How do you stay motivated?

Hello everyone!
I thought it might be nice to hear different ideas on how we convince ourselves to keep going when it gets tough? Where do you draw your motivation from? What do you do when it feels like you will never achieve what you have set out to?

Let us all be inspired.


  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    One of the ways I've found to motivate myself is reading the success stories and looking at before and after pictures on this site. Seeing all of that reminds me of what I can achieve if I stick to my goals for losing weight. I also like to look at pictures of myself before I gained all of the weight. It reminds me of how I felt when I looked that way and of what I am working towards. I'm sort of new to this weight loss journey though so I'm sure these forms of motivation won't do the trick all of the time, but for now it helps. I would love to hear from other people as well! It's always nice to hear how people stay inspired and motivated when it comes to weight loss. :smile:
  • For me, just that fact that I feel so much better when I'm eating healthy and working out is motivation to keep doing it. Before when I was eating whatever I felt like and not exercising, I usually felt bloated and sluggish. Now I have so much more energy and just feel so much healthier, and that's enough to make me not want to go back to the way I used to be.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    This might sound cheesy, but I have trouble with self motivation so a lot of my motivation comes from people on here. Establish a dedicated few people that you know will be there for you all the time. Further, don't just make fitness a common goal, find some other common ground that you have and build on that! Also, motivation doesn't just come from those who are in the same boat, but also those who are already in great shape. I look to them as inspiration and find that to be a great motivator.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Was fed up of being a hideous fat slob and an embarrassment to myself. You should never get to a stage where you hate yourself, that's my motivation.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    One of the ways I've found to motivate myself is reading the success stories and looking at before and after pictures on this site. Seeing all of that reminds me of what I can achieve if I stick to my goals for losing weight. I also like to look at pictures of myself before I gained all of the weight. It reminds me of how I felt when I looked that way and of what I am working towards. I'm sort of new to this weight loss journey though so I'm sure these forms of motivation won't do the trick all of the time, but for now it helps. I would love to hear from other people as well! It's always nice to hear how people stay inspired and motivated when it comes to weight loss. :smile:

    This ^^^^
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I look at all the fat. It makes me angry. Then I do things to make it go away. I feel slightly better. Repeat until there is no fat left. I hate fat. Grrrr.
  • jessicayoung82
    jessicayoung82 Posts: 157 Member
    This might sound cheesy, but I have trouble with self motivation so a lot of my motivation comes from people on here. Establish a dedicated few people that you know will be there for you all the time. Further, don't just make fitness a common goal, find some other common ground that you have and build on that! Also, motivation doesn't just come from those who are in the same boat, but also those who are already in great shape. I look to them as inspiration and find that to be a great motivator.

    I agree about finding friends who are already in shape. I find that they are an awesome motivator. Seeing what workouts they do, and the positive attitudes towards fitness and nutrition is extremely helpful.
  • ChunkieNuts
    ChunkieNuts Posts: 135 Member
    my motivation is looking in the mirror, when i can see my progression it spurs me on ....
    when i feel like giving up, again i look in the mirror
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Thinking about being able to wear fashionable clothes and walk into any store and buy clothes that I really like, not just plus size stores. That alone is enough to motivate me, it may sound shallow, but being overweight most of my life, shopping is something I've always dreaded. I'm looking forward to the day I can enjoy looking for an outfit.

    Although I always have my families history with heart disease in the back of my mind, I want a healthy heart.
  • OliverStich
    OliverStich Posts: 1 Member
    Well - what works for me is being emotional rather than interlectual. Meaning, I know that it is better to be healthier and fitter but only being anoyed or feeling embarresed about not going to the gym etc really helps me staying on track. Another thought is yesterday and tomorrow are not relevant - it is about today! Rescue today and that makes me feel good...
  • I can say ditto to a lot of these posts. Here's what motivates me (not that I've been motivated til just this week, but I'm back - going to the gym after work this morning after being away for two months!):

    1. Fitting into stylish clothes
    2. Looking cute for Him (the guy I'm looking for)
    3. Energy (I've been so sluggish lately, and I haven't been away from the gym too long to forget how great i felt when I was going)
    4. When I eventually do have kids, I don't want them to know me as this fat girl, I want them to know a strong and healthy mom
    5. To finally be able to compete with my sister in the looks department! =p
  • yaafee
    yaafee Posts: 274 Member
    Admittedly in the last six weeks I have not been the most motivated to stick to the ultra low carb plan I started with, BUT I did pick up 30DS about the same time. The challenge to complete a program, to check the days off my calendar, really kept me going. I had told a couple of friends and my SO that I was going to do it, and next thing you know they are casually checking in on my progress. Those surprise checks made me happy to report a workout or feel guilty enough to make it up if I had skipped.

    My SO is great! He tells me he's proud of me all the time: as I leave for my 5am workout, when I call after I've "shredded", when I weigh in and measure. In fact, he spent he whole afternoon Saturday (after the game) shopping for jeans that fit my new body. And, to convince me that we will find them out there somewhere, those illusive jeans that flatter muscular thighs rather than making them look like ham hocks.

    I'm lucky enough to be making this journey with my sister and a couple of my closest friends. From diet to exercise, they keep me accountable. I see the progress they have made, and I'm so proud. But I'm also competitive, I want to make the progress my friends, R & S, have made. My sister finds a way to log workouts even when she's working in third world countries! They look fabulous!

    I like to see the before/after photos on this site, especially for the programs like 30DS and Insanity. I hope to post some amazing photos when I'm maintaining my goal.

    Often, I think to myself, "it's supposed to be slow." I've convinced myself that slow and steady will stay off. After all, I'm not dieting, I'm changing my lifestyle, this is only the 4th month of the rest of my life!

    And last but not least, make mini goals: run to the next light post, finish this mile, five more pushups, choose the next size dumbbell, burn 100 more calories on the elliptical.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    I am not really for sure. I am trying to figure that out as well. I need help with motovation and support. Add me if you would like.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Remove temptations from your pantry and fridge.
    Throw away your oversized clothes once you lose weight; keeping them is giving yourself permission to fit into them again.
    Think of exercise the same way you think of showering or brushing your teeth; it's not an option, it's taking care of yourself.
    Buy a beautiful dress in your goal size.
    Post your goal weight on your fridge and consider it before opening the door for a snack.
    Remember how much harder you have to work out if you decide to order that burger!
    Think of how much better you will feel about yourself tomorrow if you work out today.
    Keep logging your food and exercise and be HONEST!