hello - new here

Hello all:

I am a 37 year old mother of two young boys. Before I was pregnant and before i quit smoking i was somewhat thin. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and used to weigh anywhere between 68kg to 70kg, then I stopped smoking and gained roughly 10 lbs so i was up to 75kg then I got pregnant and thought I could eat anything....ice cream and granny smith apples were my favourite :) so i've gained 50lbs..so now we were up to 100kg (thats over 200lbs!!) gave my birth to my second baby. This is now 3.5 year ago. I have been able now to go down to 88-86kg...I have been struggling with food for the last 7 years, i want to lose weight really badly but food is my comfort, my whole life revolves around food. I eat a lot of food. I have good days and bad days. On good days I am making myself eat more protein and I don't get as hungry but on bad days I seem to eat anything and everything and I am not satisfied. I want to lose weight so that i look and feel better and ofcourse for my health...i want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs again without dying...I am obese and i hate it but counting every little bite i take is so difficult for me...\\
This morning i thought i had a small breakfast...well it felt like i barely ate...and already i consumed over 300 calories...

So...i keep reading everyones posts, tracking my food and hope that I can do it this time and keep it off.
thanks for listening!


  • michladyme
    michladyme Posts: 7 Member
    I am 50 years old and would get winded just walking up the stairs to the 2nd floor of my home. I started entering my daily food intake and exercise and saw where I was going wrong. I'm really trying to give up junk food and soda. Am controlling my portions more than doing anything else. Was a bit hungry the first week or so but now don't feel hungry after eating less. I also joined a support group that meets once a week and the support and encouragement I receive from them helps tremendously. I still have a ways to go but I'm feeling better and can go up the stairs without losing my breath!
  • HopetoFaith
    Hi we rarer here for the same reason to be healthier, look better. I'm logging every day and it really not that difficult if you set your mind to it, if you would like to become my friend I would be happy to give you as much support as I can . I'm almost on a same page as you game weight after giving birth to two my baby girls 22 month apart.
  • Ewa101975
    Ewa101975 Posts: 39 Member
    thanks so much for your reply. I'm a little lost here i couldn't even find my own post lol
    I don't eat too much junk and don't drink soda but i love my bread and buns and noodles and coffee with milk and ofcourse chcolate and i think that is whats keeping me back. I will definitely try harder to do the portion control as i can eat as much as my husband..
    I love frutits but dont' really love veggies...and i am so busy with my kids and working and trying to keep the house somewhat clean that when i finally have some time for me all i want to do is sit in front of the tv and eat...

    thanks again
  • Ewa101975
    Ewa101975 Posts: 39 Member
    thanks so much! yes i need all the support i can get. I will try and be supportive as well. I only started recording all the food for the past 3 days and i think just finding the foods that i eat can be a challenge sometimes. i will keep doing it because it shows me how much i really eat and how much i should be eating. take care.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    hi, i'm 34 yr woman from India,i have been on a roller coaster ride of body weight trend all my adult life.i find this site helpful as the format is friendly and nonjudgmental. i need to lose 17 kg over next 17 weeks in order to be able to get control over my insulin resistance (prediabetic) and be fit enough for daily life.
    thanks for all the support i may get.:smile: