determined this time...

:wink: I lost weight several times before but always get off track and gain it back. This time I'm not going to set a deadline just a weight loss goal and not worry about how long it takes....just lose at a smooth pace...if I stumble...i will pick myself up and go on. I can do it....Good-bye to 25 lbs.


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats on Deciding and Committing!!!!
  • Yes you can! You can do it! add me if you like :0)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • Yes, you can do it! I'm in the same boat. You can add me if you need support.
  • thanks, one of my main things is that I need support and understanding from non-dieters and dieters alike!
  • septmama10
    septmama10 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat :) Jumping back on the wagon today, and determined to do it for good this time. Stay strong! I remember last time, the first week was the hardest!