gluten free ??

I am trying to eat gluten free as much as I can. I hope to be 100% gluten free soon. any advice and what do any of you eat for meals ? I can use any help I can get !! Thank you !:happy:


  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    look for Paleo recipes. Those are gluten free for the most part. Trader Joe's has some excellent gluten free products.
  • Dodgers33089
    Unless you have Celiac Disease, I don't see why you would bother with the hassle of a gluten free diet
  • fran65now
    I have alot of health issues that I read would ease up if I went gluten free. Thought I'd give it a try ! If I find it doesn't help, then I will know at least I tried !! :smile:
  • Dodgers33089
    you should talk to a doctor. Going gluten free isn't going to cause any problems at all, but if you have health problems related to your GI tract then definitely see a physician before self diagnosing
  • shimewazaMan
    Hey there. I've got Celiac Disase. I try to stay with whole natural foods as much as possible. I eat LOTS and LOTS of fruits and vegetables. In fact, it is kind of a pain cause I go through them so fast. As far as quickie meals, I do things like refried beans, Gwaltry Turkey Dogs, and tuna mixed with various vegetables like green beans. I eat most kinds of meat in moderation. As long as it's not breaded or marinaded in anything with gluten, I have no problems. For the most part, unless I am treating myself, I stay away from gluten-free baked goods (like bread, cookies, etc.). The gluten-free versions tend to have A LOT more sugar and fat. So, if you eat a lot of that stuff, you can actually find yourself gaining weight on a gluten free diet. That happened to a friend of mine who also has CD.
  • wobblyweevil
    Just eating real food - nothing processed - which echoes the paleo advice above. My favourite supper is 1/3 aubergine (eggplant), 1 courgette (zucchini), 4 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 onion, several cloves of garlic, 1 bell pepper. Chop it all up, throw it on to a baking tray that you've prepared with olive oil, into the oven at 170'c, give it all a shake after 15 minutes to stop it sticking to the tray and it'll be ready after about 25. You can throw whatever herbs you like on there too, or some sliced chillies. Serve with protein source of your choice.

    Home-made soups - I make mine up as I go along, but just find recipes online that sound nice and try them without the thickening agent.
  • fran65now
    you should talk to a doctor. Going gluten free isn't going to cause any problems at all, but if you have health problems related to your GI tract then definitely see a physician before self diagnosing
    Thank you . I will. I see my Dr. in a few weeks !
  • ladyleko
    Hey there,

    I have gluten intolerance (not Celiacs) as well as a susceptibility to Candida. My doctor has approved, for me, the Anti Candida Diet and the best blog with recipes I've ever found for it are from this woman:
    This is not a fad diet for me but rather a complete life style change and I've been on it for just about three years now and I've never felt better. It's super hard at first but once it becomes your life style then it's easy. I'm NOT vegan though so about 80% of what I do is based on this website the other 20% come from my own creative mind and acceptable restaurants. I eat eggs everyday for example, and other meats in moderation.