Hi guys,

So here is a bit of my story, i have always been overweight sadly not as much as i thought, through years of torment at school and by family i developed a rather unhealthy lifestyle and even more unhealthy image issues. I am one of many who tend to binge eat in order to feel something.

I have dieted many times over the years and only once did I adapt the new lifestyle until an emotional time when well i went back to EMOTIONAL EATING. In my final year of high school and my first year of university my weight crept up to 100kg being very short (under 160cm) i looked huge. Luckily i was able to find a doctor offering weight loss plans which managed to get my weight back down to 80kg and reduce my issulin levels to ( he told me if I continued the way i was diabetes would be on its way shortly) since then (2years+) i have been battling with my weight only ever being able to drop to a minimum of 76,9 kg. The problem is whilst im trying to change my lifestyle i have a tendency to monitor my weight obsessively and when i don't see weight loss well i get a emotional and i get right back on that roller coaster. I have even tried lite n easy to break my version of a plateau and yep from 80kg to 77kg and then nothing.

I am aware that i tend to give up go back to 80kg then try again and yep get stuck at 77kg. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh

Recently i have been trying to weigh myself less and excersise more. After these 2 years of low carb high protein diets my muscles have started to become a high problem for me and from advice from my physio,doctor and trainer i have introduced carbs back into my life. Sorry to drag on some much but I wanted to tell you where I am at.

Basically this is my day and someone please help me and feel free to offer advice or if your in the same situation as me we can make offer support to one another.

2 wheet bix
1 cup organic almond milk
20g flaxmeal (have ibs making it so much better atm)
50g mixed berries

100g organic natural yoghurt

1 cup brown rice
150g-200g chicken breast skinless
1 tbsp olive oil (dressing)
lettuce mix
Spanish onion

tuna in spring water

150g lean chicken mince
stir-fry mix
slim pasta noddle ( only veggies not real carbs)

snack :

I do change my proteins and try to have red meat (kangaroo or lean beef ) 2-3 times per week and fish once (all measurements are raw weights). I also change my veg intake with different veggie mixes i usually purchase the safeway ones.

Now for the excersise I usually do one water aerobics class per week, One gym session which includes 40min cardio (cross trainer,treadmill,bike and stepper) with some weights and resistance training, and two gym classes (les mills bodyvive,cardio burn class) I have a fitbit am the days in not at the gym i do manage to get 10,000 stepd i also should mention that i work shift work so my poor body doesn't ever no what time it is and I am fairly active at work walking a fair bit and often pushing wheelchairs around to.

Im excersing a lot i have been eating 1500-1600 per day if i got over (eg: when i binge i put on weight ) Why cant i lose anymore weight this weight isnt just a few extra rolls around my tummy i also holds some bad memories i am ready for it to be gone and this time for good.

I also should mention that i have tried bodytrim, and celebrity slim in the past and same issue.

Sorry to ramble on and apologies for the terrible grammar and finally thank you for reading and helping.


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Could you open your diary so we can see how many calories you're eating? That's the most important part, yes the foods look good and you give serving sizes, but it would be easier to see the numbers in your diary.

    You need to find your BMR/TDEE... all that good stuff.

    What I did was: Found my BMR, multiplied by my activity level based off daily activities such as work/school (not including exercise), then added my calories burned from exercise (via a HRM) to that number. Shaved off 500/750 calories from that total number depending on what I wanted to lose that week and that was it. It's that simple.
  • 60Lola
    60Lola Posts: 4 Member
    thanks for your quick response, i haven't got any food logged in my diary because I had been logging it in my fitbit and havnt synced them because i herd about so many negative experiences.

    well i do have no idea what my tdee is where about online would i be able to find that info and what exactly do i do with it. Honestly i have no idea how to figure all these things out.

    If you want to you can add me as a friend up to you
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Read the first post in this thread:

    Dan lays it all out for you - all you have to do is work through the calculations. Many people here have had great success with this method.
  • LSeales
    LSeales Posts: 54 Member
  • 60Lola
    60Lola Posts: 4 Member
    wow, will do thanks again for you help ;) appreciate it