Once a week person to help clean house? -is that too often



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I don't see how anyone can give a definitive "yes" or "no" answer on this one - it totally depends on individual circumstances. It also depends on what you mean by "cleaning". Someone above has already said that includes ironing, for them. My husband works from home, I work full time, we used to have a cleaner who came once a fortnight just to do the floors - hoover top to bottom and wash all the lino floors in the kitchen, hall, bathroom. She left and we haven't found a replacement yet, so we take a couple of hours out of our weekend to do this, but I'd rather it got done during the week.
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I have cleaned other people's houses when I needed extra money. When I do have extra money and not enough time/energy, I will occasionally pay a friend to help me deep-clean my home if needed. If it saves you time and helps someone else earn some extra money, why not? Go for it.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It's your money; spend it as you wish.

    When I had 1-3 kids I had a cleaner 1x/week. After 4 kids, we went to 2x a week. Do you know how much laundry we have?!?!?!

    I've had some people get all in a huff over it. So what? I cook nearly every meal and pack lunches every day for the kids, I'm a soap and water (no fancy skincare) once-a-year haircut kind of gal, don't get nails done, we drive cars til they die, don't watch TV, don't have cable (BTW I can't BELIEVE how much people spend on cable!!), so there you go.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Does nobody clean their own places anymore? How messy can your house be if you can't clean it? I have four kids, a dog, a cat and we both worked at one point. I managed to clean my house, do my shopping, kids to school etc and get to work on time. It's called time management. What kind of message does it send to your children if you can't even clean up after yourselves? Sorry just my opinion.

    I can't believe that people spend money on cable. I haven't watched TV in about 9 years. I spend that money on housekeepers BECAUSE I WANT TO.

    Actually, I think a housekeeper is cheaper than cable.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Does nobody clean their own places anymore? How messy can your house be if you can't clean it? I have four kids, a dog, a cat and we both worked at one point. I managed to clean my house, do my shopping, kids to school etc and get to work on time. It's called time management. What kind of message does it send to your children if you can't even clean up after yourselves? Sorry just my opinion.

    My fiance and I both work 50 hour weeks, if I had kids and the spare cash I'd hire someone to help out once a week, I'd rather spend those few extra hours with my kids if I worked as much as this person does than washing windows and ironing, crikey even if it's to get her a couple of extra hours off to have a cuppa tea. Fair enough you can manage your time but I bet you're always off your feet busy, if it gives you a break what's the harm. And I don't think it gives this person any sort of negative message to her kids at all, my Mum used to hire a man to wash the windows once a month, I don't think I stewed thinking "god I've got such bone idle parents" it was just a thing that happened among other things a fairly neutral memory and message if you will, judgey mcjudge pants.
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    I tried twice to have someone clean the house. Both were a disaster! The first one was a pet sitting/house cleaning service. The second she came into the house, she said cats freak her out. (Strike 1) She cleaned pretty well, got some things that I usually ignore (like cabinets in the pantry), but didn't clean as well as I do (didn't move the couch, or vacuum under the base board heaters, or refrigerator). (Strike 2). When leaving, I was going to give her another chance in 2 weeks, but she didn't have a schedule, and was going to call me to set it up, but never did. Instead she called screaming at me that she scheduled me, and I wasn't there. (Strike 3)
    The next person/people was a friends recommendation. Two ladies cleaned after a kitchen gut & re-sheet rock job. Very messy!!! They did a great job, but broke some collectibles, and just left them on the shelf. Never said anything.
    I've decided, if I want it done right, I'll do it myself. I need to burn the calories anyway.
  • Medwayguy
    Just checked with God, The answer is still yes....
    Left a message for Santa so just waiting on a return call, will keep you posted ok ;)
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Just checked with God, The answer is still yes....
    Left a message for Santa so just waiting on a return call, will keep you posted ok ;)

    Why would God have anything against it? :) I doubt it :)

    What do you personally have against it? If its more convenient for someone, why would you care? If someone prefers to eat at a restaurant instead of cooking at home, would you consider it against your rules? What about dry cleaning? What about hair and nail salons? What about babysitters?
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Weekly is great, we've done that for several years -- but also have a list of deep clean projects for that person to do on a rotating basis. Like wiping down woodwork, deep cleaning of rooms (woodwork, windows, window treatments), etc. We pay someone to do the cleaning so that we have fun time with our kids -- the time is worth more to us than the money is.

