I need some help please!! =)

Hey everyone,

I need some help please!! I have been eating my correct amount of calories for each day and I work out for 40-90 minutes at least 5 times a week and I cant seem to loose any more weight. I have been back on the band wagon with working out and eating good for the last 5 1/2 months and have lost about 40-45 lbs. (which I am very excited about! =) ) I have only been on MFP for about a week now and I am hoping this with help also. I have tried mixing up my work outs/ what I am eating and I still can not hit the 50lbs mark. I still have about 40 more lbs to loose and I have just hit a brick wall and could use all the help I can get.

Thanks again!!! :)


  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    I know everyone is different, but I've been there before! Usually what works for me is switching up my work out routinue. Adding more weights or doing different cardio. Also, this sounds dumb (I know), but sometimes your body gets USED to the healthy foods. Take a day... eat bad... get back on the band wagon. It needs to be shocked!

    Good luck... we're all here for you!
  • KristaLea1891
    Yea the whole getting off your diet thing does work!
    Good luck!
  • StarryEyedGirl
    are you eating your exercise calories?
  • caroldavis
    I agree! I am at the same spot and i know i need to have a bad day ....Just haven't been able to do it yet SCAREY!!!
  • Griffin90
    Griffin90 Posts: 64 Member
    I have been doing this for about 2 months now and when I got to the level I am at I went in and reset my goals. It recaculated my calorie count and I went down about 60 calories per day. Try that. Since you have lost so much your calorie per day requirement may have gone down.

    If you take in less calories than you need you will lose weight. It is simple math.
  • boniekatie
    boniekatie Posts: 147
    Have you readjusted your calorie needs since you have lost so much? You may need to be eating more or less than you originally did. You might also want to reconsider your goal weight, is it really reasonable for an athlete? The amount of workouts that you are doing is building muscle mass. You might consider getting your fat percentage calculated. You might be closer to a healthy goal weight than you think. You have to find what's right for your body and not get hung up in the numbers.
  • pennyk78
    pennyk78 Posts: 19
    I agree with the idea of changing things up a bit. Don't eat the same things day on day and swap around the exercise you do. That often starts things moving again. If you're already doing this, you probably need to keep checking in what you're eating, drinking and exercising and bear with it. We all have plateaus. The hard bit isn't staying still it's staying motivated. Keep on plodding :)
  • mandy10
    mandy10 Posts: 17
    Thank you guys all so much for the help!!! Any and all advice you guys can give me as amazing. I have recalculated my goals and am trying to eat all my calories…but I have to admit there are times I don’t eat them all because I am so frustrated that im not loosing weight. I know that I should eat them, but I have a tendency on going a little under. I am going to try and continue to mix up my workouts and maybe try taking a class or two and see if that helps. I also kind of like the idea of having a bad day to re-shock my body…but that’s scary to me so I might to have to work up to that. Does anyone have any good workouts they like?? Also I though about trying P90X, but I am not sure if its going to be worth the money?? Thank again for all the great tips!!
  • mandy10
    mandy10 Posts: 17
    i agree... as much as i would love to have a "bad" day and eat all the stuff i dont eat anymore...it would be hard/scary!!!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I wouldn't recommend eating a bunch of garbage in one day. You really do need to eat back those exercise calories. MFP sets you up with a safe deficit that will allow you lose weight and stay healthy. When you work out, you add to that deficit. If you don't eat back those exercise calories, you will go into starvation mode and stop losing weight. Your body will hold onto everything. I know it's weird to think that you have to eat more to lose weight, but give it a try for a few weeks.

    Also, make sure you are staying away from products high in sugar and try to eat at least half of your body weight in grams of protein. Stick to lean meats and low fat/fat free dairy, beans and legumes. Make sure to eat breakfast (high in protein) and eat your daily requirements of fiber.

    At the gym, are you weight training? Adding weight training into your workouts is extremely beneficial. The more muscle you have the leaner you become and the more fat your body burns.

    We all have bad weeks.... just expect them to happen now and then. That's your body telling you to change it up a bit. It doesn't mean you are failing.