Quitting smoking - maintaining weight loss. Tips?

So, tomorrow's my quit date, and I'm a bit concerned about gaining weight. I realise that quitting smoking will make a bigger difference to my health than a couple of extra kilos, but I'd really rather not gain the weight back!

What did you find worked for you when you quit?


  • BellaReady
    BellaReady Posts: 11 Member

    Firstly - good luck! I quit (bar the odd late night drinking mishap) about 18 months ago. I use Nicorette gum (4mg fruit flavour). It has been amazing - firstly you get a great hit of nicotine when you need it, you can have as many or as few pieces as you need. Plus, because you're chewing it, you're not eating!

    I know this is rather obvious but also drinking lots of water and increasing your green veggies helps..

    When I quit I used to spend the time at work, when I would have gone for a smoke, looking at BBC good food / Delicious magazine website - looking for healthy meals for that week / evening. Its a good distraction!

    I hope that helps and if you need support, I'm always here to remind you how much better you'll feel when you've quit (and trust me, you will!)

    Good luck!

  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    I actually quit and started on MFP at the same time back in Feb this year. I've still not smoked and lost 16lbs at the same time so it is possible!

    Stick to your cal goal each day, but don;t kick yourself if you go over, your appetite does indeed change when you stop smoking and you will also find that you enjoy food more as your taste buds change and that in it's self can make you want to eat more.

    As for stopping smoking itself, I used an electric cigarette, it's the only thing I hve tried which really helped. At the start it replaces your nicotine and towards the end of the programme when you are only breathing in water vapour it lets you concentrate on quitting the physical habbit of having a "smoke".

    Good luck, it is possible! Add me if you need any support x
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    3 weeks now! The first week I stayed the same, but I logged everything as usual and did not go over so I dont know if that was metabolic due to no more nicotine rush or fluke. Since then it has been plain sailing. I do nibble grapes and always have my water bottle.
    Good luck, and when you have those moments - Run! Up stairs, down the road, round the block wherever you can to remind your self how much better you feel. Oh and add up how much you have saved.
  • pleasant_dreams
    pleasant_dreams Posts: 11 Member
    Second everything the ladys before me have said.

    What helped me was sucking on XXXX mints. (Australian, not sure if you have them) They are a really strong breath mint, and it took a good 5 mins to eat them. It kept my mouth occupied long enough to forget the cravings, and left my mouth tingly fresh :)

    I am, as of this wednesday actually lol, 1 year smoke free!


    EDIT: Just wanted to add that XXXX Mints are only 10cals each :)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Lots of tips, but here is what worked for me.

    - Get rid of as many smoky smelling things as you can. It takes away the reminder.
    - I liked sugar-free candies like life savers.
    - WATER! It's beats a smoke any day.
    - Short run. I would take a run around the yard, down the hallway at work or in the parking lot. It can take away the cravings.
    - Food on a schedule. It will help you get to the next time slot. I used to smoke every 20 minutes, so it was water, a life-saver, some deep breaths or a little run (you'll be winded in n time probably!) and then food.
    - Savor your food so you don't over eat.
    - Prayer.

    Good luck. After 20 years, I quit from 2-3 packs a day back in 1994.
  • hotchiwitchi
    hotchiwitchi Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for your tips and best wishes! ( :
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    The ONLY reason people put on weight when they quit smoking is.... because they substitute a piece of food for a cigarette.
    I quid smoking in Jan and didn't substitute and lost weight.

    I didn't use Nicotine Replacement.

    But would use Sugar Free Polo's whenever I fancied a cigarette - low calories etc.
  • 19toots66
    19toots66 Posts: 26 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    Congrats on the non-smoking....I also quit smoking(been three months)!!!!!
  • leonmedwards
    I quit smoking about 3 years ago (smoked almost 2 packs a day). I gained quite a bit since then, blaming most of that on quitting but looking back now it was just because I traded one fixation for another. I think if I had it to do over I would have replaced smoking with drinking water or walking or any other healthy change rather than double cheeseburgers and McChickens.

    I quit using Chantix and absolutly recommend that any chance that I get. I never had a negative side effect (except having to give up smoking). Something that they tell you as you quit is that a craving only last about 5 minutes, so as long as you can make it through that...Your home free. So for those 5 minutes take a walk,do some burpies, or just think of all the reasons that you are quitting whichever you prefer.

    This is completly possible and you are making a great choice! You got this!!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    This thursday will be my 2 year mark. I couldnt do the weight loss and quitting at the same time but some people can.

    What helped me quit was looking at my bank balance! i filtered off the money i would have spent on cigarettes into a savings account and watched it grow rapidly. I then started to overpay my mortgage on that money alone (plus standard payments) and its great knowing that rather than kill myself i'm actually working towards something positive.
  • Stalh
    Stalh Posts: 14
    I just quit almost 3 months ago and my doctor said that smoke actually increases your metabolism by 14%.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Join us in the "Quitting Smoking" group forum!

    I decided to get healthy one step at a time. I lost 30 pounds, maintained that loss for 4 months, then quit smoking. I quit back in June and am so happy that I finally did it. I haven't gained any weight but I credit a couple reasons for that:

    1. I am still tracking calories
    2. I did not replace cigarettes with food

    Cigarette craving eerily feel like hunger pangs. Don't confuse the two!
    CINDYRN33 Posts: 148 Member
    I quit 1 year and 2 months ago after smoking a pack per day for 18 years,I actually did not gain. I would reccomend at least for the first month or so to have an electronic cigerette (google it, give you nicotine without all the dangerous chemical. You get nicotine and a water vapor) this helped me to kick the physical habit and then a month after that I quit the electronic cigerette. Some people witll say that you are substitutting one bad habbit for another however the nicotine for me was the easy part it was the holding of the cigerette that was hard for me to break. It worked for me anyway. Good luck and remember you are doing a tremendous favor for your body.