should i consume my calorie intake goal? TDEE 4100

So I did a couple calculator things to figure my TDEE with my activity levels and everything it asks for my TDEE was around 4100....I usually eat around 1700 calories a day because I didn't know about this TDEE thing, I feel fine like I am getting enough food and everything seems to be going ok have not weighed myself since my last doctors visit but my cloths are becoming more and more loose fitting. Should i try to be more near my calorie goal? Or is it ok to be over 50% under my TDEE!


  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Damn. What do you do in a day to burn 4100 calories? I want your metabolism.
  • Michaelsdin
    Damn. What do you do in a day to burn 4100 calories? I want your metabolism.

    I don't do anything i just got like 4 websites that have a TDEE calculator put in my weight 344, height 6'3 age 24 activity level (low activity 1-3times a week with light work duty. and they each gave me a different TDEE i averaged them it said 4100 calories lol.
  • Michaelsdin
    do i believe it 100% no lol but would i like other info on this whole TDEE thing yes does MFP figure this into the system? im sure they do cause they ask for heigh weight age activity level. so should i be eating closer to my daily calorie limit?
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    jeez I wish I could eat 4100 calories a day lol :laugh:
  • Michaelsdin
  • rach41413
    rach41413 Posts: 82 Member
    I've never been too concerned with eating enough...people freak out about TDEE and BMR and BMI and LMNOP, but doesn't your body know? Provided there aren't any other medical issues...

    If you feel satisfied, and you're not weak or tired or hungry all the time, I'd say keep doing what you're doing. Eat healthy point in bingeing on ice cream and pizza just because you're "supposed" to eat more! When I was just beginning to lose weight, my calorie goals were pretty high, which is nice for the occasional slip up, but you also need to create sustainable eating habits. It's WAY easier to eat between 1200 and 1600 calories now since I started getting used to it 50 pounds ago. If that makes sense... :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    jeez I wish I could eat 4100 calories a day lol :laugh:

    I can...but that's why I'm here to begin with!:grumble:
  • WendySue67
    WendySue67 Posts: 17 Member
    I was eating according to the numbers that MFP gave me for awhile and I lost weight. Then the weight loss stopped even though I was doing the same exact stuff. I went to several different sites, did some research on my TDEE, took that number and subtracted 30% and changed my numbers in MFP. Since doing so, I have begun losing weight again. My number wasn't as drastically different as yours though...

    If your base number is 1700, what does it go up to when you add your exercise in? If you're burning a lot of calories, maybe you aren't as far off from that number as you think you are...
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Have a read through this topic:

    Great info there that might help you figure it out.
  • mrsjacksn
  • 141by2016
    TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. Keep in mind that most rely on a BF% of around 30, so if you have a higher BF% your resting metabolic rate and total burn will be lower. In addition, if you have lost a significant amount of weight to get to your current weight you are running about 15% lower than the general calculations. I would recommend that a) you weigh every 2 weeks and try to stay in the 2-4lb range per week (and less as you get closer to goal) and b) reset your MFP goals. Go to Goals>Change>Manual then enter 3200 cal/day and set your Macros to C35%P35%F30% (trust me on this). Do not eat back your calories, at least initially, and try to add 30ish min a day of activity. Drink lots of water, this is especially important if you are eating a higher protein diet and burning large amounts of fat. At that pace you should be loosing between 2 and 4lbs per week depending on activity, and the higher protein levels will help you maintain your muscle mass. Try this for 4 weeks, and if you put honest effort into it you will lose, but don't weigh daily, whatever you do!

    Best of luck!
  • MetilHed
    MetilHed Posts: 101 Member
    The calculators are only estimates, even under the best of circumstances. I have found (through doing the calculators myself, as well as checking some other forums and getting advice). The calculators are waaaaayyyy off for people with a lot of body fat.

    If what you are doing is working for you, and you don't have a problem sticking to it, keep with it. If you feel you need more, I'm sure you're at enough of a deficit that you could raise your intake some and still lose. but, I'm also reasonably sure most people will gain at 4100, unless extremely active.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I eat at TDEE - 45% and am never hungry and have energy to exercise 4-5 times a week, so it's really whatever is working for you. If you stop losing, then eat a bit more and see how that works. I would recommend eating back any calories you burn from exercise though.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    that could be right. i'm female 5'5, 41, 198 pounds and my sedentary TDEE is around 2500 calories a day. so you being a heavier taller man i can believe your TDEE would be way more than mine.

    i eat TDEE- 10-20% and that's been working fabulously for body recomposition and fat loss
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Everyone that is surprised as to the OP's TDEE - he is well over 300lb (no offense OP) - it is absolutely concievable that his TDEE is over 4,000.

    OP: at the moment it is probably not a huge deal to be quite a ways under your TDEE as long as you are getting sufficient macro and micronutrients. As you lose weight and have less fat reserves to draw on you may want to think of upping your intake. I would however suggest that you try to lose weight relatively slowly to try to minimize the risk of lose skin so you may want to up your calories a bit anyway. Also, you should think about strength training so that you maintain as much LBM as possible.