12 weeks to get my body back!

Hey all! I'm not new, I used MFP religiously up until about 2 years ago, to get my body fat % down, and now I'm back in the hopes of shedding the 8 kilos I've somehow found after completing my first fitness modelling comp in April.

I started eating clean properly about 6 weeks ago, and my workout routine is finally taking shape and getting consistent again. 2 weeks until Summer and 6 weeks until I start my climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro. Time to build some serious muscle!! :)


  • Wow amazing!! I am starting from scratch after letting myself go for 2 years, my excuses were many. I have a toddler, Im tired etc. but I am not comfortable in this body of mine right now and I am so looking forward to feeling comfortable again and sexy. My workouts are starting out easy. 20 minute circuit training my hunny is putting me through (he is so great with that kind of stuff) BUT i would like to speak with someone such as yourself who is fully confident and capable in putting routines together that are NOT boring. do you have any favorites? anyway if you would like you can add me as a friend and (and i as well) and i look forward to surrounding myself with a lot of friends who are supportive and eager to get to the strong, comfortable & sexy selves I know we all want to be. : ) Jam
  • Hey Jamie,
    Nice to meet you, and congrats on starting your Fitness journey! Everybody has to start somewhere and the fact that you've made the decision to take action feel better about yourself is an Awesome! Good Luck, look forward to hearing about your progress! :)
  • reginamusicant
    reginamusicant Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there!
    I could only DREAM of your body! I have a VERY muscular build and have always felt that being SUPER fit was my calling! BUT never had the motivation, support or confidence in myself to do so! Would love to have you as some motivation to finally (for once in my life) have the body I want :) I'm 5'0 and it seems like every little pound shows. I'm so tired of worrying about how I look :( And i'm tired of spending 90% of my day stressed about my pooch and love handles :( you look amazing in your picture! Congrats!
  • Thanks! :) I'm 5'2 and I know how you feel! In the past I've always felt the most insecure when I'm standing next to gorgeous tall girls! Probably explains why my cupboard is full of ridiculously high heels! :P don't stress! Have patience and start with small steps, you'd be surprised how quickly you can notice changes if you stick to a routine. When I started seriously cutting junk out of my diet 6 weeks ago, within 4 days my skin started looking clearer, and after 3 weeks of following an Olympic lifting program I started being able to increase my bar weight. Good luck!
  • reginamusicant
    reginamusicant Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! :) Hope to keep in touch and start seeing some results... now just to get started ;)
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    You'll both be right ;)

    Eat good, train hard, sleep well :D