NSV -- Type 2 Diabetes

AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
On March 4, 2011, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (well... more like borderline diabetes). That morning, my fasting blood sugar was 150, and my A1C was 6.2. Now... I know that is no where near as bad as most diabetics. (I grew up with a diabetic, and his levels were always at least 10x that high.) But, for me, it was the kick in the butt I needed. I had witnessed my dad destroy his health from thinking diabetes was a joke. With this diagnosis, I was not going to allow it to happen to me. I was immediately put on 1000mg of Metformin a day, as well as 2 shots of Victoza a day.

Yesterday, November 9, 2012, my non-fasting blood sugar was 81 and my A1C was 5.1. Admittedly, they are a little worried now about it going "too low"... but, overall, my doctor is very pleased. She said that everything is fantastic now, and I just need to keep it at this level. I have long since been taken off of Victoza; but, I am still on Metformin (but only 500mg a day). They had thought of taking me off of that; but, in the one month of testing me while off of Metformin, my PCOS worsened (and, apparently, the medicine treats both). So... that is here to stay. I just have to keep doing everything else I'm already doing.

And, that is my NSV. Now, as for the scale victory. When I was diagnosed on March 4, 2011, I weighed 306 pounds. Today, I weigh 261.4. I know some may not see that as A LOT; but, here is the story.

I lost 42 pounds almost immediately when first diagnosed. I kept that off for several months. However, around the holidays last year, I backtracked. I gained 17 pounds back. On September 4, 2012, though, I restarted my journey (this time for good), and I have since lost 21 pounds -- 17 pounds + 4. :happy: I'm not turning back this time. And, this time, I'm not thinking of it as a diet... and, I'm not thinking that I have to cut anything out completely. I still eat what I want... but, in small numbers (and definitely not everyday). I count carbs... but, I do not cut them out. I try to get most of my carbs from fruits, instead of sweets. I have nutritious foods as carbs, instead of empty calories. That way, I stay satisfied and eat less.

ETA: And, with all of that said... I hope this story can inspire other diabetics (and borderline diabetics) in their journey to better health. Don't think of this as a diet. Think of it as a journey... and a lifestyle. And, it's a lifestyle that is soooo worth it. :happy:


  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Actually... I have cut out 1 thing completely. Sodas. Before, I would drink sodas (mostly Sprite) like it was the only thing in the world. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.... and every minute in between. Since the week I was diagnosed, I have not touched Soda. I only had 1 Sprite that first week because I was extremely sick from starting the Metformin. Now, all I drink is water, milk, green tea, and sugar-free lemonade (once in a blue moon).
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    A big motivator for me to finally lose this weight was a fear of diabetes.

    I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my youngest son, and have always been told that makes me a much higher risk for type two diabetes. I had a physical in October, and my fasting glucose put me at *just* over the line for borderline diabetic. Thank goodness I'd already lost 20 pounds by that point! (I also had had a very stressful event the night before the test, which could have increased the number)

    My doctor was very happy that I was already on my way to losing some more weight and getting healthy.

    I go back for a retest in December, and I'm working hard to make sure I'm well in the normal range.

    Congratulations to you and keep up the good work!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    A big motivator for me to finally lose this weight was a fear of diabetes.

    I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my youngest son, and have always been told that makes me a much higher risk for type two diabetes. I had a physical in October, and my fasting glucose put me at *just* over the line for borderline diabetic. Thank goodness I'd already lost 20 pounds by that point! (I also had had a very stressful event the night before the test, which could have increased the number)

    My doctor was very happy that I was already on my way to losing some more weight and getting healthy.

    I go back for a retest in December, and I'm working hard to make sure I'm well in the normal range.

    Congratulations to you and keep up the good work!

    I wish you all the luck in keeping the numbers down. It can be done. I know you can do it.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    :cry: BUMP... One more time.

