Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred?



  • the 30 day shred is honestly the best workout dvd i've ever bought. check out ripped in 30 and kickbox fastfix, they're awesome too!
  • kaelara
    kaelara Posts: 9 Member
    Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is the biggest calorie burner and my go-to workout at least 4 days a week. But the 30 day Shred started it all for me!

    I have only done The Shred but thanks to your tip I found BFBM on youtube and will add that to my workouts too! I love that Youtube has so many free Jillian workouts. I have the DVD but it's so much easier to just click on the youtube video.

    Wanted to add my support for The Shred. I have lost inches, and it's the kind of workout that gets you sweating and raises your heart rate, but it's not too terrible to make you want to quit right away. Great place to start. Do it! :D
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    If you do BFBM consistently and eat right, those pounds will melt off - FAST! Glad you found it! I highly recommend. I have all of Jillian's workouts, and BFBM is most effective for weight loss for me. No More Trouble Zones my favorite for toning, and her Kickboxing DVD also great calorie burn.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Yay i just did my first 30 day shred workout! Legs feel like jelly now lol.

    I do have a question regarding lunges, i keep losing my balance, any tips for finding the correct position?
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    Yay i just did my first 30 day shred workout! Legs feel like jelly now lol.

    I do have a question regarding lunges, i keep losing my balance, any tips for finding the correct position?
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I put my hand on the back of a chair for the lunges in the beginning.
  • harrisfamilypdx
    harrisfamilypdx Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! I'll start tomorrow, too.
  • fragrantair
    I just did day 2 of level 1. My legs and abs hurt real bad, I can't go down the stairs without bracing myself for it. Lol, well it helps with snacking ^^
  • travel4fun
    travel4fun Posts: 36 Member
    I just did day 2 today also. I can't believe how sore I was after day 1. i'm a little worried about not being able to walk tomorrow! It's a great workout. Yesterday I burned over 300 calories in less than 30 minutes, and it really didn't feel like I was working that hard. It was harder today because I'm sore. Burned 265 calories today in 29 minutes.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Also i just thought of something else : how many levels are there, how long do you spend on each one? How do you know when to go up a level? Thanks ! Sorry for all the questions btw.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    I am on day 2 also. Did the first one yesterday and was pretty sore this morning so while today was a bit easier technique wise, everything was achey and tired so it was hard! Interetsingly though, after I finished (and cooled down a bit) I took my dog for a long walk - that really helped with the sore legs and arms, I felt much better. I've never done anything like this before so Im hoping it will be good!
  • dohdiee
    I did the whole of the level 1 but on like day 2 of level 2 I started fainting all over the place. It might just be because of my back and fatigue problems, but I really didn't like it. Don't let it put you off though, I quite enjoyed level 1! And I still do some of the exercises but no in such an intense environment!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Also i just thought of something else : how many levels are there, how long do you spend on each one? How do you know when to go up a level? Thanks ! Sorry for all the questions btw.

    There are 3 levels, the way you do it is to complete 10 days of level 1, then move on to level 2 complete 10 days, and then move on to level 3 for 10 days. :) Hope you enjoy it! Its really awesome.

    I have spent days staying on level 1 hoping to get fitter for level two, but I would assume the idea is actually to keep your body guessing. The workouts do get tougher and different, but there is always a modifying workout that is easier than taking on the big one.

    Suggestion: Try warming up a bit more, I pulled a calf muscle last week cant wait to start again tonight! (Back to level 1 for today :))
  • mewzalard
    mewzalard Posts: 11 Member
    First post here!

    I just did Day 1 Level 1... i think i am a jelly!! I managed to get through it with only 5 very small breaks (3ish seconds) - quite proud of myself... though i expect i'll be cursing myself later!

    I did it with .5kg weights which is 2.2lbs total. Assumed that was what she meant by 2lb weights...not 2lb per weight?
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I am doing it and am now in the last few days of Level 3. I have definitely noticed massive inch loss. I haven't lost many pounds but I have lost probably up to 10 inches around my body. It is a fantastic programme and I want to try Ripped in 30 next.
  • MelissaH0910
    MelissaH0910 Posts: 67 Member
    My first post!

    I just finished Day 1 Level 1, well most of it anyway. I had to take a lot more breaks than I liked because I'm at the tail end of bronchitis and a severe case of tonsilitis. Hopefully tomorrow I can push through more of the cardio.

    I'm not looking to lose weight but I would like to burn fat and gain some strength. My lack of upper body strength is embarrassing. :(
  • kelley555
    kelley555 Posts: 57 Member
    I just started 30 day shred and after the first two days i could hardly walk up or down the stairs. When I read online about it everywhere said to do extra stretches beyond what the video gives and that helped a lot. I'm on day 4 and loving it so far.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Does anyone use this program? I just did level 1 for the first time, thinking of doing it everyday...I am over 200 pounds and I started breathing really heavy but it was worth it!
    If you have been using it, have you noticed any results? Thanks!

    I'm on day 3 of level 1 but I already feel good about myself and I lost 600g so I'm pretty happy :) I'm really sore today but it's good and not unbearable, plus my mfp buddies tell me that after day 3-4, you're not as sore, it gets easier.

    I use the free videos on Youtube and I like the program. xx
  • michellemains1983
    I LOVE Jillian Michaels 30 day shred it is AWESOME. One of my favorites! :)
  • katie__pillar
    Yay i just did my first 30 day shred workout! Legs feel like jelly now lol.

    I do have a question regarding lunges, i keep losing my balance, any tips for finding the correct position?

    The tip about the chair is good, but they'll also get easier as your core gets stronger.

    I have been doing the shred (well levels 1 & 2 so far) as part of a combination of Jillian's programmes - I get bored doing the same thing too many days in a row! I started off with her 30 day slimdown (here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/636463-jillian-michaels-30-day-slimdown-starting-today, and the name is not a lie) and now I just rotate them as I fancy, and have added in the Yoga Meltdown and six week six pack into the mix.