Could use some help?

716Laura37 Posts: 35 Member
So i seem to run into the problem of forgetting to pull something out before I leave and then when I get home its to late and I always seem to turn something not so good at that point. So I was trying to see if anyone has tips on something that is simple I could keep in the house for situations like these that will feed the 4 of us that is healthy and doesn't require defrosting meat.


  • sjd2007
    I have a family of three, I usually stop by the store on the way home and pick up fresh meat. I like to cook meat with salad dressing. I fix the boys Mac and cheese or whatever it is they want and I just eat steamed veggies (super easy) or side salad along with the meat.
  • venturaroo
    venturaroo Posts: 84 Member
    Have you tried making all your meals for the week on the weekend? Or a slow cooker is awesome!!
  • 716Laura37
    716Laura37 Posts: 35 Member
    No I haven't tried on the weekend making them. Usually I just bake up chicken or something then a veggie and a side. I don't know how what I normally do would work like that. I would love to start using our slow cooker. We've had it about 4 years and I've never used it. I don't really know what all to do in it. So if you have some recipes you would like to share that would be great and very helpful =)

    Ya, I guess I could do that. Not like it will take much longer to grab something real quick and it's a lot better then eating something I shouldn't. Like you bake your meats with Salad dressing over them? What kinds? Thank you both for your help =)
  • Runninglibrarian13
    I LOVE my slow cooker.. on nights when I'm going to be out with my running group especially..that way I know hubby and the kids will have something to eat while I'm out. It does take setup the night before or morning of, but if you can do that it is great.

    I have a huge crockpot that's big enough to do a roast chicken in. Then all my husband have to do is make a side veggie.

    Other favorites for us... crockpot salsa chicken

    Crockpot Lasanga (tastes awesome!)

    I know there's more we love, but I'm drawing a blank.
  • obored1
    obored1 Posts: 32 Member
    Also sometimes I just make stuff the night before, Like If I know Wednesday is going to be a tight schedule, 1. I plan something easy for Wednesday, 2. I may pre cook and pre chop everything i need to make it go fast i.e. Tacos, pre cook chicken into chunk size nuggets, store in fridge until dinner the next evening. I also will chop lettuce and onions and put them in baggies.

    Google slow cooker recipes, they have a tone of easy ones, like take frozen chicken breast and a can of mild salsa and taco seasoning packet and put it all in the crock pot. once its cooked when you get home, you can make a ton of things, serve in soft shells, serve over quinoa, or brown rice, etc etc.

    Check or i think its for lower calorie recipes

    Also cooking to have left overs ON PURPOSE, Like If we use ground beef for taco salads, then the next night the left over ground beef becomes spaghetti meat sauce.

    Or cooked Chicken chunks can become soft shells or chicken salad or chicken on a salad, or soups or many things

    Cooked meats last longer in fridge than raw, but don't get too far ahead, like 2 - 3 days tops

    Plan your meals in advance, you can also defrost something in the fridge but it takes longer, but if you have planned ahead, you can thaw it earlier and do it in the evening when you have more time maybe.

    Good luck
  • crazygoodness
    Fish En Papillote. (fish in parchment)

    It my absolute FAVORITE method of cooking really fast and extreamly healthy. Even if you buy frozen it only takes 10 min to defrost (make sure you defrost in COLD water only!) It's high in protein and low in calories. Everyone gets their own serving which makes it feel as if your at a nice sit down dinner.

    you'll need: Parchment paper, fish, and veggies of your choice. It only takes 8-15 min to cook depending on the fish choice.

    check out this recipe I found on Oprah's website for some great flavors!! Also Kelsey Nixon has a video up that shows you step by step the exact method to properly construct the dish. In her recipe she uses salmon fillets but I just buy whatever fish is affordable and easily storable. Alaskan Pollock is what happens to be in my freezer at the moment. Talapia is great too.

    Note as well that you can cook almost anything "en papillote" so do look around and find what appeals to your style of cooking!

    The best of luck to you!!
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    No I haven't tried on the weekend making them. Usually I just bake up chicken or something then a veggie and a side. I don't know how what I normally do would work like that. I would love to start using our slow cooker. We've had it about 4 years and I've never used it. I don't really know what all to do in it. So if you have some recipes you would like to share that would be great and very helpful =)

    Ya, I guess I could do that. Not like it will take much longer to grab something real quick and it's a lot better then eating something I shouldn't. Like you bake your meats with Salad dressing over them? What kinds? Thank you both for your help =)

    I do a lot of these two options.
    Having ready-homemade-tv dinners makes those rush nights sooo much easier. It's a bit of work, but also fun when including family in the planning and or making.
    We love our slow cooker too. Easy and best, can't screw it up roast: take a beef roast, sear on all sides in olive oil and garlic. I use the crushed garlic in a jar. Nice and brown crust. Put in slow cooker sprinkle a pkg of onion soup mix over it. cover and cook on high for 5-7 hrs or however long. I do mine over night sometimes, or while im at work. Awesome juices for making homemade soup or (shhhh don't tell anyone) gravy.

    I also have a wonderful steamer container from tupperware. You gals know..the oval shaped, 3 pce one. it is amazing for throwing veggies in, little bit of water in the bottom, and nuke for 5-8 mins. Works well for frozen veggies too.
    And the simplest, quick fix...throw a potatoe in the microwave. We discovered these potato bags, don't even have to spear the beggers with a fork anymore. lol.
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh and i If you can't find it there, you are not gonna find it anywhere. I love that site.
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 135 Member
    When I moved to college, not being able to predict when I would have time to cook and therefore not knowing when to leave something out to defrost was like half the reason I became vegetarian! Lol it just happened and then one day I made it official for other reasons, going vegan shortly after. But vegetarian is so easy!!! Just check out some veggie recipes: they are all fast, healthy, and defrost free. My favorite part about being vegan is everything is so fast and easy to make -- don't have to plan ahead or worry if everything is cooked through.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Will your family eat meatless meals? There are tons of options for vegetarian meals, even if you're not a vegetarian. I eat meat most days but if I forgot to thaw something or if I'm just not in the mood for meat I have a couple of pasta dishes and soups that don't require any meat. But my husband pretty much always likes meat so when he's home we'll sometimes do breakfast for dinner and I'll make pancakes or omelets-- that way it's easy for me to fit my calorie goal (sugar free syrup, only 1 serving for me) and he still feels like he's eating hearty. Also my mom always used to keep stuff for deli sandwiches on hand for just such an occasion.
  • sjd2007
    It's all in what you like really. A slow cooker is great. Are you familiar with Pinterest? I get a lot of dinner ideas from there!!! Type in the search box such as "crock pot" click boards and the recipes are endless! :)
  • 716Laura37
    716Laura37 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you all so much for your helpful ideas! I really think they are going to help! =) I will look up some slow cooker recipes and make freeze some left overs then just throw them in oven another time? Do others do this?