    At least it's important to me. :blushing:
  • committowalk
    committowalk Posts: 59 Member
    It's great you have made so much progress fighting diabetes. A fear of it is one of my big motivators. I am insulin resistant and can't afford the Metformin so I am losing weight to help my body. Exercise is supposed to really help with insulin sensitivity so I have been really working on doing as much as I can.
  • joapple11
    joapple11 Posts: 25 Member
    I was diagnosed as a type 2 a year ago this month. I appreciate your courage in sharing and your encouraging words! Diabetes runs rampant in my family, which I did not know until recently. This has been a real change for me. I have never dieted before and always ate what I wanted. It has been a difficult, and not always victorious, journey so far. I am losing a bit of weight since I joined this site, and hopefully it will continue. good luck on your journey! I hope you will stay strong and be able to stay off meds and shots!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Diabetes runs rampant in my family...

    It does in my family, as well. In my father's side of the family. My grandmother died from it and my father is dying from it. 2 out of 4 of my aunts has it, as well.
  • You are great inspiration. Diabetes was the big kick in the pants to get me started losing weight too. Whenever I feel myself getting weak-willed, I remember that I'm doing this to get and stay healthy. I've brought my A1c down from 8.7 to 5.6. I can't seem to get my fastings below around 115, but it's still better than 160 or 170, which is where I started. Wanting to avoid diabetic complications is a great motivator.
  • hugsee
    hugsee Posts: 36
    I too have type 2 diabetes. Both sides of my family have been sufferers. Then I was in a destructive relationship in the fact he was an enabler and over 7 years helped me to a size 32....then I snapped literally. I have been diagnosed with major depression and take the appropriate medication and then they also discovered the diabetes.

    Recently I was started on Victoza and that has been a godsend. It has cut my appetite. Then it was something to get me motivated as I would quite happily sit at home all day. So I got a dog. She is the real life saver.

    In the 5 years since leaving my ex I am now in a size 18 and doing very well and needing some moral support and some ideas I joined this site. I love the encouragement that people give each other. Will be seeing my dsn soon for my half yearly hba1c so am hoping to cut at least some of the medication.
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    Congratulations on understanding the seriousness of even a 'boarderline" diagnosis and getting motivated and committed to doing something about.

    I appreciate that your diary is own to viewing so it gives the rest of us meal ideas as we work toward lowering or BG levels as well.

  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    Way to go! I was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure as well. I ended up having an allergic reaction to the blood pressure medicine a year later. They put me on a medication that raised my sugar and never helped my blood pressure. I have since stopped all medications due to losing weight and a better diet and exercise. I feel great and by blood sugar runs around 70-80 in the mornings. My blood pressure is under control as well.

    Good job at what you are doing!
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    Another diabetic here ;) I was diagnosed in the end of June 2012, so its pretty recent fo rme too. I have had lupus for ten years and been on prednisone all that time so while there is no diabetes in my family, the long term steroids (and weight gain from the steroids) made it inevitable. Anyway, like you, this was a big wake up call for me. Being a doctor with a health issue like diabetes is sometimes good and sometimes bad - while you know exaclty what to do, you also know EXACTLY what can go wrong if you don't!! So..... I changed my diet and lifestyle to manage my sugar, and the weight loss has just followed. I have lost 56lbs now since the end of June and still going strong (and all that while I'm still on the steroids!) My specialist told me he wanted me to lose 25lbs by Christmas haha well I showed him!!

    Anyway, I'm proud of you as we follow the same journey. COngratulations and keep on keeping on!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Wonderful news, AmberJo. I know that improving your health must make you very happy. :smile:

    Thanks for sharing your encouraging experience. :flowerforyou:
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    Awesome job! One of my motivators is trying to reverse my elevated blood sugar levels. My dad has diabetes and most of his family had it as well. My aunt is almost completely blind and has lost her foot from it. That is terrifying to me. Now I am working my buns off and eating better.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    That's just fantastic -- thanks for sharing! And congratulations on getting healthy. :smile:
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Diabetes was also my kick in the rear! You've done wonderfully so far - here's to your continued successful management!
  • Congratulations on your victory. I was also diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago and was in such denial that I never did anything for it. I really let my health suffer. It wasn't until a year into nursing school that I decided to get off my butt and do something for myself. Something about seeing all those patients missing toes/feet/legs etc amputated from diabetes that really gets a person motivated. I started in June and have since brought my A1C from 10.5 to 6.4. Not perfect but getting there :) Thanks for sharing your story!
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