Coming back again! College student wants more MFP friends!

Hey everyone! Quick run down; I joined MFP in May. I lost about 10 pounds during the summer without much effort. But, my sophomore year in college started and I hit a rut. I stopped exercising and began stress eating. I am absolutely terrified to jump on the scale, because I know that I have gained back all of the weigtht I did lose, if not more. :((

So, I am giving myself a 2 WEEK challenge to jump back on the wagon! From then, I am going to weigh myself and take measurements, and move forward. Dead serious this time. So, if you are similar to me, then please add me! I come on here a lot (well starting now), track my food and exercise, and encourage.

My goal is to get to a point to where I feel confident and happy in my body. I want to be able to wear anything that I want with pride, be able to exercise my butt off at the gym, and just feel more confident in general. I look forward to getting to know you!! I'm 5'5" and probably in the high 150's...hopefully can get down to the mid/low 130's again..

Thanks :))


  • llvtorres3
    llvtorres3 Posts: 6 Member
    Same here. After checking out everyones posts in the before and after section I relized even though I am losing weight slowly, I dont take my calorie counting and point tracking as serious as I should and today I am re-dedicating myself cuz I want a good after picture. I'm doing a combination of mfp and weight watchers cuz I definitely need as much support as possible, so anyone should feel free to add me.
  • Same here! I have been telling myself for months and months that I was going to get down to business, but I have been wishy washy and half assed it each time. But I feel good about it this time around. I want to stay on board. I'll send you a request!