Ayone trying to lose weight before becoming pregnant??



  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    i have three boys and everytime i got pregnant it was because i had started exercise! lol! nothing is better at telling the body that you are ready to have a baby than a good workout! :)
  • fit30s
    fit30s Posts: 20 Member
    I lost weight in the years before I became pregnant. It was not a reason for my weight loss, but having been overweight and then starting my pregnancy at a healthy weight made me proud of myself, and nervous that my body would change forever. Guess what - it didn't! I didn't gain a single extra pound (the day I arrived home with my bundle of joy I weighed the same as when I became pregnant, pretty much). Actually, my 9-month weight was lower than my highest pre-pregnancy weight. I breastfed, and continued to maintain, without even really trying. Another bonus: I didn't get a single stretch mark! Six years later, and I do feel my belly is a little loose (from weight loss? from baby? both?), but other than that, all is good.

    My take on it is that pregnancy and weight management are two separate things. You can lose weight before becoming pregnant and not have to feel like it was all a waste. You can have a healthy body weight after pregnancy, even if you weren't as lucky as me, and do gain a few extra pounds. Obviously, understand that your belly will get bigger, and the number on the scale will go up. Think of it as you are carrying something like a pet, a child, or a bag of groceries, it's not really you that is weighing more.

    The likelihood of conceiving easily and the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy increase with a healthy body weight (generally speaking, of course), so go for it. Good luck.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Losing weight before your pregnant is a horrible idea! think of the baby if you're underweight when you're making a baby it increases the odds the baby could be born very ill or not at all you need to seriously reconsider your idea

    Sorry, what?? She never said it would make her underweight... we are overweight trying to be a healthy place for a baby to grow. Being at a healthy weight before conception is ideal.

    Seriously. Some overweight women are actually encouraged by their doctor to continue to lose in their first trimester.

    I want to be at a healthy weight and able to continue working out through my pregnancy. I also want to make sure that I have healthy habits to pass on to my future child(ren).

    In clicking on the posters profile, it says he is an 18 year old male, hardly the expert on this topic. Unless of course he is Doogie Howser, MD. LOL
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I am, although I've pretty much given up. I am 35. Hubby and I have been trying for nearly 5 years. Doctors have no concrete answers as to why. I don't ovulate and so far, medicines haven't helped. I know it's because of this extra weight. If I can finally get just some of it off, I feel like I could finally get pregnant. Good luck to everyone!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Me!!! I actually want to look pregnant when I am, instead of fat lol.

    Exactly how I feel. Although, not married yet so I'm hoping to drop some weight and maybe he'll pop the question. Going on 10 years now!!! I want to look my best on my wedding day and also want to actually look pregnant when I become it!
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Sort of, it's one of my main reasons. I had my first baby a year and a half ago and weighed 85kg (188lbs) before I started. I had an 'easy' pregnancy, and didn't gain a whole lot during the pregnancy, and actually came out lighter than I started after all the fluid was gone. A c-section put the brakes on exercise for quite a while after, and since then I've been really slack. I would LOVE my daughter to have a brother or sister but I think I would feel so much better being a healthy weight before becoming pregnant again. I think being fitter would help me handle labour better too.

    We don't intend to start TTC till the end of next year though, so I've got a while before I need to worry about it. My main reason though, is to set a good example for my girl now and feel fitter and healthier.
  • mommyslilmen
    mommyslilmen Posts: 9 Member
    That was the one of my goals. I've been pregnant pretty much the past 3 years. I have a 3 yr old, 2 yr old, and 10mth old. I usually don't have much time in between before I get pregnant again. I started MFP June 30th and my goal was to hit my goal weight by June '13, lose roughly 60lbs. Perfectly doable, IF I didn't get pregnant again. I've been walking every other day and in September joined a gym and started strength training. I'm 3 weeks into the Couch to 5k program and have signed up for a 5k race on Dec. 29th.

