New to MFP message boards!!!

Hi my name is bernadette and I have been using the calorie part of MFP. I haven't ventured onto the message boards until now. I have lost a total of about 60 lbs. I am always the first one to offer support and motivation, but it is not real easy to ask for support and motivation. I have recently 'fell off the wagon' if u will and gained 6-8 lbs. For some people this may not seem extreme, but for me it is devastating. I realize life gets in the way and right now my life has been extremely stressful and I am having trouble pulling together my eating and exercising. I have found that support and motivation help so much, so I am looking for that here from u! Thank you for listening and I hope to hear from all of u soon :-) I do know this is a journey that many people face and it won't happen overnight, but man do I get discouraged fast!!!


  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    I do understand the way you feel, try not to be to hard on yourself, you've done a great job on your loss. I know you'll be able to get this little weight gain off, because you've already done it once.

    Looking for, and accepting some support is a great thing. We all need encouragement along the way it's human nature. If you'd like a friend feel free to add me. I'll support you the best I can.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
  • WOV_mom
    Hang in there, and plz don't beat ur self up. Life happens and the great thing is ur back on board and on track! We learn from our mistakes and keep on going forward, try not to get so down but think positive today is a "new day" and I will be successful in my eating and exercising!! U CAN DO THIS, U have a proven record. I just started and I've lost 6 lbs but I'm proud of my success and I'm gonna keep moving forward this is a LIFE Change so we will have our ups and downs.... keep ur head up at least u didin't gain all of it back :)
  • earhigham
    earhigham Posts: 2 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself! You have done a great job and will continue to do so! :happy:
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    60 pounds is incredible! I can see where you would be disappointed in gaining some back but remember how awesome you have done!! You can get right back on track. Feel free to add me if you like. You can shave those pounds right back off :)
  • earhigham
    earhigham Posts: 2 Member
    Am new here, starting last Saturday! Love it! Very easy to use.
  • spktrue14
    Thank you everyone for all of your support. Ur motivation is so great!!!