committing myself full force.

I figure the only way to hold myself accountable is to put it out there. I joined MFP over a year ago, and I've used it on and off...mostly off. I've watched the scale go down and up and up and back down again. I've struggled in my personal life the last year or so, and well food is comforting! I guess that makes me an emotional eater. The last month I've put the food down and started working out as a way to relieve my stress, sadness, anger etc. I am committing myself to log everything I eat/drink into MFP. So here I am, I'm a 32 year old mother of 2 who has moved across country twice, and most recently lost my little brother to cancer. It's time to take my health into my own hands. I have about 65 lbs to lose so maybe some accountability buddies would help along the way!
