Calling all 30+ ladies with a stubborn 'mummy-tummy'

Hi there,

Im looking to finally move this extra baby weight, even though my last was 7 years ago lol i have stretch marks to the moon and back, curves made for 6 children on each hip and i love them, however i have those stubborn 8-10 kilos hanging in all the wrong places and im ready to evict them. I have a tummy that likes to connect with itself when i jump and lay on the bed when im on my side lol and that id love to evict the most. I am looking for like minded friends who i can help and learn a thing or two off also. My goal is to be able to post a tummy shot and inspire someone as i have been inspired by the mummys on here :-) please feel free to add me, i look forward to taking the journey with you :-)


  • I totally feel you! Same exact position I am in :smile:

    There is, of course, no pound limit to what my little man is worth, but I am ready to push myself to the limit to get in the best shape I can be...look forward to supporting one another
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Coming to play although my tummy is almost gone :)
  • Hi, I am also a mummy with a bit of a tummy which i would love to smooth down a bit! And I want to feel a bit less lethargic, have a bit more energy to chase after my baby lol.
  • fitnessQueenUK
    fitnessQueenUK Posts: 14 Member
    Oh I hear you im a 36 year old mum of 3 kids:happy: and I got the dreaded KANGAROO pouch that just sat there :laugh: :laugh:

    and the stretch marks to match :grumble: :grumble: ... and I totally understand when you say its time to evict them :laugh: :laugh:

    Im getting there slowly but surely and the kangaroo pouch is slowly going :wink: :wink: x x Its a long road but with the support

    from the people on here and that determination to get rid of them you can do it :happy:
  • gillbush123
    gillbush123 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I had my little girl 5 months ago, I put 5 stone on while pregnant and desperately need to loose it. Xxx