    Last week I found out I'm pregnant. =) So, now the goal is to maintain as long as possible and gain as little as possible, but still keeping a healthy me and baby. I only gained 15 lbs with my 3rd pregnancy, but I was also at my highest so it took me to a new highest. I'm finally below 190 and I would LOVE to not go above 200 if possible with this one, but we'll see what my dr. says. I have my first appt, with the nurse, on the 21st.

    Anyone pregnant and want to join me on this journey, or just want to friend me, I'd love to add to my friends. =)

    Have a great day!
  • I am,

    I'm not far from a healthy weight range, but my eating habits are horrible! so I'm eating clean, Tosca Reno has a few books in regards to what is it. It took me a year to get pregnant with my first child, so I'm prepared for trying a while, this is month three, and I don't think It was effective. So each month is a step closer to gettin healthy, friend me!
  • SHillier1983
    SHillier1983 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there, yes I am on my journey to loss weight so my husband and I can have IVF. My BMI was too high for them to allow us to go on the waiting list so I have now lost 9kg (20lb) so far and have 5 kg to go before I can go back to the doctor. It has actually be amazing so far and I am glad we have had to go through this so I can get my health under control after .29 yrs of weight issues. This will help us continue with a healthier life style for the rest of our lives.
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    I am! My worst fear is that people will be unsure of me being pregnant or just fat. I have other reasons, but this is my number one
  • That is my #2 reason for losing weight, 1st reason was I finally got tired of being fat and tired and 2nd hubby and I have been trying for about 5 years, If I were to get pregnant now I would still be considered high risk because of my weight, however my dr said I am in a much better place than I was back in January. Ideal would be if I lose another 50 lbs, I want to be able to be around for that little one =) Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    I am :)

    We were aiming to be pregnant by now, but life got in the way and we now have a few other things to get in line before trying for a baby - my husband is trying to find a new job, and I have recently found out I have lupus, so need to get medically stable before getting pregnant...but I am fed up of being overweight and don't want to add a load of baby weight to that, so if I lose what I want to lose now, hopefully any baby weight I do gain won't make me overweight again and it will come off again more easily. I've got about 12lb to go to get to goal, and then will see how I feel. We will probably not be trying for a good few months yet anyway, so plenty of time.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    It's not my main reason for losing weight but it is a factor in my motivation. I really want to be one of those amazing women who stay fit and healthy throughout their pregnancy. There was a lady at my gym who was in every day up until her 38th week on the cross trainer for about an hour at a time, she looked amazing and from the back you couldn't even tell she was pregnant but with a lovely bump in the front. I really want to be fit and exercising before I get pregnant so I can stay that way for me and my baby to be healthier. Oooh I'm all broody now haha x
  • JennM874
    JennM874 Posts: 10 Member
    Me! Although we are currenty TTC #2. I only gained 15lbs with my daughter, and would like to do the same this time around too. I would love to be out of the obese range with my BMI before getting pregnant so I don't have to do the glucose test a million times during pregnancy.
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    I am, although I've pretty much given up. I am 35. Hubby and I have been trying for nearly 5 years. Doctors have no concrete answers as to why. I don't ovulate and so far, medicines haven't helped. I know it's because of this extra weight. If I can finally get just some of it off, I feel like I could finally get pregnant. Good luck to everyone!

    Don't lose hope! It took my husbands parents 7 years before they had him, and they also had him in their mid 30's. :)
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    Me! Although we are currenty TTC #2. I only gained 15lbs with my daughter, and would like to do the same this time around too. I would love to be out of the obese range with my BMI before getting pregnant so I don't have to do the glucose test a million times during pregnancy.

    Exactly! With my first I was 185 lbs at 5'6, and I didn't have any problems with the test or the worry of diabetes, however now at 206 I am worried that I could have it and want to eliminate that possibility.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    I sort of am. My husband and I got married just this past summer and I know that we do not want to start trying for at least another year (this is my choice, if it were up to my husband we would already have babies-he cant wait). However being healthy and setting positive examples for my babies when they do come has always been in the back of my mind. This was one of the many reasons I started this journey.