what's the most random thing you've seen whilst out running?

Mine happened today: a bloke on a unicycle coming down the middle of the road towards me!! I was like WTF?!! I just live in a regular town, there wasn't a circus visiting whatever lol, just so random!! Anyways, it made my morning, some unicycle guy saying hey as we passed one another :happy:


  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    I think mine would be all the wildlife. The other day I ran past a monkey climbing a security gate. I've run past zebra, boks, and wildebeast recently. It's part of the beauty of living in South Africa.

    Once (in Texas) I was in an orienteering race where I dislocated my knee. No one else was around to help so I had to hobble along to the finish myself. I was in a lot of pain & feeling sorry for myself when a pack of deer ran by me. I stood there holding onto a tree, watching them run & thinking how beautiful it was. Not 15 seconds later I almost peed myself when a pack of wolves ran by chasing the deer. I think I ran faster in the opposite direction on a dislocated knee than I had been running before it dislocated. I won 1st prize at that race.
  • JustCallMe_Tanya_Eh
    2 squirrels doing it.....
  • finding_sammi
    @kinsra ohh so jealous!! and LOLs @NB_Nurse
  • LoganStrength
    An old crazy guy in pink sweatpants yelling about someone stealing his 3musketeers candy bar. Random and a little sad, but hey I was hungry and 3musketeers taste SO GOOD.
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    Bear cub and a fifty dollar bill....not on the same route or the same day
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    An old crazy guy in pink sweatpants yelling about someone stealing his 3musketeers candy bar. Random and a little sad, but hey I was hungry and 3musketeers taste SO GOOD.

    :laugh: laughing out loud!!!!.....
  • NightWindEclipse
    Before I got snowed in, I was out jogging one day; saw this little old lady staring at me. The evil eye. I decided to be friendly so I slowed down a bit, waved, and called out, "good morning!" She quickly turned away and walked off grumbling, "bleeping noisy, annoying teenager, derp herp derp..."
    I'm not joking about the derp herp derp thing either. Those were her closing words as she walked out of earshot.
    It was an interesting experience.
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    Money... all the time. But never a $50 bill, dangnnabit.
  • peanutbutterpretzels
    a tortoise. i would say turtle but it was about the size of my two feet next to each other. i took it home and he/she became my pet for the next 6 months ;)
  • finding_sammi
    An old crazy guy in pink sweatpants yelling about someone stealing his 3musketeers candy bar. Random and a little sad, but hey I was hungry and 3musketeers taste SO GOOD.

    too funny!
  • finding_sammi
    a tortoise. i would say turtle but it was about the size of my two feet next to each other. i took it home and he/she became my pet for the next 6 months ;)

    aw that's the sweetest thing!
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, I've just remembered- another time in Texas we were getting ready for our Army PT session at the university track. It was just before 5 am & all us cadets were idling our way over to the field to get started. A very old man sprinted by us and yelled, "GET MOVING. You can walk when you get to Iraq!"

    We weren't running at that point but we were a few minutes later. I found the whole thing so odd that I made a note to tell my roommates later.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    one time, when i was on lunch break from school my friend and i were driving down a semi busy road.

    I see this guy in the side mirror in his truck, I thought the motion he was doing with his arm was odd and said something to my friend about it and the fact he was kinda following us.. Before we knew he drives up next to us and I can see the tip of his... you know what... over the door with the window down.

    We are both repulsed over this and she tried to lose him, but lucky for him right when he was about to finish he gets next to us, on my side I should add, and I see the explosions.

    Needless to say, He is now known to us as the "Drive by shooter"

    edit to say* i didnt read the title right.. but i was out in population.
  • finding_sammi
    one time, when i was on lunch break from school my friend and i were driving down a semi busy road.

    I see this guy in the side mirror in his truck, I thought the motion he was doing with his arm was odd and said something to my friend about it and the fact he was kinda following us.. Before we knew he drives up next to us and I can see the tip of his... you know what... over the door with the window down.

    We are both repulsed over this and she tried to lose him, but lucky for him right when he was about to finish he gets next to us, on my side I should add, and I see the explosions.

    Needless to say, He is now known to us as the "Drive by shooter"

    ewwww LOL
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Homeless guy dropping trou to squat under a neighbor's tree
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    A Dog bouncing on a trampoline...(to see over a fence)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Homeless guy dropping trou to squat under a neighbor's tree

    I knew that was too big to be the neighbor's puppy...
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    A saw a woman, 40ish, on her hands and knees, grunting and barking while digging a hole with her hands. Grass and dirt were flying everywhere. I was thinking wtf? and said 'OK' and she says, "I'm just looking for my bone." She was/is either crazy or on drugs but I didn't stay around to find out! I would however, love to put a bone in her yard just for the hell of it. :)