nostalgia: first job

WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
my first job was just after my sophomore year of college (summer of 1987). i was living in Ocean City, MD for the summer with a bunch of other college students and i had my car with me. some of these students took jobs at a brand new pizza place that opened across the street, so it was natural for me to become one of their delivery people since i had a car and would be working with people i was around everyday anyway. it wasn't bad... money in your pocket every night, and you were free all day to play on the beach or go sailing or whatever. i also learned the back streets and alleys of the town pretty well, so that i could get around quickly. i even ended up with a couple of interesting stories of things that happened while delivering pizzas. so that's it for me... my first job was delivering pizzas for a couple of months at the beach.

what was your first job?


  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Dunkin Donuts when I was 15. Actually met my husband while working there. We were friends for a good 4 years before dating and we've been together almost 7 years now :blushing:
  • beccannes
    A bakery/restaurant when I was 13. All of the people I worked with were friends. It gave me a false sense that everyone in the world gets along and everyone was friends. LOL can imagine my surprise when I was thrown in the real world.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    the arches! aka MCDONALDS! haha.. when i was 15 or 16..