1400 instead of 1200?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You will not gain weight by eating less and you will not lose weight by eating more that is a complete lie. You need to cut as many calories as possible and preferably not eat some days using intermittent fasting.

    Wrong and wretched, horrible, pro-ED advice. Please ignore.

    Agreed - this advice is terrible.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You will not gain weight by eating less and you will not lose weight by eating more that is a complete lie. You need to cut as many calories as possible and preferably not eat some days using intermittent fasting.

    Wrong and wretched, horrible, pro-ED advice. Please ignore.

    Agreed - this advice is terrible.

    And another vote for ignore the pro-ED advice.
  • 101hellokittys
    if you have stopped losing weight this close to your goal, that is your body saying this is the weight it wants to maintain. the last 10 pounds are "vanity pounds".
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    if you have stopped losing weight this close to your goal, that is your body saying this is the weight it wants to maintain. the last 10 pounds are "vanity pounds".

    Agreed on the vanity pounds, disagree on the fat cells having opinions. It certainly gets harder to lose the last few pounds, and they go slowly, and you generally need to be stricter and change your tactics slightly, but I don't let fat cells boss me around!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    I see we are back with the walls of text today. TL/DR

    First off, it would only be ONE wall of text if you didn't quote the whole post.

    Second, the OP asked a question to anyone on the board who might have a suggestion for her to try. The 'wall of text' has a LOT of great information in it and has been extremely helpful to many people on this site. Perhaps you and others who referenced it in this thread have read it before and are tired of seeing it. But YOU are not the ones who asked the original question for help on this thread, so it was not directed at YOU. Californiagirl2012 has made an amazing transformation at 50 years old and is quite the inspiration for a lot of the older women on here that are struggling to lose at this age. She not only has lost her weight, she has kept it off and has a rock hard strong body to show for it. I for one, wanted to know how she accomplished this feat. Since she has quite a bit of information in her post, it would take her a lot of time to retype everything in every thread where her info might be beneficial to the OP, who has probably NOT seen her post '900 times'. How many times do we see the copy and paste of the 'in place of a road map' post? No one complains about Dan reposting his threads and his links on many threads, so why is there so much vitriol towards Californiagirl?

    If you have already read her info, simply scroll down and add your own words of advice for the OP. I personally WANT to hear from people who have succeeded, and want to know what worked for them, and what they have learned on their journey.
  • Vyndarian
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    You will not gain weight by eating less and you will not lose weight by eating more that is a complete lie. You need to cut as many calories as possible and preferably not eat some days using intermittent fasting.

    Horrible Horrible Horrible advise ! Please don't follow this.

    I've lost 111 lbs in a little over a year and have not done it by cutting as many calories as possible or intermittent fasting or using Metamucil as a meal substitute and only eating whey protein for 4 days...

    I've done it by exercising and eating the right amount of calories to fuel my body. If you don't eat enough you slow your metabolism down and then you have to work even harder to lose. Fuel your body and as long as you are using it for fuel and exercising you will get there. Don't expect miracles.. it takes time and work !
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    I see we are back with the walls of text today. TL/DR

    First off, it would only be ONE wall of text if you didn't quote the whole post.

    Second, the OP asked a question to anyone on the board who might have a suggestion for her to try. The 'wall of text' has a LOT of great information in it and has been extremely helpful to many people on this site. Perhaps you and others who referenced it in this thread have read it before and are tired of seeing it. But YOU are not the ones who asked the original question for help on this thread, so it was not directed at YOU. Californiagirl2012 has made an amazing transformation at 50 years old and is quite the inspiration for a lot of the older women on here that are struggling to lose at this age. She not only has lost her weight, she has kept it off and has a rock hard strong body to show for it. I for one, wanted to know how she accomplished this feat. Since she has quite a bit of information in her post, it would take her a lot of time to retype everything in every thread where her info might be beneficial to the OP, who has probably NOT seen her post '900 times'. How many times do we see the copy and paste of the 'in place of a road map' post? No one complains about Dan reposting his threads and his links on many threads, so why is there so much vitriol towards Californiagirl?

    If you have already read her info, simply scroll down and add your own words of advice for the OP. I personally WANT to hear from people who have succeeded, and want to know what worked for them, and what they have learned on their journey.

    FTR, Dan doesn't copy and paste bomb his thread everywhere- people mostly post links to it. If CAgirl posted a link to an informational thread of hers, I don't think people would react as they do. And, I have seen people get mad at Dan. But his thread is so good, I'll link it here:
    Boom. :wink:
  • brideson85
    I am not going to get technical I was on 1200 lost a good amount of weight then platued for a month, I upped mine to 1420 and guess what happened, weight is coming off again, but I also threw in a spin class and planks too every other. So that is my experience!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I keep hearing that 1200 is too low by the eat more police. Can one of them explain to me why mfp sets almost every woman at that number if it's incorrect?

    I will answer your question since everyone else cannot figure out what you are asking. The reason MFP sets the minimum goal to 1200 is because that is the number that THEY deem as the minimum amount of calories to eat per day to be healthy. This is also the number that the Sports Medicine people give as a healthy limit, altho the CDC puts that limit at 800 for women and 900 for men.
    SOME PEOPLE on the message boards have decided that MFP and the Sports Medicine people, as well as the CDC and almost every other medical professional, are indeed WRONG, and that it is not healthy for ANYONE to eat at 1200 calories per day, no matter your age, gender, size, activity level, height, weight, whatever. They have declared that anyone who eats 1200 calories per day will lose all their muscle, gain weight, and their brains will shrivel up and they will die a horrible death. So feel free to ignore these fear-mongers and eat the appropriate level of calories for your body.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member

    I see we are back with the walls of text today. TL/DR

    First off, it would only be ONE wall of text if you didn't quote the whole post.

