuted :P
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    Whoops, saw that you're from CA! Never mind on the compression clothes to stay warm lol
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Whoops, saw that you're from CA! Never mind on the compression clothes to stay warm lol

    February, windy and wet... it does get cold here! I have the trail running shoes already, and I'm starting half-marathon training in them in a couple weeks :)
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    Lol, I guess cold to me is anything in the negative ;) Awesome! What shoes?
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    I have done some 3-4 milers but the husband and I are planning on doing a 12mile*toughmudder* and a 14mile*spartanbeast* this coming summer... super excited and terrified all at once..
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Lol, I guess cold to me is anything in the negative ;) Awesome! What shoes?

    Well jeez now you're just making me feel like a wuss. I think cold is anything under 60.

    Shoes are these beautiful babies:
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    This popped into my head last week- that I wanted to do it. Then I looked it up. Was fine with everything except being electrocuted!

    Now that I just actually ran a mile (non stop, think I'm gonna die, call the medics mile), I just might get there!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    As for the shoes comment - duct tape!
    I did a 5k mud run and taped my shoes on before hand, greatest idea ever since the pond tried to steal them from me!

    I can't wait to do a TM!!!
    Aiming for the one at Mt Snow for VT in 2013!
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    **raises hand**

    me me me, but I haven't run more than 5k in over 10 years. It looks so fun, but I don't even know how to begin training for it.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I haven't done one... Yet. I'm no where ready or fit enough to do one, but I'm working on it.
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    Lol, I guess cold to me is anything in the negative ;) Awesome! What shoes?

    Well jeez now you're just making me feel like a wuss. I think cold is anything under 60.

    Shoes are these beautiful babies:

    Haha, not at all! I'm just used to it! I approve of your footwear choice :)

    @oohmercyme - Lol, I thought it was small shocks, hell no! It puts you on your *kitten*!

    @Lishie - Brilliant idea! Good luck, let me know how it goes!

    @juicy - Get it gurl!!! Don't worry, they have at-least 3 stations for water and bananas. You can relax and take your time.

    @Jo - Let me know if you need any help. It's a great experience!
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Am entering one next June with a bunch of guys from my rugby team. Need to do it to prove something to myself I guess.
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    Am entering one next June with a bunch of guys from my rugby team. Need to do it to prove something to myself I guess.

    Awesome bro! Teams are the best motivation!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Has anyone ever done a "Tough Mudder" event? I did one last year. I thought to myself "10 miles, psh! I got this!" Yeah, I got my *kitten* whooped bad!

    If you've never done one, look it up. It's a blast and every person you meet is there to push you and help you out. It doesn't matter your skill level,or how active you are. You just go out and give it your all! If you happen to finish, you get an orange headband and a beer! Above all else, who doesn't love rolling in the mud!?

    Added bonus - All the money helps out the wounded warrior project (Injured vets).

    I've been reading about these, but am not ready :). What kind of training do you suggest?
  • jellebeandesigns
    jellebeandesigns Posts: 347 Member
    We have a group for beaver creek 2013!!