How have you all been able to 'get back on track?'



  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I'm devastated. Disgusted. Heartbroken. With myself. I spent eight weeks of flawless eating. Realistic, healthy weight loss, losing 8 kg in total. I felt so fantastic and on top of the world during those eight weeks. But for the past month, I have put three kilos back on, eating horribly and not working out.

    I can't seem to get back on track. I have tried to completely repeat everything I did before that helped me succeed. I'm also just as - or even more motivated then before.

    Personally I find that starting is the issue here, that once I've been going for a week I would be able to get my good habits back, and get back into the zone. But every 'new day' where I plan to 'get back on track' I end up thinking to myself "Hey, look at all that long, pain in the *kitten* time you have left in front of you. So much pain. Just give up" or "You're already off the track, why don't you just start tomorrow. You have time!". Of course, these thoughts always pop up and dominate my mind when I'm in the bakery section of my supermarket ;). In these situations, I am hopeless. I have no discipline.

    I remember clearly, I began my successful 8 week weight loss journey last time by simply saying "NO" to temptations for a couple of days. I gradually gained self discipline quite quickly, and became stronger and stronger. But I just can't seem to say NO! What's the difference between back then and now!? Nothing.

    Tips? Advice? I know I can do it, I've done it before. I'm sick and tired of continuing to fail. I want to be that soldier again that conquered these negative thoughts. All I want is another eight weeks of solid work so I can lose my final 8 kilos, before I'm at my DREAM WEIGHT (omg). I want it to happen :'(

    I chose one aspect to make non-negotiable. For me, it was exercise.

    So, I work out five days a week (most weeks) four at minimum. It is not negotiable.

    I've been doing this since January '12. In January '13, eating right becomes non-negotiable.

    Exercise isn't a problem anymore because it has become a habit, I hope that the eating thing will also become more habitual, but I struggle with it every day.

    But it takes SO long to create a habit.

    Good luck. Just remember, you can't change what is done, you can only move forward and try to do better.

    Dwelling on failure isn't productive, using that failure to make better choices is.

    Don't worry about being perfect, work on being better than before. Eventually, you'll get to a balance that works for you and your life. I'm still working on that, but I'm getting closer most days and sliding back some days.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    what helps me when I get in that mode is planning. The night before I make my breakfast, lunch & dinner and pack up snacks so I have NO excuse not to eat right. That was one of my biggest things, I'd wake up late (because I hit the snooze button 6 times) and rush out the door without eating breakfast and no plan for the rest of the day. I'd hit up a drive through for breakfast (ordering way more than i need of course) go to the vending machine in the afternoon for a candybar or chips and hit another fast food place for lunch. Generally by the time I got home I'd already eaten a full days worth of calories and felt like crap.

    If I plan everything out and have it pre-made and pre-logged the night before I have no excuse not to pop the oatmeal in the microwave for 45 seconds and why waste a dollar at the vending machine when I already have peanuts & an orange to snack on in the afternoon?

    Stop leaving yourself the option to create excuses and you'll get back on track, and like you said once you get a week in its a heck of a lot easier to continue!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    a train can hit a truck and not derail. be like a train. stay on track.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I have had a 2 + weeks of negativity and off track. In all honesty I have been mostly under my cal goals but the exercise has taken a back seat. I was beating myself up for bad choices etc but in the end I have asked myself yesterday actually... what is the point? There will be times in my life when I just don't make the best choice, so should i give up and not care? No, as difficult as it is especially when weight comes off real slowly, I do not like the alternative. I do not want to wake up a year from now and ask myself what if I hadn't given up. Yep there are times when i think eff it all but my advice? Keep logging through those times, talk to your friends and read some statuses and success stories. It is not plain sailing but it is worth it. :) Good luck and best wishes. Try to focus on the good, because even if you are not making what you call the best choices sometimes, it beats making them all the time :)
  • 041jackson
    041jackson Posts: 36 Member

    From your post, it's clear what you're being: lazy. Yes, I'm being a b*tch. But it's true. You're making excuses. You're not being strong. You're giving in, because it's easier than working for what you want. I have the same problem as you do: chocolate. chocolate. MORE CHOCOLATE. And sometimes I lose. But most often I don't. Why? Because saying "NO" to whatever is tempting you today, is easier than hating yourself / your body, today, tomorrow, forever.

