Should I just give up???

alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
Ok, this is REALLY bothering me now...I am stuck!!! I am so close to my goal of 130lbs but yet so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A few weeks ago I was 2 lbs from my goal. I weighed myself last week on Friday and I had gained 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought, "well maybe I was dehydrated, etc etc" I weighed again on Sunday, the same 135lbs, 5lbs from my goal. I have been thinking 130lbs is probably not where my body should be and I should just stop trying to get to it and go into maintenance. :cry: What do you think?? Help!!!!!!!!!!! I do want to say I like where I am right now, I feel great, I feel healthy. I want to weigh less in case I do experience a gain of a couple to a few lbs and I am still at a comfortable size. :flowerforyou:


  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok, this is REALLY bothering me now...I am stuck!!! I am so close to my goal of 130lbs but yet so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A few weeks ago I was 2 lbs from my goal. I weighed myself last week on Friday and I had gained 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought, "well maybe I was dehydrated, etc etc" I weighed again on Sunday, the same 135lbs, 5lbs from my goal. I have been thinking 130lbs is probably not where my body should be and I should just stop trying to get to it and go into maintenance. :cry: What do you think?? Help!!!!!!!!!!! I do want to say I like where I am right now, I feel great, I feel healthy. I want to weigh less in case I do experience a gain of a couple to a few lbs and I am still at a comfortable size. :flowerforyou:
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    NO NO NO!!! you should not give up, and you shouldn't settle for close enough. you have done great. why stop now? cause its hard?:explode: sure it is, but you can do it. I bet there are dozens of ways you can get past this last hurdle. ok, comon, let's here from all of you who jumped through that final hoop. maybe you need to shake it up with one cheat day. and trust me on this stick to ONE:noway: maybe there is an exercise you can do that will speed it along? a water pill? a hair cut? something. don't give up now. you made it toots. I have faith you can pull this off. hey, since you are soooo close, why not a trip to the day spa and get all massaged, wrapped, and pampered. bet you come out of there a pound lighter for sure. good luck.

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  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    If you feel great & healthy, then don't worry about the number that scale shows you.
    Continue eating right, exercise your butt off and forget about that stupid scale. I know how aggrevating it can be but don't give up on your goal. You'll get there. Keep it up nena!!!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Don't stop 130 is my goal and I have a lot more to go than you. You just have to keep going. Do it for your MFP's we are counting on you!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Girl, you have done so well. I think by now, you are eating healthy. So, forget about it... live, put in your foods and don't worry about it.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    If you feel great & healthy, then don't worry about the number that scale shows you.
    Continue eating right, exercise your butt off and forget about that stupid scale. I know how aggrevating it can be but don't give up on your goal. You'll get there. Keep it up nena!!!


    I couldn't agree more. You look great! STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE!!! Continue eating right, exercise regularly and focus on your health and how you feel. The rest will come in time, and if it doesn't...that's alright too.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I "gave up" a few months ago, and switched to maintenance calories. After another month, I'd dropped five more pounds. So, go figure. . .

    Depending on how you chose your goal weight in the first place, it's not wrong to re-asess it. Maybe that would be a healthy weight for you if you had less muscle mass, so I would worry more about size/inches than a magic number.

    But bear in mind that "giving up" needn't include going crazy with your eating. You could just change to a much smaller deficit, and see if that lets your body drop more weight.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Don't give up!!! I'm in a pretty similar situation as far as how much I'd like to lose, and I've found 130 to be tough to get to myself. But I really don't want to give up this time once I get closer, and neither should you!!! YOU CAN DO IT:smile:
  • littlespoon
    littlespoon Posts: 165
    I had this happen to me - stuck for 6 weeks!!
    So what I figured was this: Your body is not designed to lose weight (it doesnt know how much you weigh), so it's job is to maintain your weight. If you have been in deficit for a while, I think theres a point that your body just says "NO MORE" (kind of like an extended version of starvation mode).

    Anyway, so what I did was to eat between my deficit intake and maintenance for 6 weeks, so that my body wouldnt feel like I was trying to get it to lose anymore, until it got used to the new weight as being my "normal" rather than a weight loss weight (if you understand what I mean).

    Makes sense if you think about it really.

    Well it worked!! After 6 weeks of maintaining, I dropped back to my deficit calories, and I started losing again!

    Hope that helps, good luck!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

    First I agree, you look amazing chica!!! muy bonita!!! (and then some:wink: )

    I'm aways away from the same goal as you and when I was at my fittest, I remember 130 being hard to stay at too, I'd always go up to 133-135 and just stay there no problem, I wondered if that was my body saying um, no dear, you're 135 be happy, embrace it! lol....:bigsmile: :ohwell:

    I think you could totally do it though its all about what is important to you, my big thing is I want to look and feel great, if I could wear my size 4's or 6's and be 140, 150...whatever...I'd be happy....don't let the numbers rule you girl if you feel good and are happy, but if you really want it I KNOW you can totally do it! I'm rooting for you....but no giving up...if you decide okay, this is good....maintain maintain maintain, I bet just as the other wise pals have told you, you'll probably see some more results!:drinker:

    good luck and big hugs!
    Ali :heart:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ladies, all of you ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should be psychologists!! :laugh: :laugh:
    I feel soooooooooooooo much better after reading your responses. I am going to change my goal and go into maintenance. And OH NO, I am NOT giving up!!!! I am just frustrated, dissapointed, because I have worked hard but I know I have not worked REALLY hard. I am a social eater and let go when at restaurants, gatherings etc. Also my husband is not much of a support either. I have caught him rolling his eyes when I am talking about amount of calories, etc :cry: I think he is jealous that I have lost weight and I am looking great :ohwell: But I am doing this for myself... So I am trying the maintenance approach and heck with the scale!!! It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not weighing myself in a great while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    The BIG question is "HOW DO YOU FEEL AT 135lbs???"

    That is my goal (to be at 135 lbs) but let me just say that if I got to 137 and felt great then I would just maintain... it all depends on how YOU feel. How do your clothes fit? Etc.

    You are a BEAUTIFUL woman! Be proud of your accomplishments!

    :heart: KB
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I've also been wondering if I've lost enough and if I should stop now. I want to lose another 8.5 pounds but my BMI is currently 23.4 so I know the last few pounds will be hard. But although I'm not unhappy with the way I look, I'm not exactly ecstatic either, and I know I look better with a few more pounds off, though I've never gone as low as the goal I'm currently aiming for.

    But do you know what? I WANT to do this. I've always wanted to have a better body, and I feel I owe it to myself to try and reach my goal. I've got to the weight I am now through some hard work, but I don't feel I've tried THAT hard - I know I could stick to my healthy eating more, and I've just started exercising, which should also help. So personally I'm going to go for it! But if it proves impossible, even when I try really hard, I will reassess my goal and try to be happy with the way I am (which seems to be what you're doing).

    And who knows, you may find you lose even more without trying!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Give up??????? NO WAY!! That is a bad word (well 2 words). You have worked so hard to get to your current weight. Why toss in the towel?? Be strong, think positive and keep on trucking. There is no giving up. Step by step and time. You will get to your goal. I know you can do this. You will do this. YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOAL.