Good-bye Thighs?

I seem to be losing inches everywhere else except my thighs. My younger sister (age 14) told me the other day "You can tell you're losing weight...until you look at your thighs" <--unnecessary statement, but true. It's mostly my inner thigh that i'm having difficulty with.

I've been doing squats, lunges, & a few yoga poses that should help...i do them at least 3 times a week, but i'm not seeing any results!

How many reps and sets should i do? How often? What are other things i can do to get results?
Please help.

Thanks in advance


  • gabana32
    squats and lunges should help i would do about two sets of thirty a night, also going on walks really helps with your legs!! using weights also when you are doing your squats and lunges is a huge help. ive also been told that jumping on a trampoline or doing like in place walking/jogging on a little exercise trampoline really helps!! try wall sits too!! usually i go and google ways to get rid of thighs, but you will see faster results if you do it every night or every morning(: hope this helps(:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Doing leg exercises (or any exercise) is beneficial for many reasons, but will not have any effect on the fat loss in that area. Maintain a deficit and keep losing the fat, it will go eventually.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Just keep losing weight. No specific exercise will help you.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    i love me some thighs!!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Unfortunately, no matter what web ads and sellers of exercise equipment claim, you can not spot reduce fat. You can tone a certain area, but you will have toned muscles under the same layer of fat. I know how you feel, I have the upper arms of a girl 150 pounds heavier than I am. I know many women who are larger than I, who have smaller arms. *sigh*

    Just keep losing, eventually the fat will come off everywhere, but there's nothing you can do until then. I'm guessing that your thighs where one of the first places where you gained the fat also. That's usually how it goes, first on, last off.
  • JaneMills0
    JaneMills0 Posts: 40 Member
    :smile: Oh I do feel for you. My arms are 1.5 sizes large than the rest of me and it just won't go. Fortunately I don't have a friendly little sister to point this out
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I've been doing squats, lunges, & a few yoga poses that should help...i do them at least 3 times a week, but i'm not seeing any results!

    It will help but not in the way you think.

    Working this area if you do it right will build thigh muscles which will help you burn fat everywhere.

    Because of your genetics, it appears that fat tends to store around your thighs; you haven't mentioned whether you're sporting a razor sharp six pack or not but if not, your genetics also determine that you are storing fat around your abdomen. Given the previous statement, the last place fat will come off is your thighs and abdominal area.

    So continue as you are but also make sure you don't muck about with your diet or CV work - if you've been losing fat everywhere, then continue. It will eventually disappear from the places you want.

    The toughest part of losing weight is having the discipline, patience and determination to see it through to the end.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Those exercises you're doing will help to burn fat, but not only in your legs. Your body burns fat where ever it wants to, you can't target it. Me, for example, I had the most fat in my stomach, and that's the last place I'm seeing it leave from. I'm assuming you carried most of your weight in your thighs, that's why they're the last to go. Just be patient, it's a long process. You didn't gain the weight in two months, it's not going to be gone that quick either. Sucks, but it's reality.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Doing leg exercises (or any exercise) is beneficial for many reasons, but will not have any effect on the fat loss in that area. Maintain a deficit and keep losing the fat, it will go eventually.

    This. Thighs are my last place fat leaves and the first place it is stored.
  • LiqueLique89
    LiqueLique89 Posts: 75 Member
    So from what I'm hearing patience is key....& to keep doing what I'm doing since I am losing everywhere else. Thank you all
  • johannajebediah
    johannajebediah Posts: 55 Member
    there's no way to target fat loss to a certain area but there is ways to tone up certain areas while you're waiting for your weight to get lower. this is my problem area too - thighs+hip area. it's annoying because now that i'm losing weight they're disproportionally larger than the rest of my body - my waist especially.
    i've been doing the "brazil butt lift" workout videos sometimes in addition to my normal workouts, and i do notice a difference, not size wize but just in tone.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    So from what I'm hearing patience is key....& to keep doing what I'm doing since I am losing everywhere else. Thank you all

    Absolutely. You've seen it working and if you keep at it, without any deviation, it should continue to work. If you wanted to experiment with something to see if it works, then you could do it but accept that you can't complain to us that you've started gaining weight again and not expect anyone to be a bit rude. ;)

    For instance, I'm experimenting with Intermittent Fasting - whether it works or not or *kitten* up my metabolism or not, I'll find out soon enough but I accept I made that choice and will just have to work out how to reverse whatever I've done! I can see a long queue of people outside my house waiting to tell me, "I told you so!"
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I seem to be losing inches everywhere else except my thighs. My younger sister (age 14) told me the other day "You can tell you're losing weight...until you look at your thighs" <--unnecessary statement, but true. It's mostly my inner thigh that i'm having difficulty with.

    I've been doing squats, lunges, & a few yoga poses that should help...i do them at least 3 times a week, but i'm not seeing any results!

    How many reps and sets should i do? How often? What are other things i can do to get results?
    Please help.

    Thanks in advance

    Don't feel bad, I have lost easily 3-4 inches off each thigh...but my inner thigh is still mushy. Every other part of my thighs is nice and firm--hubby tried to pinch me a few months ago and could not. I walk 1.5-2 miles on the treadmill 3-4x a week ( doing hill intervals). 2x a week I do leg presses ( 200+lbs), hip adduction and abduction machines ( about 140lbs) along with a few other exercises.