    There's a really nice quote, posted by another MFP member:
    "The scale can't measure your will, drive, or dedication. The scale can't recount how many temptations you said no to or how many bad habits you broke. The scale doesn't have any idea how many times you got back on track when you felt like giving up. So every time you get on the scale, measure what's really important, including your behavior and effort."

    This, and one other thing has helped me greatly to remember that this is a journey, a lifestyle change. So what IF you lose the remaining 8 kgs but continue to (over) splurge in the bakery selection every week? Unfortunately, those kgs are just going to come back on. You've gained 3 recently from bad eating habits - it sounds like you're prepared to go right back to them after gaining your ideal body weight!

    For me, it sounds like you're looking at this the wrong way. This is a JOURNEY, with lifetime goals, including healthy body weight, healthy eating patterns, a healthy lifestyle. Most people fail because after their success, they forget everything they've learned, and go right back to their bad habits!

    My suggestion for you:
    A) Change your habits. I don't know the specifics of your eating / exercise / falls, but there's tons of info on how to lose and maintain a healthy lifestyle here. Look around!

    B) You have to learn to both manage indulgences properly and how to incorporate them into your life. I have a) a ferrero rocher ball OR 5 m&ms OR a reese's peanut butter cup everyday. Everyday. Because this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. And I certainly couldn't imagine my life without those things!

    C) Change your goals. Why do you want to make healthy choices? Is it REALLY for that perfect body? Or should it be something deeper, something more meaningful, such as "I want my kids growing up, knowing how to make healthy choices" or, "I want to be healthy and strong when I'm older, so I can do things after I retired". Look deeper, and motivation will come to you!

    And one last thing, its just my personal opinion. Take someone to the grocery store with you! Take someone who knows youre dieting. You'll feel self-concious picking up things that are not diet worthy, and will likely avoid them completely!
    Also, as I mentioned, I have chocolate everyday - hopefully you can find moderation with your bakery items :) It's all about priorities!
  • TallyGal97
    TallyGal97 Posts: 80 Member
    For me, I go back and pull up my weight loss graph. It shows me how far I have actually come. I damn sure don't want to be at that highest weight again or have to wear that size clothing. Then I yell at myself, give myself a kick in the butt, and get back to it!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    You've mentioned "habits" in a couple of your posts. You're wanting to get rid of the bad ones and replace them with good healthy ones corrects? From what I've studied it takes on average about 28 consecutive days of doing something to make it a habit. Which also means 28 consecutive days of not doing something to get rid of the habit. So, your eating healthy for a week is not enough time to make it habit.

    For motivation I would get yourself a calendar, pick a habit you'd like to develop and start marking of the days until you hit 28 and see what happens? When you are in the bakery before you buy something just remind yourself you only have to do it for 28 days, if in 28 days you still want that treat then go back and get it. Just commit to 28 days and it won't feel so overwhelming. Try not to focus on how much further you have to go just look at how far you've come.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Just remember that it's your choice. I would imagine that part of what is pulling you off course right now is the realization that there's a lot of spontaneous eating and drinking you'll have to say "no" to during the holidaze. But if you do indulge, you will gain even more and be even further from your fitness goals. Every choice has consequences.

    I'm finding that my former habit of stuffing myself until I could feel nothing but my own physical misery was actually a pretty good coping mechanism. Since I stopped doing that, I have been in full flare of ulcerative colitis and had an outbreak of shingles. My stress has to go somewhere!

    But my feet and aging joints hate carrying this heavy body around. I have to find some other way (than stuffing myself)!
  • xanem
    xanem Posts: 11
    I love you guys. So so so much. Every single post I am reading and absorbing, every post is a wake up call in it's own. I'm going to read and read and re read these. Oh; I forgot to mention that I am aiming for my ultimate vacation to Bali, which is two months away. That's why I'm only giving myself two months to lose eight kilos, which is why this 'lifestyle change' doesn't relate to this a lot.

    I am all for a lifestyle change, this is what I'm doing... but for these next two months, let's just say I am 'speeding up' my lifestyle change just a bit, so that I can enjoy the rewards I have been dreaming for, for so long in Bali (January 9th 2013).

    Also what helped me in the past is to always have a healthy treat ready. Maybe I should have a 'healthy treat' every day, as long as this fits in my calorie range. This will help me progress.

