Rice, baked potato or pasta? The lesser of the evil



  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    I'd recommend the potato, especially if you eat the skin because it's got lots of potassium.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    basmati brown rice is the way i go!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am diabetic... and I don't even cut out carbs. The real damage (in thinking of carbs) is found in sweets... or AKA empty calories. Baked potatoes are very (INCREDIBLY) nutritious for you. And, highly recommended by my doctors (even as a diabetic). Just don't load it down with cheese, bacon, butter, etc....

    Pasta is good, too... in right portions... and try whole wheat.

    Rice is also good. Again, try wheat... or even quinoa (which is similar to rice, but seems to have less carbs).

    Unless allergic to something, I would never try to cut out anything all together. You need all of your nutrients for the day.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I like all of those choices, but I try to make them higher quality for the calorie bang. For example, I would choose brown rice or quinoa over white rice, whole grain pasta over white pasta, sweet potatoes over regular potatoes. Also, with potatoes - eat the skin too - a lot of the most nutritious part of the potato is in the skin and right under it, so you don't want to peel that off.
  • hulkling
    hulkling Posts: 35 Member
    When I have rice, i usually mix it with Quinoa. Delicious, lowers the amount of total calories but still filling.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    You can eat any of them, as long as you balance your carbs and proteins. Eat complex carbs, as they are slow release, and don't give you the sugar slump an hour or so later. the less processed the food the better. If you find it hard to balance your carbs and proteins, (like me, as I am veggie) try adding protein shakes. Warning, they taste hideous, but are a necessary evil for me.

    I find the Ensure high protein is really good..I like the Homemade Vanilla the best, and it has 25 gr protein..they also have milk chocolate...
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am diabetic... and I don't even cut out carbs. The real damage (in thinking of carbs) is found in sweets... or AKA empty calories. Baked potatoes are very (INCREDIBLY) nutritious for you. And, highly recommended by my doctors (even as a diabetic). Just don't load it down with cheese, bacon, butter, etc....

    Pasta is good, too... in right portions... and try whole wheat.

    Rice is also good. Again, try wheat... or even quinoa (which is similar to rice, but seems to have less carbs).

    Unless allergic to something, I would never try to cut out anything all together. You need all of your nutrients for the day.

    I should also add.... I have actually REVERSED my diabetes. My A1C as of yesterday was 5.1, and my blood level was 81. And, that is while eating carbs. You just have to worry about portions and getting the right nutrients. Don't cut out anything....

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Whole wheat pasta is low glycemic, which is the basic point of going lowering your carbs. Brown rice is much better than white. Potatoes are yummy, but never good, unfortunately. Too easy to digest.

    I also eat everything, but in small amounts. Including white rice, potatoes, a bit of pasta, and bread.
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    I'm not trying to eat no carbs, just less carbs specifically pasta, rice and potatos because they all tend to be pretty high in calories, and I don't always want to waste my calories on them. I still eat carbs and bread and such.

    I am just trying to eat less processed foods too. I am not going on a low carb diet or paleo or anything, I just don't necessarily want to use that many calories on them, but when I do what is the better one to eat.

    I feel you on this. I am not low carb by any means, but when I started tracking I found it very hard to stay under and get enough protein while eating as much bread and pasta as I was used to. Here are some of the things I do:

    - Use brown rice or another whole grain like bulgur, barley, or quinoa, instead of pasta if the focus of the dish is the sauce. You get more nutrients and protein for your calories, and stay full longer.
    - I'm dying for some pasta and whole wheat isn't going to cut it: okay, but I have half a "serving size" and bulk out the dish with vegetables. Regular spaghetti mixed with zucchini "spaghetti" is awesome. Again, the fiber in the veg will help you stay full.
    - Measure/weigh and just cut down my portion sizes. Turns out that half a cup of brown rice with my Thai takeout is just as satisfying as a cup and a half of white rice.
    - Don't deprive myself, just plan ahead and fit it in. If I told myself I could never have homemade bread again, I know it wouldn't be long until I was crouched in a corner like Gollum scarfing an entire loaf, maybe while petting it and murmuring "Precious..."
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    either is fine...just measure. If you are controling the amount the you have what you need. I wouldn't rule out carbs all together either, just moderate amounts. Some carbs are not as good for you. ie white bread, pasta. Due to how it is broken down in the body. Others, like raw veggies, fruit, whole grains, legumes provide valuable energy or fuel for the body to burn.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I like all of those choices, but I try to make them higher quality for the calorie bang. For example, I would choose brown rice or quinoa over white rice, whole grain pasta over white pasta, sweet potatoes over regular potatoes. Also, with potatoes - eat the skin too - a lot of the most nutritious part of the potato is in the skin and right under it, so you don't want to peel that off.

    This. I love quinoa and sweet potatoes, but sometimes a girl just needs some baby red potatoes. :) None of those foods are evil. In fact, no food is evil.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    None of them are evil. Use proper portions. make them part of your meal plan for the day. Without looking things up I would say the potato gives more nutrients than rice or pasta. Be careful what you put on the baked potato...that's where the calories can add up. See if you can work them in a couple of times a week so you don't end up craving them so bad you eat too much of them at some point.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I love all three (one of the joys of running is that carbs are my friends) but a baked potato is a nice treat and, nutritionally probably the best choice of the three.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    From what I understand fiber, counteracts carbs.

    No one with a basic understanding of nutrition would make such statement.

    I guess I was following the formula...both weight watchers and Atkins put a lot of emphasis on fiber. So... http://www.livestrong.com/article/466273-why-subtract-fiber-from-carbs/
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I'm not trying to eat no carbs, just less carbs specifically pasta, rice and potatos because they all tend to be pretty high in calories, and I don't always want to waste my calories on them. I still eat carbs and bread and such.

    I am just trying to eat less processed foods too. I am not going on a low carb diet or paleo or anything, I just don't necessarily want to use that many calories on them, but when I do what is the better one to eat.

    Ever think of cooking sweet potatoes in lieu of regular potatoes? They have more nutritional bang for your calorie-buck, so to speak. And they're delicious.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    None are evil! People have eaten these throughout history and eat them all over the world. Often the problem is that people eat too much of them. Just stick to one serving (which can be small - 1/4 cup pasta) with a side salad. You said you don't like the taste of brown rice - try mixing brown with white, still more nutritious but tastes more like white. Still have them but not as often - I rarely buy potatoes. But yesterday I bought some red potatoes, I'm going to chop and roast them with carrots, onions and squash so I won't be eating that much potato.
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Pasta is a refined product. I'd recommend you try and stay as close to nature as possible and eat unrefined foods like brown rice or potatoes. Additionally, watch what you are putting on these foods because that's where the added calories may come from (oils 120 calories per tablespoon, butter, etc. ).
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Of what you listed, potatoes. Regular pasta is too processed and so is white rice (for my taste).

    Potato has lots of nutrients and some fiber.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have all three regularly. :heart:

    I'd say potatoes are the best choice if you're only going to have one of the above.
  • So you are saying that you eat rice, past & potatoes all along with bread and you're losing / lost weight? I'm curious to know how much are you eating at one time? If I'm reading this right you've lost 81lbs. Is that correct?