    Second, the OP asked a question to anyone on the board who might have a suggestion for her to try. The 'wall of text' has a LOT of great information in it and has been extremely helpful to many people on this site. Perhaps you and others who referenced it in this thread have read it before and are tired of seeing it. But YOU are not the ones who asked the original question for help on this thread, so it was not directed at YOU. Californiagirl2012 has made an amazing transformation at 50 years old and is quite the inspiration for a lot of the older women on here that are struggling to lose at this age. She not only has lost her weight, she has kept it off and has a rock hard strong body to show for it. I for one, wanted to know how she accomplished this feat. Since she has quite a bit of information in her post, it would take her a lot of time to retype everything in every thread where her info might be beneficial to the OP, who has probably NOT seen her post '900 times'. How many times do we see the copy and paste of the 'in place of a road map' post? No one complains about Dan reposting his threads and his links on many threads, so why is there so much vitriol towards Californiagirl?

    If you have already read her info, simply scroll down and add your own words of advice for the OP. I personally WANT to hear from people who have succeeded, and want to know what worked for them, and what they have learned on their journey.

    ^^This, I totally agree! Californiagirl has some great information and obviously it has worked very well for her.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Californiagirl2012 has made an amazing transformation at 50 years old and is quite the inspiration for a lot of the older women on here that are struggling to lose at this age. She not only has lost her weight, she has kept it off and has a rock hard strong body to show for it. I for one, wanted to know how she accomplished this feat. Since she has quite a bit of information in her post, it would take her a lot of time to retype everything in every thread where her info might be beneficial to the OP, who has probably NOT seen her post '900 times'.

    the 'eat more police' don't like her post because it contradicts all the "you'll burn off all your muscle and gain all your weight back" hysteria. Her plan worked for her, and would probably work for others. Not EVERYONE*, but still, it's one option.

    *disclaimer: yes, some people need to eat more, for different reasons- their activity level, goals, age, etc. CaliforniaGirl was successful, but she is different from the OP, and everyone else. She is, however, well spoken and correct on a number of things.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I keep hearing that 1200 is too low by the eat more police. Can one of them explain to me why mfp sets almost every woman at that number if it's incorrect?

    I will answer your question since everyone else cannot figure out what you are asking. The reason MFP sets the minimum goal to 1200 is because that is the number that THEY deem as the minimum amount of calories to eat per day to be healthy. This is also the number that the Sports Medicine people give as a healthy limit, altho the CDC puts that limit at 800 for women and 900 for men.
    SOME PEOPLE on the message boards have decided that MFP and the Sports Medicine people, as well as the CDC and almost every other medical professional, are indeed WRONG, and that it is not healthy for ANYONE to eat at 1200 calories per day, no matter your age, gender, size, activity level, height, weight, whatever. They have declared that anyone who eats 1200 calories per day will lose all their muscle, gain weight, and their brains will shrivel up and they will die a horrible death. So feel free to ignore these fear-mongers and eat the appropriate level of calories for your body.

    that's not exactly correct. most people who caution against the 1200 number do so because there are so many websites and articles out there that perpetuate the notion that anybody and everybody can and should try a 1200 calorie diet as a way of losing weight. the so-called "fear mongers" here mostly understand that 1200 can be proper amount for some people, so long as it has been derived from proper use of the BMR/TDEE equations with a reasonable calorie deficit for weight loss. however, those that just pull the number out of thin air are the ones the "fear mongers" are worried about. in summary, show that you're using math and science to find your daily calorie requirements and nobody will give you grief, even if the the number ends up being 1200.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    I see we are back with the walls of text today. TL/DR

    First off, it would only be ONE wall of text if you didn't quote the whole post.

    Second, the OP asked a question to anyone on the board who might have a suggestion for her to try. The 'wall of text' has a LOT of great information in it and has been extremely helpful to many people on this site. Perhaps you and others who referenced it in this thread have read it before and are tired of seeing it. But YOU are not the ones who asked the original question for help on this thread, so it was not directed at YOU. Californiagirl2012 has made an amazing transformation at 50 years old and is quite the inspiration for a lot of the older women on here that are struggling to lose at this age. She not only has lost her weight, she has kept it off and has a rock hard strong body to show for it. I for one, wanted to know how she accomplished this feat. Since she has quite a bit of information in her post, it would take her a lot of time to retype everything in every thread where her info might be beneficial to the OP, who has probably NOT seen her post '900 times'. How many times do we see the copy and paste of the 'in place of a road map' post? No one complains about Dan reposting his threads and his links on many threads, so why is there so much vitriol towards Californiagirl?

    If you have already read her info, simply scroll down and add your own words of advice for the OP. I personally WANT to hear from people who have succeeded, and want to know what worked for them, and what they have learned on their journey.

    ^^This, I totally agree! Californiagirl has some great information and obviously it has worked very well for her.
    Well good for you. And lucky for you, you can find it in about 20 places today! How convenient! Or how spammy?? Honestly, it get's tiresome. What MoreBean suggested would be just fine. Post a link as Dan does. And Dan certainly weathers at least his fair share of criticism. And he does not cut a past boilerplate walls of text. Over, and over and over and over.......