    I'm just scared. What if tomorrow, these thoughts that sabotage me come back, because honestly; the beginning/refresh/restart is also like I'm fighting an internal battlefield. So many negative thoughts fight against me. These "you're fat, this is going to take too long to get rid of this".

    I know I haven't acknowledged/answered all posts within this thread in this response but I promise I have read and absorbed all of it!!!
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    First of all, you've got to quit the stinkin' thinkin'. You lost a great amount of weight and have had a slight step backward. You need to remember that 3 kg < 8. You've still got a net loss of 5 kg, which is awesome! You succeeded!

    It sounds to me like you lost sight of your goal. Why did you start eating well and exercising? What did you want to look like? What is your ultimate goal, and what small steps do you need to take to get there? Write down what you want to accomplish. Seriously! Write it down right now and then make sure you read those goals every day. They will help provide the motivation you need.

    Start again right this moment, don't wait until tomorrow. Start eating right with you next meal and start the momentum rolling again.

    You got this!
    I'm devastated. Disgusted. Heartbroken. With myself. I spent eight weeks of flawless eating. Realistic, healthy weight loss, losing 8 kg in total. I felt so fantastic and on top of the world during those eight weeks. But for the past month, I have put three kilos back on, eating horribly and not working out.

    I can't seem to get back on track. I have tried to completely repeat everything I did before that helped me succeed. I'm also just as - or even more motivated then before.

    Personally I find that starting is the issue here, that once I've been going for a week I would be able to get my good habits back, and get back into the zone. But every 'new day' where I plan to 'get back on track' I end up thinking to myself "Hey, look at all that long, pain in the *kitten* time you have left in front of you. So much pain. Just give up" or "You're already off the track, why don't you just start tomorrow. You have time!". Of course, these thoughts always pop up and dominate my mind when I'm in the bakery section of my supermarket ;). In these situations, I am hopeless. I have no discipline.

    I remember clearly, I began my successful 8 week weight loss journey last time by simply saying "NO" to temptations for a couple of days. I gradually gained self discipline quite quickly, and became stronger and stronger. But I just can't seem to say NO! What's the difference between back then and now!? Nothing.

    Tips? Advice? I know I can do it, I've done it before. I'm sick and tired of continuing to fail. I want to be that soldier again that conquered these negative thoughts. All I want is another eight weeks of solid work so I can lose my final 8 kilos, before I'm at my DREAM WEIGHT (omg). I want it to happen :'(
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    It's not easy. I'm right where you are. This is my first day back after gaining 5lbs (in 4 months) in maintenance. This morning I officially weighed in at my "oh no" weight. I know what I have to do, but that doesn't make it any easier. I got into a false sense of security and now I have to face it and get back at it...

    Unfortunately you just have to get back at it and if you fall, you just have to pick yourself up and deal with it.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    when i stopped with "all or nothing" way of thinking, that's when i started losing weight and building muscle. now i look better than ever.
  • xanem
    xanem Posts: 11
    First of all, you've got to quit the stinkin' thinkin'. You lost a great amount of weight and have had a slight step backward. You need to remember that 3 kg < 8. You've still got a net loss of 5 kg, which is awesome! You succeeded!

    It sounds to me like you lost sight of your goal. Why did you start eating well and exercising? What did you want to look like? What is your ultimate goal, and what small steps do you need to take to get there? Write down what you want to accomplish. Seriously! Write it down right now and then make sure you read those goals every day. They will help provide the motivation you need.

    Start again right this moment, don't wait until tomorrow. Start eating right with you next meal and start the momentum rolling again.

    You got this!
    I'm devastated. Disgusted. Heartbroken. With myself. I spent eight weeks of flawless eating. Realistic, healthy weight loss, losing 8 kg in total. I felt so fantastic and on top of the world during those eight weeks. But for the past month, I have put three kilos back on, eating horribly and not working out.

    I can't seem to get back on track. I have tried to completely repeat everything I did before that helped me succeed. I'm also just as - or even more motivated then before.

    Personally I find that starting is the issue here, that once I've been going for a week I would be able to get my good habits back, and get back into the zone. But every 'new day' where I plan to 'get back on track' I end up thinking to myself "Hey, look at all that long, pain in the *kitten* time you have left in front of you. So much pain. Just give up" or "You're already off the track, why don't you just start tomorrow. You have time!". Of course, these thoughts always pop up and dominate my mind when I'm in the bakery section of my supermarket ;). In these situations, I am hopeless. I have no discipline.