    That said, don't let your kids dump on the cleaning person (they shouldn't dump on you either). They have to learn to pick up clothes, put them in the hamper if they're dirty, hang them up if they're not, put clean clothes away, put toys etc away so the cleaning person can do their job, and other chores.

    At 13 and 9, mine do some of the laundry, bus dishes, load/unload the dishwasher, fold the linens, etc. And as the kids get older, they can earn some money (for college, high school activities, whatever) by taking on the cleaning.
  • Medwayguy
    Santa just checked in: as I thought, he said yes also....
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    I used to have merry maids once a week changed sheets and cleaned kids rooms as well as the rest of the house soooo worth it. If I can get out of debt and savings back where it was pre adopting I would for sure have them once a week again :)
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    if u can afford, i don't see why not
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    Since he is the 1 w the issue about it, then he should pull up the slack and throw more of his efforts into the housecleaning.
    He works from home and thinks besids not needing it, it disturbs him.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you can afford it, I don't see the harm.
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Does nobody clean their own places anymore? How messy can your house be if you can't clean it? I have four kids, a dog, a cat and we both worked at one point. I managed to clean my house, do my shopping, kids to school etc and get to work on time. It's called time management. What kind of message does it send to your children if you can't even clean up after yourselves? Sorry just my opinion.

    How dirty does it get that twice a month maid service isn't enough??
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Since he is the 1 w the issue about it, then he should pull up the slack and throw more of his efforts into the housecleaning.

    This was my thought. Do you split the household chores equally? If not, then maybe it's time to suggest that he's going to have to do more. A few weeks of this might persuade him that moving to weekly cleaning is a good idea :smile:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Do you not doing anything in the interim?

    My sister has a husband, no kids, and a big house. She has someone once a month and believe me by then, she really needs it done. In the interim they only run the dishwasher and wash laundry.
  • Sojaided34
    Does nobody clean their own places anymore? How messy can your house be if you can't clean it? I have four kids, a dog, a cat and we both worked at one point. I managed to clean my house, do my shopping, kids to school etc and get to work on time. It's called time management. What kind of message does it send to your children if you can't even clean up after yourselves? Sorry just my opinion.

    I can't believe that people spend money on cable. I haven't watched TV in about 9 years. I spend that money on housekeepers BECAUSE I WANT TO.

    Actually, I think a housekeeper is cheaper than cable.

    I don't have cable either.
  • Sojaided34
    Does nobody clean their own places anymore? How messy can your house be if you can't clean it? I have four kids, a dog, a cat and we both worked at one point. I managed to clean my house, do my shopping, kids to school etc and get to work on time. It's called time management. What kind of message does it send to your children if you can't even clean up after yourselves? Sorry just my opinion.

    My fiance and I both work 50 hour weeks, if I had kids and the spare cash I'd hire someone to help out once a week, I'd rather spend those few extra hours with my kids if I worked as much as this person does than washing windows and ironing, crikey even if it's to get her a couple of extra hours off to have a cuppa tea. Fair enough you can manage your time but I bet you're always off your feet busy, if it gives you a break what's the harm. And I don't think it gives this person any sort of negative message to her kids at all, my Mum used to hire a man to wash the windows once a month, I don't think I stewed thinking "god I've got such bone idle parents" it was just a thing that happened among other things a fairly neutral memory and message if you will, judgey mcjudge pants.

    Sorry I'm not judging anyone. Again my opinion. When someone asks for an opinion I am entitled to give it. If she didn't want it, then don't post it. By the way, I spend time with my kids all the time and I don't clean for hours on end. I do happen to know a woman who happens to have a housekeeper 2x a week. She's got 2 kids and BECAUSE they have a housekeeper, they act like they can make as much mess as they want because they're not the ones that have to clean it. That is what I meant about "what are you teaching your kids". I actually have a few friends who have people come in and clean once a month. And the same with them. They dirty the house as much as possible because they don't clean it. My boyfriends mother had a cleaning lady as well when he was younger. Long term effect: he's a dirty slob who cleans nothing and puts nothing away. But again how dirty are your houses that it takes hours to clean even if you work 50 hours a week? I have a house: basement, main floor and upstairs. Takes me all of 45 min to clean it once a week. Daily chores such as genreal tidying, dishes (don't have a dishwasher) and sweeping takes 20 min tops. Which I do when the kids are having their down time (watching a movie or playing quietly or when they are in bed.
  • Jessamyfrm
    If you can afford it and think you need it, it's not too much, especially if it keeps the stress factor low.
