How many pounds (if any) did you lose with dieting ONLY?

I'm just curious how many people/pounds have been lost through cutting calories only? I'm doing the 30 day shred right now, but I feel extremely guilty when I don't work out every night. I honestly don't have the energy with all that I have on my plate right now.

I want to know if you Xed the exercise and just cut calories, and how long did that work? Are you still losing weight?


  • toberdawg
    I lost about 25lbs (out of about 55 to lose) cutting calories alone. After the 25lbs I started to notice some sag in areas that were not saggy pre wt. loss. I have lost about 10lbs since starting exercise. The weight is coming off slower now, to be expected with only 20lbs left to lose.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I lost 60lbs with diet alone. I have stopped losing and really not to start exercising. It was so easy to motivate myself to eat better and stick with it than it is with exercise. I just cant get myself to do it. I really need to start
  • texancountess
    Last year, when I decided I hated the number on the scale, I pretty much quit exercising and monitored my calories only. I would walk some, do the elliptical every now and then, but we're talking 2-3 times a week. I went from 172 to 150 between July and October. So, it's doable. I've also kept that weight off for the last year.

    But here's my caveat. I'm back on here. Not because I regained the weight, but because even though I've lost weight (and inches), I'm still flabbier than I would like and not as happy as I could be with how I look. So now I'm focusing on lifting weights to build strength and lean body mass as well as doing cardio to burn away the fat layer over my muscles.

    I'm tired of being the "skinny" fat girl, who still slows everyone down on hikes, etc. I guess maybe I've finally decided that the number on the scale isn't as important as feeling strong and looking good.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    lost my first 25 in first few months before started working out
  • Sweetdistraction
    Sweetdistraction Posts: 12 Member
    Around 50 lbs
  • faireplay
    72 pounds a few years back with a VERY occasional walk. Used Weight Watchers. Got sick and had to take medicine that made me ravenous and have since gained about40 of it back :-(
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I lost all my pounds with diet and exercise and I suggest you do the same! It only takes 20 mins., 3 days a week of strenuous exercise to achieve and maintain fitness. You can fit it in if you want.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    216 to 167 by diet alone.

    167-137 by diet and exercise.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    24lbs then stalled
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    All of it and still counting. Have lost a total of 9kg, just another 5kg to go. No exercise routine whatso ever just occasional walks sometimes. :) That's just the way I roll and thats how I will continue. :drinker:
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Dieting is the biggest factor in weight loss. I heard it's about 85% diet, 15% exercise (for the typical activity level)
    Obviously the information I was given could be wrong (I saw it online) but from what I've noticed from my own body, it's pretty accurate for me.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    Right around 100.
  • svanzile
    svanzile Posts: 34 Member
    I've lost before with diet change only (40-50 pounds TWICE) and it comes off faster that way but I was losing muscle in addition to fat, and as others have sad, there will be a lot more sag when you reach where you want to be! This time around I'm exercising too (c25k and 30ds) and it's coming off much slower BUT I notice other changes. My endurance increases each and every workout, I'm visibly getting smaller, clothes are getting looser and looser, and my energy level is through the roof. It all depends on how you want to feel while you lose!
  • so_losin_it
    so_losin_it Posts: 25 Member
    I've done a lot of yoyo dieting in my day, unfortunately. I've lost as much as 40 lbs at one time without ever exercising. However--I haven't been able to keep it off (obviously) without exercising. Also, my body looks different when I lose weight from just changing my food vs. adding exercise into the mix. However, I don't think you need to feel guilty about missing a workout or two. If it's going to be a lifelong change, there are going to be weeks where you can't exercise every single day; that's life.
  • ravenforest3009
    ravenforest3009 Posts: 50 Member
    If I dont exercise and only cut calories - I stay as I am or only use very little (1/2 pound a week).
    Somehow my body wants only to give up fat, if I exercise (I do 5 times a week - with 2 days off (no exercise at all on these days). During the week 3x for about an hour and on the weekend about 2 hour per session.

    I started in January with my diet - but over time it changed from a diet into a new healthy lifestyle and exercise is now a set part of it (if I feel like it or not). If I can reach my 5x a week, I try to make it up with a bit longer training the next week.
    Sometimes its not possible - but then I know I wont be loosing any or much weight that week.

    So far it worked for me....started with 127.4kg at the beginning of these year and I am hoping I can crash the 40kg loss mark this week (1/2 kilo away).
  • mirandap28
    by changing ONLY the amount and type of food i eat, i lost 40 pounds.. stayed off for just over 2 years! NOW ive gained 10 pounds of it back and just diet is not working so ive added some exercise. 2 times a week not alot but im trying it. if it doesnt work ill add another day or 2 per week
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I was in an air cast for a foot condition for 5 weeks and lost 10lbs with just counting calories. I had my goal set to 1.5lb/week, and I stayed under it by around 100 calories most days. I also drank lots of water.
  • MaudeBeige
    I totally understand that thing of NOOO time or motivation to exercise. I'm going through the same thing. A while ago I wouldn't go to bed without going for a jog 3-4 times a week. It meant that I was out at 1 or 2 am and I was managing. For some reason I just CAN'T do it at the moment. Taking all the energy I've got not to exercise my elbow and jaw for the extra 20 minutes each night!

    Big hugs!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I worked out just as often and as hard when I was heavier. My losses are 100% due to diet, but I was always active.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I lost my first 50 without any exercise at all. I just changed my diet. Then after I lost the first 50 I felt better and started exercising.