    I remember clearly, I began my successful 8 week weight loss journey last time by simply saying "NO" to temptations for a couple of days. I gradually gained self discipline quite quickly, and became stronger and stronger. But I just can't seem to say NO! What's the difference between back then and now!? Nothing.

    Tips? Advice? I know I can do it, I've done it before. I'm sick and tired of continuing to fail. I want to be that soldier again that conquered these negative thoughts. All I want is another eight weeks of solid work so I can lose my final 8 kilos, before I'm at my DREAM WEIGHT (omg). I want it to happen :'(

    This is great. I will write my goals down in my iPhone notes. Thank you.
  • kam502
    kam502 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I find myself in a similar pattern frequently. If stress, boredom, socializing or being over committed ( those are my big four) derail me it also takes me a few days to get back into things, Once I get myself going again, I'm going strong until another small derailments will lead to a "stopover." The one thing that is helping me is that with MFP I seem to be getting back on track sooner. People who care here can be great motivators. I tell my self when I have a "stopover" that at least the times in between are getting shorter. I think what I really need are better strategies for the things that get me off track, Keep up the good work. You can add me if you need support.
  • almartini11
    I have this written on a frayed note card, and I read it whenever I catch myself in doubt or feeling discouraged:

    "Breathe in the future, breathe out the past.

    No matter where you are or what you’re going through, always believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Never expect, assume, or demand. Just do your best, control the elements you can control, and then let it be. Because once you have done what you can, if it is meant to be, it will happen, or it will show you the next step that needs to be taken.

    Life CAN be simple again.

    Just choose to focus on one thing at a time. You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it all right now. Breathe, be present, and do your best with what’s in front of you. What you put into life, life will eventually give you back many times over."

    You're stronger than you know <3
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Just make sure what you eat is within your calorie allowance - by denying yourself things you really really want, you are just bound to "fall off the tracks". But by judicious juggling of your intake, and ensuring you get some exercise, you can have some things you really want.

    This is not for the short term, this is for "life" in all that means, so learn to live within your calorie "budget", spend your calories how you want, increase the budget by exercising more. Easy peasy!!

    So true!! Every time I start denying myself my desires (within reason) I start to slide off the tracks, so to speak. Love this advice.

    OP - get back on track RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, or next week. NOW. Do something now to put yourself back on track. Commit to sticking to your calorie goal for the day. Get that workout in, even if it's a walk around the block, or a set of squats or pushups.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member

    I am all for a lifestyle change, this is what I'm doing... but for these next two months, let's just say I am 'speeding up' my lifestyle change just a bit, so that I can enjoy the rewards I have been dreaming for, for so long in Bali (January 9th 2013).

    Just be careful that you don't get upset and beat yourself up if you don't lose 1kg a week that's a really high bar you've set for yourself, half that is what most people lose on a good week unless you have alot more than 8kg to lose overall, take care and remember even if you don't hit that high target you'll still be doing well!!! However hope you do manage it and there's nothing wrong with an uber target!!! Well done for getting back on track!
  • xanem
    xanem Posts: 11
    My final question to all you awesome people is this.

    I'm in front of a packet of high calorie chocolates. They are not within my calorie goal or my health/fitness schedule. Plus, I have already had my 'healthy treat' today. What do I say to myself to persuade myself to walk away and forget about these chocolates. What would you do in this situation?

    This is the one major conflict that always brings me down.
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    get back on track RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, or next week. NOW

    I had terrible issues with "start tomorrow, start Monday" Then I would have a bad day, have a cake/treat, then would think "I'll refocus tomorrow": Then it was a green light to be bad until tomorrow or Monday.

    Ok I have slowly managed to change, now if I drop the ball and give in to tempation, I log it and make sure that I fit the rest of the day to it. I refocus there and then. That was nice, but how can I make it fit.

    So yes I can have a doughnut, more often than not now I will decline, or have half a doughnut. Then I make sure the rest of my day fits it in.

    Don't restart tomorrow, start now. Stand up go for a walk. Nothing is forbidden, except excess.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Throw them to the top of something high/hard to get to. I can't reach the top of my cabinets in the kitchen without getting a chair, then climbing from there to the countertops. Once something hits the back-top of the cabinets, I'm not likely to get it again.